Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts

Thursday, July 08, 2021

9th Anniversary

Casual TVB is 9 years old! Can you believe it? I missed the blog’s anniversary last year (because what was time in 2020?), so let’s see what I’ve done over the past two years. 

It’s been years since TVB has given me reason to write posts, but the recent line-up of variety shows seem to be breathing new life into both TVB and this blog. Many fans may have already changed the channel on TVB, but I'm still around and hope TVB will continue to improve.

Monday, July 08, 2019

7th Anniversary

Casual TVB turns

Wow, Casual TVB is 7! Thank you to readers who have stuck around, even though I barely post nowadays - only 44 posts this year. To be fair, TVB is not exactly inspiring a lot ideas for posts either. But as TVB trudges on, I will be here as well.

A little while ago, I tossed around the idea of starting a new blog for non-Chinese historical posts. The idea of running two blogs seems daunting, so I haven't committed to it yet. If you have any thoughts about this, let me know! I do have some ideas for more Historical Context posts, but have never found the time to do them yet.

Tuesday, January 01, 2019

New Banner

New year, new banner! Big thank you to Jacqueline (@jnewin10), a long-time friend of this blog, for designing this banner. It includes pictures from Succession War, Deep in the Realm of Conscience and The Learning Curve of a Warlord.

Sunday, July 08, 2018

6th Anniversary

Causal TVB turns 6! Yay!

When I first started this blog, I never thought about how long I wanted to keep this blog, how often I would post, or what I would really do with it. That is why I came up with the name Casual TVB. I wanted this blog to be a casual hobby. Six years later, I am incredibly proud of this blog. Even though the number of posts continue to drop (63 posts this year), I love how this blog connects me with other TVB fans. One of my favourite things is seeing comments from readers about their thoughts on a series or post. Knowing that there are still people out there that read my blog keeps my going. So keep reading, keep commenting, and I will keep blogging for as long as I can! Thank you again to all my wonderful readers.

P.S. I should have a few historical posts in the next few weeks.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

New Banner

Shout out to Jacqueline (@jnewin10) for designing a new banner for Casual TVB! She even made sure to include all of my favourite historical dramas! Jacqueline has been a big supporter of Casual TVB from the very beginning. Check out her blog at HKoreanDramaIsland

Saturday, July 08, 2017

5th Anniversary

It has been five years since I created Casual TVB to share my passion for TVB. Now, my passion for TVB has faded as the quality of their dramas continuously deteriorates. This year, I only managed to make 78 posts, the vast majority of which were routine drama posts. I thought about quitting on the 5th anniversary of this blog, but I still enjoy the occasional challenge of translating synopsis for upcoming dramas. So I will continue maintaining Casual TVB for now and hope that TVB can reinvigorate my passion as they celebrate their 50th anniversary. Thank you to all the readers that have been with me in this five year journey.

Friday, July 08, 2016

4th Anniversary

Happy 4th Birthday to Casual TVB! 

This past year, I have not been very active, but I am still glad that I have been able to keep this blog running. Casual TVB had exactly 100 posts this year. Most of them were routine posts for series, like overviews and promo clips, but there were still a few fun ones that I enjoyed.

My favourite posts from this year:
1. Where in the World is Tony Hung?
2. Theme Songs Analysis
3. Every Man's Heart Has a Priscilla Wong
4. Dr. Marcus Kwok

Thank you again for continuing to support Casual TVB!

Wednesday, July 08, 2015

3rd Anniversary

Casual TVB turns  

In our third year, we published 133 posts and amassed over five million pageviews.

Some of my favourite posts from this year:
3. Awards Analysis: By Producer, By Broadcast Date, By Age, Bonus

I do anticipate that things will slow down when I start law school in September, but I will try to keep this blog updated.

Thank you for supporting Casual TVB for three years!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

New Blog!

Hi everyone!

I have decided to create a new blog exclusively for HKTV dramas. It is called Casual HKTV (so creative, I know).

Hopefully it can become a place for fans to get information and discuss about HKTV dramas.

Please continue to support both my blogs! :)

P.S. If someone with more artistic talent than me (in other words, anyone) would like to create a banner for my new site, I would appreciate it very much.

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

2nd Anniversary

Happy 2nd Anniversary to Casual TVB!

A double milestone, as this is also Casual TVB's 300th post!

Thank you for supporting Casual TVB for another year!

In our second year, we published 153 posts. Our readership has reached new highs and we are closing in on two million all-time pageviews.

Some of my favourite posts from this year:
1. Triumph in the Skies II Review
2. Kate Tsui Stamp Collection
3. Police Careers: Kate Tsui, Ron Ng, Ben Wong
4. Lucky Charm Jessica Hsuan

In celebration of our second anniversary, Casual TVB has given away Johnson Lee autographs to two lucky winners: Anthony and Chris! I will be in contact with you shortly.

Let's look forward to another good year!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

New Banner

This wonderful banner was created by Lynne from TVB Horizon and Linda Chung Thoughts, who very kindly volunteered to design a new banner in celebration of Casual TVB's first anniversary. The historical theme goes well with the blog's Historical Context feature.

Monday, July 08, 2013

1st Anniversary

Today is Casual TVB's 1st Anniversary!!

Here's a little clip that is befitting of this special occasion:

Video credit to mwfloor

In our first year, we have published 146 posts that got 237,000+ pageviews.

We went from a measly 919 views in our first month to averaging 37,000 views in the last two months.

The most popular post was "Silver Spoon Sterling Shackles" Theme Song, which contributed 11,000 views to the total.

Some of my favourite posts from this year:

1. Star Sightings: Reality Check Filming, HK Adventures, TVB Stars @ Toronto, Him Law
2. Wayne Lai and Pierre Ngo - A Love Story
3. Is Raymond Lam Ironman?, Ironman Raymond Lam Returns
4. Screen Time Hoggers
5. Casual TVB Awards

A heartfelt thank you to every single reader out there. It is with your support that keeps me going.

Plans for the next year I want to start a Historical Context Feature, where I write profiles of random historical figures portrayed in past TVB dramas. But it is all dependant on how much time I can find.

Anyhow, I look forward to another good year!

Thursday, September 13, 2012


I'm back! Had a great time in Hong Kong. I'll update in the next few days of all the TVB stars I saw.

But first, BIG thanks to lynne for creating a banner for Casual TVB! Very impressive stuff.

Please visit her blogs at TVB Horizon and Linda Chung Thoughts.

Sunday, July 08, 2012


This is my first attempt at starting a blog. Here I am going to post any random and interesting things that I find about TVB!

To start off, I'd like to share some amazing sites that are dedicated to TVB and HK Entertainment: