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I believe one of our biggest problems in the development of computer programs is the lack of adequate abstractions to be able to describe software in such a way as to reduce the amount of grunt work needed in the development of applications. We have not-very good tools and poor languages to describe what we want to accomplish. Plus, the people developing software are often not well trained, and the concepts are difficult, and often the customer doesn't even know what he wants, and may not even know how to articulate what he wants. And even if he knows, and knows how to tell what he wants, he may not know how to get the developers on-line to understand his vision. (Every writer who has ever sold a book to Hollywood and saw the resulting movie, complains about how the screenwriter and director "botched" the translation and "bastardized" his or her story, so the idea of "concept" not equaling "implementation" isn't new.) The point which can be made as far as software is concerned is that the higher the level of abstraction the greater the productivity the person is capable of producing. A programmer in a language like Cobol is going to be two to three times as productive as one in assembly language. A software designer using a system like, say, Ruby on Rails might be able to do ten times as much work as someone writing an application using, say, C or C++, presuming the target task is the same. I am using this as an example, I do not know if something like Ruby on Rails actually can give a full order of magnitude increase in productivity. But I wouldn't be surprised. The only problem is that if you take abstraction to its ultimate conclusion, you get a language like APL which, except for some niche applications, failed dismally because it became too difficult to work with. But you could do some amazing things with it. The "big thing" in APL was to write a "one liner," an attempt to write a complete working application in one line of code. And I have seen some unbelievable stuff done with it. Things that conceivably might take dozens or hundreds of lines of code in a lesser programming language really could be done in *one line* of APL. I've seen it done. It kind of convinced me I'd never be able to do that kind of work, I don't have the background. But to have that kind of capability requires a really powerful programming language, and/or excellent subroutine libraries to support it. As well as good people to write code using that language. It is often said of APL that it is a "write only" language in that some people would develop cute tricks but if you ever had to do maintenance it would be simpler and easier to start over. But if you are even just competent in APL, the level of abstraction of the language is so high that your productivity will easily be at least an order of magnitude - maybe even two orders - higher than someone of the same capability working in any other programming language. And a real "superstar" could do things that might not even be possible even in a considerably longer period of time in anything else. Some people have said similar things about Lisp and the increase in productivity they have seen from that as well. And I think the point is well taken: better tools to increase abstraction increase the productivity of programmers the same way - and for the same reason - power tools increase the productivity of carpenters. They allow them to do more in the same amount of time. Our minds determine the tools we have. And the tools we have, which basically consist, as I have stated, of not-very-good code editors, poor programming languages, and inadequate run-time support, don't make it surprising that we have such problems in the development of software. But people are thinking about ways of improving it. There is a guy named Louis Savain who has been doing some work from time-to-time on his idea: the creation of software modules using the concept of a hardware abstraction, limiting the number of interactions and cross-actions by limiting how side effects can occur. He was of the opinion that he had a great system for reducing error, increasing productivity and reliability of software. I pointed out to him that what he has is an *idea*. Unless and until he actually has something implemented all he has is a promise which may be useful but is at this time unproven. Basically he wants to create for software what the transistor and the printed circuit did for electronics; to allow the fabrication of complicated components of extremely high reliability by limiting how one software module can communicate with another to rigidly defined interfaces. If I understand his proposals, what he wants to do is develop software visually in terms of components, and "wire" the components together. Hardware has rigidly defined interactions and race conditions can't occur because asynchronous operations are not possible. Except for the bootstrap of the machine, he would eliminate all software as we know it, even the operating system would work the same way, as modules with defined inputs and defined outputs and explicit interconnections between them. He may well be right in this point. Personally I believe he has some wonderful ideas and if he isn't right he's very close. But right now, that's all he has, ideas. Almost two years ago I wrote an article for comp.risks (Vol. 23 No. 73, Item 5, 20 February 2005, "In the Matter of Component Architecture"), in which I stated that I felt one of the things we need is more work on making software packages to be more component based as opposed to mostly custom development from scratch almost every time. An example I gave was on the comparison between buying a kitchen makeover and a maintenance change to a software package. With a kitchen, you can generally buy off-the-shelf components and have an almost exact estimate of the complexity, the time to finish and the cost. And everything will fit together and work right the first time. What we generally have in the software industry is a situation where the contractor will mill the trees, plane the lumber, forge the fasteners from the ore he will dig up and smelt, and build everything from scratch. Which is why they can't give you a firm estimate on delivery, or cost, or even guarantee that it will work right once it is constructed. In short, we get away with the great kind of racket in our business that no one would tolerate from a Taiwanese manufacturer of toasters! I got a number of comments explaining in their opinion why I was wrong. Most of them not only didn't get the analogy, they didn't realize that most of their comments reinforced my points. One said the costs were different. Well, let's see, if you have a "bet the company" software package - let's say the checking account program for reconciling accounts run by a bank - which, with the original purchase price or with the original development, and all the subsequent modifications, has cost the bank upwards of five million dollars over the last twenty years, spending, say, US$100,000 to do some upgrades to the system is the equivalent of spending $10,000 on a $500,000 house. It's in line with other real world examples. Or perhaps it points out we're spending a lot less money for what we are able to accomplish; while you can certainly get a fairly good selection of cabinets in Home Depot or Lowes for $10,000, it's not a lot of money relative to the capital costs previously expended. And that's what it comes down to is money. Software can do, for relatively low amounts of money relative to other costs, some really valuable things for a lot less money. Automation enables one to drastically scale up operations in capacity by a huge factor. Put up a bank building and have savings accounts and you can handle a few dozen customers per day. Which is what they did perhaps 150 years ago. Offer checking accounts and your customers can handle dozens of transactions a month with maybe one person to do the bookkeeping. And that's about as far as you can go without technology. So once the telephone comes around you can do a little more. Even if you offer multiple branches it's still limited to office hours. So as technology improves it's possible to do more things, like handle checks automatically so you don't have to keep hiring more people to do bookkeeping, as well as it being more accurate. Offer ATM access and customers can get to their money 24 hours a day. Network ATMs and now your customers can get to their money from a million locations. Offer Touch-Tone access and they can check their balance and do account transfers "from over 650,000,000 convenient locations." But unless you want to hire thousands of people to handle around the clock to handle the transactions, you need computer software to do it. Now, that $5,000,000 software program your bank which it started to run its checking account now functions to handle inquiries by telephone, and Internet, and withdrawals by local ATM and network ATM and transactions using a check card over a credit network, and automated deposits from the customer's employer. Think that it's possible to do all that, in reasonable amounts of time, with human beings in the loop? And not only that, they can do all these things for less money than it costs for the people involved. So software provides tremendous benefits relative to the cost of its production. And if it can be mass marketed it can be extremely lucrative. As it stands now, things are "good enough" to get by and even with all the failures we have, there is so much value for such little costs that we keep stumbling along. Improvements can radically increase that value we can squeeze out of software which is why there is so much interest, but there is so much value now that even with the primitive tools and capabilities we have now, we can do some spectacular things. The lessons of history teach us - if they teach us anything - that nobody learns the lessons that history teaches us
Some people here have posted articles regarding errors in the math libraries of some systems. But there is another problem; in some cases, there *are* no math libraries, so you might not even know if there is wrong and even if you did notice it was wrong, you might not even know how to correct it. Now, the following comments on the content of compilers currently all apply only to open-source compilers since closed-source ones generally don't even let you see what's going on in the run-time code modules. I read sources of program compilers both as a learning exercise and to understand how compilers work. (I've written about 4 (small) compilers and one (tiny) operating system, and I'm currently working on a translator adequate to translate Cobol so that I can implement something which I think has not been done before, a self-hosting Cobol compiler (a compiler which is self-hosting means the compiler and the source language of the compiler are the same.)) One of the things that has bothered me in all of the compilers I've seen, even the ones that are designed to support multiple targets, is their use of the built in mathematical functions of the current 586 class microprocessor. This means that, when one wants, say, a square root, instead of the run-time library doing a calculation for square root approximation loop, the compiler generates instructions inline to put a value into a floating point register and issues the square root machine instruction, and retrieves the result from a register, and returns the result for processing. (Or, in some cases this is the entire square root subroutine; get the value, pass it to the square root machine instruction, and return the value.) I'm not picking on square root specifically, I can include some of the other transcendentals such as sine, cosine, tan etc. Okay, I do understand that it is done to provide a speed advantage, because, obviously, a hardware-performed operation is going to be considerably faster than any software implementation. But it does cause two problems: first, it doesn't provide a reference implementation for the particular mathematical function other than use of the hardware. Second, the implementation is non-portable. Even though the compiler is often written for multiple machines or should be easy to port, there is nothing available to use for that mathematical function if the compiler is to be implemented on another machine. It also means if someone develops a better algorithm for that function, if that function is done inline, instead of being able to substitute a new routine one has to find where the inlining of square root is done and change it back to what it should have been in the first place: a procedure call, This also, to some degree, causes a "loss of institutional memory" for lack of a better term; since nobody has seen code on how to perform the mathematical function, nobody knows how it works, nor is there much information on how the function is performed, thus there isn't much there for someone to look at how it is done and develop improvements. What I would really like to see - and have seen in some better compiler applications - is where the function has been implemented, even if crudely, and the implementation is still present but has been disabled in favor of the equivalent but faster machine function. Thus, especially where the function is implemented in the high-level language, it is possible to provide functionality when re-implementing a language compiler on another system.
