Lake Powell!!
Cute Jake, Tyler, and Porter playing games... Me and Jessi going Kyaking! Amy, Bonnie, and Jess! Jessi had just woken up... can you tell? =) Love you Jess! Porter and Erika! So cute! Ty's cute hair... and mine. Gotta love Lake Powell! Playing Baseball... so fun! We're planning on big tournaments next time we go back! The Accolade! The Crosland's houseboat... love it! Cute Amy and Luke! Me and Ty. Don't you love his look? He had that sweatshirt on for four days straight. Chest hair hanging out and all... =) Beautiful Jessi! She got a new wakeboard and all new set-up for her b-day! So jealous! Ty, Jake, and Porter. Jake had this beanie on the wholetime for some reason. Apparantly its cool. haha... Tyler got a pedicure. I LOVE this picture. He gave me one too... just can't see my toes. Our toes. Yes tyler's are cuter than mine.... and hairier thank goodness. The Baseball field!! Lake Powell was so fun!! Jake, Porter and Erika rode down with us. Jake ...