Friday, September 25, 2009

lots of september fun

This is my first sewing experience.. My MIL has helped tremedously, but I did get behind the sewing machine and surger a few times! Mostly I cut, pressed, and pinned.. but that is a good start!
Afton was getting some good air here.. can you imagine getting thrown up that high in the air when you are that little?
cLiMbInG tReEs..
These two conspirators are now trying to plan a treehouse in this tree.. I don't think it's such a great idea. And they haven't even mentioned it to the owners, I probably shouldn't be writing this here hmmm

This was Dan's 27th birthday cake. I guess a 2 and 7 off suit is the worst poker hand he could get.. he says maybe that means it will be a bad poker year so I said he should just take a year off. yeah, right
This is a pretty cool birthday idea that my sister in law, Meg, thought of. We each get a balloon and write one wish about anything. We tie the wish on our balloon, and let them go outside. It was very dark by the time we did this one but it is still awesome.

Afton didn't think it was too awesome ...

Bailee chose a softball for Dan's birthday present. She played catch with him a little bit at a park one day. Apparently she enjoyed it enough to get him his own ball to play with her.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy Birthday to my man

So it's my favorite person's birthday today! I am not creative like a lot of people around me and I am constantly upset about my shortcomings in that area, but I will just copy my cousin's (sort of) idea and write 27 things I love about Dan since he is the big 2-7! And by the way, Jaimee, I would have read the novel about all the things you love about your Daniel! So look at these pictures, and at the end, if you choose you can read the good stuff about Dan.

I LOVE....
1. that he doesn't judge anyone
2. he lets me take a picture of him as soon as he wakes up to put on my blog :)
3. he thinks of fun games to play with the girls
4. he will sit by me and help me freeze off my nasty plantar warts
5. he works sooo hard to try and make us get in a better situation
6. he doesn't make a big deal of things when I do
7. He keeps me warm at night in our freezing cold basement
8. he is very low maintenance
9. he makes me laugh when I am in a good or bad mood
10. he speaks to Bailee in a logic that she understands and can calm her down when I can't
11. he can't stand to see someone sad
12. he loves to give if he thinks it would help someone
13. he understands Afton's language better than me
14. he is a good friend to everyone and makes new friends easily
15. he is very persistent
16. he could eat a hamburger for every meal of every day if he had to.. so he doesn't care if I make dinner or not
17. he doesn't get upset if I slack on the cleaning or housekeeping stuff
18. he shares his cereal with the girls almost every morning
19. he loves to drive long distances, so I never have to drive on a long trip
20. he does not like confrontation, so will do anything at all costs to avoid it
21. He is very forgiving
22. he laughs even when things aren't going so well
23. he has a good relationship with everyone in his family and tries to include everyone
24. Bailee's: "He helps me find things and goes downstairs when I am too afraid"
25. Bailee's: "He works really hard so we can go to Disneyland"
26. Afton's: "I love daddy, he loves her. I love mommy e i o " (that is what she sings all day)
27. the kids LOVE to be wtih their daddy, and that should count for more than just one reason!
There you have it everyone.. My husband, Dan, is an awesome person. I love him and am glad to have him in my life.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

some of my (and my kids) favorite things..

baths with cousins.. Afton looks out the corner of her eyes a lot
lunch with great grandma
first day of preschool for Bailee.. what a weird pose, huh
trying on new school clothes
splash parks
stinky faces.. and funny mommy faces
eating peaches off of the tree (after grandpa peeled and cut it). We also made lots of peach jam and canned peaches, yum!
playing in the water

My pretty little butterfly

My pretty little butterfly
sorry it is not at all centered...

cleaning out the closet

cleaning out the closet
It was so fun for her to find old things in our closet that had been "missing"

You've gotta love her!

You've gotta love her!


  • 12/20/08 We were at the annual Case Christmas party. Grandma Betty and Grandpa Dwayne were nice enough to buy us Sizzler lunch and then had a program at their home. Before I tell the story, I need to clarify that Grandma Betty is from England and still has her accent - which I love! Bailee wanted to ride in Grandma Betty and Grandpa Dwayne's car from Sizzler but we told her no since her car seat was already in ours. Bailee: "I just want to go with them because I love them so much." Grandma Sue : " I know, and they love you, too." Bailee: "But Grandma Betty says it weiood" (wierd without the "r" sound)
  • 11/10/08 We were "puppy sitting" for Dave and Sue overnight so they could spend a night in Midway. Part of Bailee's bedtime routine is that she gets to have "snuggle-wuggles" right before bed every night. Snuggle wuggles started as being a Backyardigans show but has evolved to being a choice between playing make believe with toys, a show, or something else she really wants to do before bed. Well this particular night I gave her the choice between Dragon Tales or going to the store with me and she chose the show. When it was over and I said it was time to brush teeth and go to bed, she started to cry and throw one of her tantrums. She said she wanted to go to the store with me, I then reminded her that she chose the show over going to the store. She replied very seriously that when she chose the show, she was just teasing me. Very smart response.. it didn't fly and she was not a happy girl going to bed that night
  • 11/12/08 We were driving home from Dave and Sue's and Bailee said "What does 'age' mean?" Dan and I weren't quite sure what she said, so we asked her to repeat it and she did. We still weren't sure if she said "H" or "age." Usually she can explain what she is saying by thinking of another word or saying it in a sentence. We asked her to say it in a sentence or tell us when and how she heard it. She stammered a little, then said "You know, like my feet are big." Dan and I tried very hard not to laugh and she finally said "Like I am a big girl." So then I said.. "Okay, you mean 'age'. That is like how old you are, so your age would be 3. When someone asks you what your age is, you would say 3." So Dan said "Yeah. It is like someone asking you how old you are. What are you going to say when someone asks you what your age is?" and Bailee said, "That I am a big girl!" Maybe you had to be there or it was pretty late, but it was very funny.
  • Grandma Sue bought a doctors kit for the grandkids. It came with a couple of cards that showed what to do with the "tools" - kind of like directions. When we were cleaning up all the parts to it, Bai couldn't find the cards and she was saying over and over.. "where are the indirections? " I think she was mixing up the words "instructions" and "directions." It is very cute that her vocabulary is growing so fast that she just has a ton of information to sort through. I am biased, but I definitely think she is a smartie!
  • Bailee was trying to get Dan to fill up her aqua-doodle pen with water so she could color on her mat, but apparently Dan wasn't jumping on the task. He continued to get ready for work and gather his things when Bailee said very demandingly "Dad, when you are all done with this world stuff, will you please fill this up with water?!" It definitely got his attention and he filled it up with water and she went on her way.
  • Bailee was talking with her cousin, Aliyah, and her grandma Packer about places they have been and things they have seen. My mom brought up that Aliyah was in a whale's mouth at Storybook land and Bai was in a shark's mouth in Disneyworld. They were laughing about that and my mom said, "Weren't you scared in the mouth?" and Bailee looked at my mom with her index finger pointed at her and said, " Remember grandma, those things are just PRETEND!" My mom thought it was very cute how Bailee was trying to comfort her on the scary pretend things that are out there.
  • Bailee is pretty much a vegetarian and refuses to eat meat - except for chicken nuggets and taco soup). In colorado, they took out a lunchable jr. and she wouldn't eat the meat. Well, someone told her that the meat would make her jump higher. She had a couple bites of the meat and walked away. Sue asked "Did you like it?" and Bai said "yeah, I am going to see if I can jump higher now, though." She jumped and everyone cheered - Maybe she will continue to eat meat and end up in the olympics!
  • Bailee was riding home from a dinner in the back seat of papa Dave and grandma Sue's car. Her uncle Andy was sitting next to her talking to her when the sun came shining into the car all of a sudden and her grandparents both burst into song "Here Comes the Sun, do do do do.." Uncle Andy then whispered to Bai "Grandma and Grandpa are getting old." and bailee replied, "Grandma's not old, but Papa is."
  • Being the great English buff that he is, Bailee's uncle Jason was trying to enhance Bailee's vocabulary by teaching her some new words. One of the words was "plump." He told her about having a nice, big, juicy, plump apple. Then he went on to explain that it meant "big." Bailee then was able to catch on and said, "Like you, uncle Jason?"
  • When Bailee says prayers, she really lets Heavenly Father into her heart. She has said things like, "please bless that I can watch a movie tomorrow. Please bless that I can get tinkerbell makeup at the store. Please bless I can sleep the whole night in my bed. Please bless we will grow up healthy and go to heaven."
  • Bai was helping grandma Sue wrap some baptism gifts and asked her what they were for. Sue said that they were for her primary kids who were going to be baptized and when Bailee turned 8, she would also be baptized. Bai looked at grandma like she was out in the night and said " Oh, no, grandma, I am going to be a doctor when I grow up!"
  • We were leaving grandma Sue and papa Dave's so Bai went and hugged grandma and said "I love you, grandma." Dan told her to go and tell grandpa the same thing so she went and hugged grandpa and said " Papa, I love grandma."
  • Bailee thought her pee would be pink after she drank her strawberry milk. After I told her it would still be yellow or clear, she still had her hopes up. When we got home, she ran to the bathroom to go potty and we heard her disappointed voice come from the bathroom saying "Yep, it's still yellow."

Sweet Afton

Sweet Afton
She was such a trooper during the trip- she really is such a good baby!

What happens when a 3 year old is holding up a 6 month old for pictures...

She's still doin okay...

wooops !!!

making the cake

making the cake
well I guess she is not quite in the process of making it here - more posing

making/eating the frosting

making/eating the frosting

and eating the cake

and eating the cake
I think they purposely smeared it on their faces - i dont see how else they could have gotten that messy