NASA is investigating whether incorrect software commands may have doomed the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, which abruptly fell silent in June 2006 after a decade of meticulously mapping the Red Planet. This is is just one of several theories that may explain the probe's failure. NASA announced the formation of an internal review board to investigate why the Global Surveyor lost contact with controllers during a routine adjustment of its solar array. [Source: *San Francisco Examiner*, PGN-ed] [Also noted by Walter Schilling:]
Today I logged into my Vanguard account (In case you're unfamiliar with it, Vanguard is one of the larger financial companies in the USA, and offers mutual funds, brokerage, and cash-management services). I was greeted by the following message: The Accounts & Activity area of our site is currently reflecting brokerage account holding information from Tuesday, January 2, 2007, instead of Wednesday, January 3, 2007. We apologize for any inconvenience and are working to correct this situation as soon as possible. I am guessing that their software was unable to cope with the markets being closed on January 2 for President Ford's funeral. Indeed, last night they displayed the balance of one of my mutual funds, held through their brokerage service, as zero dollars. They had the right number of shares, but the price was $0.00 per share. I am guessing that their software expected to see a price quote because it thought the markets were open, but didn't get one; so it substituted zero. Usually Vanguard is pretty good about systems stuff, but no one's perfect. I imagine that their programmers are pretty busy right now...
(Search Google News for "luis picaso".)
Here is link to article explaining what they label as a well known bug in Excel: It does not do leap year math correctly.
This was reported today in the UK Sunday newspaper The Observer and in AOL News (and probably in lots of other places). See:,,1984496,00.html The headlines mention "Britons", but the measures apply to all EU countries, Japan, Australia and New Zealand. The scheme will be tried out in 10 major airports from this summer and is planned to be in use in all airports and seaports by the end of 2008. The main points are that, for travelers entering the US: - all 10 fingerprints will be taken, which is compatible with the FBI database (only two prints are currently taken); - the prints will be retained indefinitely and with no restriction on their international use or sharing with other agencies; - inspection of credit card and email accounts (already practised) will be strengthened. With regard to the last point, the Observer article states: "Britons already have their credit card details and email accounts inspected by the American authorities following a deal between the EU and the Department of Homeland Security. Now passengers face having all their credit card transactions traced when using one to book a flight. And travelers giving an email address to an airline will be open to having all messages they send and receive from that address scrutinised. The demands were disclosed in 'undertakings' given by the Department of Homeland Security to the EU and published by the Department for Transport after a request under the freedom of information legislation." It is not made clear exactly what will be inspected: all transactions or messages after the date of booking, any previous transactions or messages? Will the DHS be concerned about my credit card or e-mail account if I buy a ticket from a travel agent for cash? This could be the end of on-line booking of flights to the US. (Of course, no international terrorist would dream of using a forged card or setting up an e-mail account under a pseudonym.) The 'invasion of privacy' issues are pretty obvious and civil liberties groups are predictably jumping up and down. Peter Mellor; Mobile: 07914 045072; email: Telephone and Fax: +44 (0)20 8459 7669
Readers might like to beware of This is a legitimate, and very useful, genealogy website that is sadly let down by its login, which uses an insecure HTTP page to transmit user account name and password in the clear. I have contacted the support contacts pointing out the security implications but, surprise, their support team don't seem to understand the problem and I've failed to get through to anyone who will acknowledge that a problem exists. Since this site requires a small payment before all services are available, I do wonder what comeback I have should someone sniff my account details and then trash my family tree information carefully stored there - or worse start doing something that attracts the attentions of "those who watch the web" (OK, so I'm being a little paranoid but I program computers so it's in my nature!). FOLLOW-UP Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 17:21:21 -0000 I just noticed the following message on the "My Details" page - the one where the name and password may be altered... "From this page you can manage your details on Genes Reunited. This page is password protected - your login and contact details cannot be seen by anyone else." Using Wireshark I quickly confirmed that this is nonsense and all passwords are sent in the clear. Naughtily, the page also has a padlock next to "This page is password protected" to confuse the unwary.
