My friend Katie over at
Everyday Katie really has it going on. Her blog posts are always short and to the point, and I love that. Fast, easy, enjoyable reading. I'm going to be more like her! So here it goes....
My husband is a busy man. As you probably know he is a new business owner... going on 19 months now. His company installs network cabling in schools. That's all the cable for the phones, computers, security cameras, and so on. He has been doing this for about 12 years. He enjoys it. But it's a lot of work. The last few weeks before school starts is crunch time. He and his guys work 7 days a week for about 3 weeks... putting in 12 hour days. I don't think he realizes that I hate it as much as he does. I'm stuck home with the kids for 14+ hours, and I miss him. It
STINKS! I'm tired and so is he.
We went to San Diego for a couple of days with only Derek a few weeks ago. It was really nice. We went to Sea World. I used to love Sea World until it was sold and now the Budweiser Clydesdale's are gone. Derek still had a really good time. We came home on a Sunday morning and Jason had to go right in to work as soon as we got home. Yucky for him and yucky for me.
I've been having dizzy spells off and on the past 5 weeks. But the one I'm having today has lasted more than 24 hours. I'm going to the doctor today.... hopefully.
The twins are now 19 months. James weighs 32 pounds and is 36" tall.. Jillian is 28 pounds and also 36" tall. They have crazy personalities and fight constantly. Jillian continues to go potty in the toilet when she feels like it. I haven't pushed the potty training at all.
It's football season again? Anyone else excited? The 49ers are looking good.
The bad days outweigh the good. No one ever says that, do they? Well, I am. These kids drive me nuts way more often than not. I long for their 3rd or 4th birthday! And that means Derek will be older too. I don't mind at all. And no, I will not miss the baby stages. I never have, never will. I'm not one who really likes babies. I don't see a baby and think, "Aww how cute". I think, "So glad I'm done with the baby stage!"
I'm leaving for Vegas on Friday. My good friend Jennifer is turning 30. We're flying. We never fly to Vegas, so I'm excited. But now I'm left hunting for babysitters because Jason has to work. I've had this trip planned since February. I think Jason should have to find the sitter. But I know he doesn't have time. I have Friday covered, but still need Saturday and half of Sunday. And I have Derek covered. So it's just the twins. Any volunteers??? ...just kidding.
I don't think I really accomplished the short and to the point post, did I?