Saturday, January 31, 2009

Life as I know it has Changed!

So I knew I wouldn't have much time to blog once the twins came along... but I had no idea that I really wouldn't have a chance to do anything! Most days I don't get dressed until 1:00 pm, or even get my teeth brushed until then. I don't get anything to eat until then either. I look forward to Jason coming home from work as we all watch outside the front window for his truck to pull up.

Derek doesn't take naps anymore! The twins pretty much have the same schedule, but it's hard when I'm alone and they both want to eat at the same time.

Jillian had to go to urgent care last night because she is so congested and has been vomiting. The doctor said she has a cold, but since she is still only 5 pounds, we have to keep her away from ALL visitors and monitor her very close. Any cough or vomiting more than 3 times a day, she has to go to the emergency room. She goes back on Monday for another check up.

Then Derek goes on Tuesday to check his breathing. He has to use a breathing machine 3 times a day because he has had a cough for almost 6 weeks. Poor guy. Hopefully the doctor says everything is good now and it's not asthma or anything too serious.

Then we go back to the doctor for the 3rd time next week on Thursday for the twins 2 weeks check-up. I think we are really going to know our pediatrician well. Little Jimmy is the strong one right now. He eats and eats and is really thriving.

I have a ton more pictures, but no time to download them now... sorry! I will try later tonight.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

J&J Update

Here are a few more pictures of little James and Jill. I noticed I forgot to put their weight in my last post. So for those who care, James weighed in at 6 pounds 8 ounces and was 19 1/2 inches long. Jillian was 5 pounds 4 ounces and was 19 inches long. She has such girly features, and James is such a boy already. It's so funny how their personalities are already coming out. James is very impatient and likes to whine whimper, while Jillian is very calm, patient and lady-like. They are still very good babies. Only cry when hungry and we still usually have to wake up Jillian to eat. She's such a sound sleeper. James, on the other hand, will wake up about every 3 hours to eat.

Derek is learning to adjust to the new additions. He always tells them he loves them and kisses their forehead or hand. He still doesn't quite realize how fragile they are, and always wants to play with them and feed them crackers. I still look at them in amazement. I can't believe we have 2 babies to care for. Jason goes back to work on Monday and I'm dreading it. He has been the one watching Derek this week... going to the park and McDonalds, building forts and playing in the mud. I'm a little nervous for him to be gone, but at least I still have my mom here. My mother-in-law is also taking 3 days off work next week to come and help out, so I'm SO thankful for that! So glad we're back in Corona close to all our family and friends again! Makes life so much easier!

Not sure if you can tell in this picture, but Jillian has very blond hair and a little more than James. And James has a wrinkly forehead.

Derek and his cousin Aiden checking out the new attention stealers

The boys just having fun

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Meet James Charles & Jillian Sue

Most of you who follow my blog also follow Gennifer's blog, so you may have seen some pictures of the twins already. They were born on Sunday, January 18th. James came first at 11:39 am and then came Jillian at 11:42 am. They are so perfect!

Jason and I went to the hospital Saturday night, January 17th, about 11:30 pm. I was having contractions about 5 minutes apart for 2 hours. When we got there I was still just dilated to 4 like I was on Thursday at my doctor appointment. I knew I wouldn't go into full on labor on my own. I didn't with Derek and my mom never did with her three kids. So after monitoring me for 2 hours with no changes, but still contracting every 5 minutes, they admitted me. I got my epidural right away (YEAH!) and was able to sleep through the night. The doctor seemed to think I still would dilate more on my own. So around 5:45 am on Sunday morning, they finally gave me pitocin to induce labor. About 5 hours later they wheeled me into the operating room to deliver. Even though I was planning on a vaginal delivery, they have to do it in the OR just a case a C-section is necessary. It's quite uncomfortable delivering babies in a room with 2 OBGYN's, 2 labor & delivery nurses, a scrub nurse, an Anaesthesiologist , 2 NICU doctors and 2 NICU nurses... very crowded too! Anyway, the delivery turned out great, but felt HORRIBLE! With Derek I felt absolutely nothing. I didn't even know he was out. But with James I felt like I didn't even have an epidural. It was the worst pain I've ever experienced! I don't know how women have babies without any meds, because it SUCKED! But since he was bigger than Jillian, she just came on out a few minutes after him, without having push. All of the doctors and nurses were very surprised how easy it was. Apparently they were all set on delivering Jillian by c-section. I didn't realize that about 90% of twin births end up in a c-section. So I do give myself and my babies a pat on the back for doing so well.

So far these babies are a lot easier than Derek was! They sleep and eat pretty much at the same time. After they eat they fall right back to sleep for 2-3 hours. It's easier than I thought. But I also have Jason home this week and lots of helpers too. Our first night home (last night) my mom slept on the couch by the babies in the bassinet and took care of all their feedings and diaper changes so Jason and I could sleep all night. It was great, but I still got up a few times to go check on them.

Derek is really acting out. I know he still doesn't feel too good, but he is craving attention. And it's not cute either! He cries about everything and whines and screams and throws things. I'm so glad I have Jason home to get him out of the house. I hope he gets used to his brother and sister soon. He does seem to love them very much though. He wants to help a lot and give lots of kisses. But he also wants to go in the crib and be swaddled up like them and be held all the time. Poor Derek... his life has turned upside down!

And now for what everyone has been waiting for... some pictures!

Jason and I after I got the epidural

Jilli Bean

Little James saying someone please pick me up!

Derek loving his little sister as soon as he meets her

Proud grandparents & Aunts

Our little hospital helper

We had a great nurse who included Derek in everything!

Coming home

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Almost.. so I thought

I thought we would have a couple of babies to welcome into the world today. We spent about 4 hours at the hospital last night. I was having pretty strong contractions only five minutes apart, but then they just decided to subside. So we came back home about 11:30 pm. I slept great, not too many contractions. Went back to the hospital today for the babies heart beat monitoring and everything looks good. I was (as well as the nurse who has been monitoring the babies) hoping for high blood pressure or something to get me admitted today, but NO. These babies are doing great and still growing. I think it may still be another week or so! I go back to the doctor on Thursday and also have an ultrasound that day as well. We'll see if anything changes by then. I hope so!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Can I get a "WOOO HOOO!"

I went in today for my weekly monitoring of the babies heartbeats. They are strong and looking good. And the best news is that I'm dilated to a 3! So we are anticipating the babies to be here within the next week or so. Yeah!!!

We also decided against the name Cruz for the boy. We need to both love the name, not just like it. And so far that hasn't happened. So we're still thinking what this precious little man should be named....

Monday, January 5, 2009


Is it normal for a dad to still have to cover his nose and mouth after changing diapers for 2 1/2 years now?!

Friday, January 2, 2009

We Have a Boy Name! .... I think

For a few weeks we have known that our little girl is going to be Jillian Sue Castellon. Jason's excited to call her Jilli-bean... LOL. It has sure been a trial trying to come up and agree upon our little boy's name. But I think we have finally made a decision. On New Year's Eve we were at my sister-in-law's house talking about names. Jennifer started reading out names from a magazine and came across Cruz. I loved it and so did Jason. Both our parents aren't too excited about it, but in the end it's up to us, RIGHT?! So most likely the baby boy will be Cruz Charles (after my grandpa) Castellon.

Good Bye.. and Hello!!

We said good bye to my Chevy Trailblazer on Wednesday! I was so happy to get rid of it! It had no leg room and doesn't fit 3 car seats for our growing family.

We said hello to a new Chevy Suburban... I LOVE it! It's so nice to drive and it's roomy; but most important, it fits our soon-to-be family of five! But the best of all is it actually ended up being a tad bit cheaper than the Trailblazer, with cheaper payments... awesome!