My reaction to Mark Brader's story, about teenagers making electric shock weapons from disposable digital cameras, was "I'm surprised that it took so long." By the late 1950s, electronic flash units were popular among not-even- very-serious amateur photographers. The little camera shop in my town sold many models. By the 1960s relatively compact units that snapped into the flash shoe on atop most cameras were common. And, yes, consumer photo magazines like Popular Photography warned of the dangers of the capacitors inside. The size and power of these flash units was much larger than those of the tiny ones built into cameras today, and I suspect that under some conditions they could well have been lethal. And the long-drawn-out suspense as the squeal of the transformer rose and pitch, and ready light began to flash faster and faster certainly gave an idea of immense power being concentrated. Like the slow climb at the start of a rollercoaster ride. In those days a friend of mine and I were doing a lot of the sorts of things _nerdy_ adolescent males do--breaking open radios and transistors and radio _tubes_ and almost anything we could break open. To see what was inside. And repurpose and play with the parts. We also liked to toss charged capacitors at each other, hoping the victim would try to catch them. And we liked to shock each other with the hand-crank generators you could at the time get from surplus electronics houses. Either, (a) I had enough sense of self-preservation not to try anything funny with my electronic flash unit, or (b) I wasn't sure how I was going to explain to my parents why I had switched back to using flashbulbs, so I never actually made anything weapon-like out of my electronic flash. But with regard to the possibility, teenagers have had the means, motive, and opportunity for half a century. (_Hypothetically,_ there might have been the _potential_ to do creative things with flashBULBS, too. Cheap little packages of pyrotechnic materials, designed to ignite reliably and instantaneously from a small amount of electricity...)
The article on converting a camera to a "taser" incorrectly talked about disposable digital cameras, which do not currently exist. In fact, the conversion is done using any inexpensive disposable camera with a flash unit. The xenon flash bulb requires a 1000 to 10000 volt trigger pulse to fire, supplied at low current from a typically 300 volt capacitor discharged through a trigger coil. Replace the bulb with a couple of wires and you can use it to give someone a painful shock just by taking a picture while touching them with the wires. It is not nearly as powerful as one from a real stun gun such as a taser, which delivers on the order of 100,000 volts or more. The news that you can make a painful device from a cheap camera may be shocking to some, but it is not much different and less dangerous than many homemade weapons that teens have been known to make from common materials such bicycle inner tubes or car radio aerials. A real risk may be that someone may not take seriously the potential dangers of the shock. It may usually be a painful but harmless prank, but with the wrong victim or the wrong circumstances could cause death.
I wrote: > weapons ... produced by teenagers from disposable digital cameras! However, I should not have said "digital" there (nor in the subject line). Nor should I have confused Brentwood with Brentford a couple of issues back. Sorry about that (slaps self!), and thanks to Chris Drewe and Ed Davies for catching my slips. [This is what I get for trying to be helpful instead of just sending the URLs and letting PGN do the PGNing! Sigh.] [Nevertheless, it should be obvious that PGN appreciates people who take the effort to abstract/summarize and comment rather than just sending the bare URL or the entire copyrighted text. PGN]
The 2007 USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology workshop (EVT 2007) will be on 6 Aug 2007. The call for papers is available here: Paper submissions are due 22 Apr 2007. Please encourage your colleagues, students, etc. to send us their best papers. [The papers from the first workshop, EVT 2006, in Vancouver, are online: It was an outstanding workshop. The community of awareness on the risks of electronic voting systems has grown enormously, since then. I hope that some of you will be able to submit papers to EVT 2007. PGN]
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