Please try the URL privacy information feature enabled by clicking the flashlight icon above. This will reveal two icons after each link the body of the digest. The shield takes you to a breakdown of Terms of Service for the site - however only a small number of sites are covered at the moment. The flashlight take you to an analysis of the various trackers etc. that the linked site delivers. Please let the website maintainer know if you find this useful or not. As a RISKS reader, you will probably not be surprised by what is revealed…
Promises from your personel department are almost certainly not sufficient to protect your Social Security number. Such a promise presumes that the department will have good control over its own records and, at least here at CMU, this is not true. This morning on my way into the office a box of trash outside the machine room caught my eye. The box was full of course schedules listing each course, its classroom, its instructor, and the instructor's SSN. My guess is that something went wrong with the printer as the job was printing, and that the operators tossed the partial output and started over. -Tom
I belong to a credit union (which will remain unnamed for obvious reasons below) and got the following notice in my end of month statement. I'll refer to the credit union as <CU> when ever their name appears in the flier... I am typing it in verbatim because of the numerous RISKS issues bundled in this little flier, including: SSN's, manuals and instructions, misinformation, etc. The CAPS are to represent either bold or caps in the original. The format is as close as I could come to exactly the flier, and many of the typos are really in the flier (I proof read it 3 times to try to remove all MY typo's ;-). This should get some RISK dander up!!! ILLY <CU>'s Audio Teller * ILLY - Audio Teller "Illy" is <CU>'s AUDIO TELLER. You are "talking" directly to our computer system by simply pushing buttons on the keyboard of your Touch Tone phone! Every member has a personal security code. Your security code is the last four digits of your social security number. Only you and the computer know this number. If you need to change your number, you must request this in writing. No numbers will be changed by phone. * Available hours Financial transactions: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. During this time you are able to perform your own FINANCIAL transactions. You can transfer funds, request a withdrawal check be mailed, or transfer a loan payment from your share account. Inquiry Transactions: 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. During this time you can check your share balance, inquire if a certain share draft-check has been paid, or inquire on your loan balance. * How to use ILLY 1) <state> residence dial: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Gary Chapman <> Fri, 6 May 88 10:10:00 PDTThis is a follow-up to one of Henry Spencer's messages, the one about the German Army's emphasis on personal initiative among its military officers. However, this is on a different tack than Henry's message about "whistleblowing." There was a German term for giving a lot of personal initiative, responsibility, and autonomy to front-line commanders: the word is "Auftragstaktik." This was actually a product of the closing days of World War I, and then found its way into training of the German officers in the inter-war years. The two most outstanding practitioners and advocates of "Auftragstaktik" were Generals Guderian and Rommell, two of the more successful Wehrmacht commanders. What makes this term relevant and interesting today is that its precepts have been rediscovered by the American Army in the 1980's. The (relatively) new U.S. Army doctrine known as AirLand Battle doctrine is explicitly derived from the German blitzkrieg, and the authors of the new doctrine recognized how critical "Auftragstaktik" is to the success of the blitzkrieg. Consider the following statement from Colonel Huba Wass de Czege, one of the authors of the 1982 Field Manual 100-5 which instituted AirLand Battle doctrine: The second important realization was that the chaos of the next battlefield will make centralized control of subordinates always difficult, sometimes impossible. This led to the incorporation of a doctrine of command and control which features decentralization of decisions by the use of mission orders similar to that used by the Wehrmacht early in World War II. This style of leadership is called Auftragstaktik by the Germans. ("Army Doctrinal Reform," in Clark, Chiarelli, et al., eds., *The Defense Reform Debate: Issues and Analysis*, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1984, p. 107.) "Auftragstaktik" has been the subject of numerous articles in various military journals, most often in *Military Review*, the military's chief publication of scholarly writing, where it has been celebrated as a long overdue reform from the Army's traditional, set-piece, "engineer" model of the line combat officer. What makes this interesting in terms of computer technology is that so much of the computer development that has been undertaken in programs like DARPA's AirLand Battle Management System seems to run completely counter to this trend in the Army. The AirLand Battle Management System is meant to provide centralized control of combat operations at the corps level--a corps is the next larger unit above a division--and the original DARPA plans wanted electronic accountability down to the individual soldier and vehicle. The AirLand Battle Management System is supposed to be a huge expert system that analyzes a battle in progress, makes recommendations of tactics, issues orders to subunits, watches the battle in real time through vast sensor and satellite networks, and continues to update the corps commander with new information, recommendations, and so on. This is exactly the opposite of what "Auftragstaktik" entails. The other worrisome aspect of "Auftragstaktik" in American doctrine is the wide dispersion of nuclear devices in the U.S. Army in Europe. Once the INF Treaty pulls out Pershing 2s and GLCMs, the nuclear devices that will be left in the U.S. Army arsenal in Europe will all be short-range weapons like nuclear artillery shells and mines. A doctrine which gives the "commander on the spot" maximum authority for initiative and autonomy, combined with the availability of short-range nuclear weapons, is something that worries a lot of people, particularly the West Germans. Finally, one of the most interesting things to watch in the military establishment is the really severe conflict of interests between technophile civilian managers and planners (usually people from the defense industry or academic backgrounds) versus the traditional line military officers. When I give talks about autonomous weapons, automated command and control systems, AirLand Battle Management, etc., and there are line officers in the audience, their reaction is almost as viscerally angry as that of peace activists. On the other hand, my arguments against these systems (which are generally focused on their risk) are characteristically dismissed by civilian planners and managers as a smokescreen attempting to hide an agenda of "unilateral disarmament," with everything that allegedly entails. There is a lot of self-aware and well-developed antipathy to technical solutions on the part of the line officers, but not very much awareness of (or apparently even interest in) this antipathy on the part of civilian managers and planners. This gulf of communication and the disparity in interests are likely sources of a lot of confused policies in our military, and confused military policies bear a significant degree of risk all by themselves. As an aside, the material I have on the contradictions between AirLand Battle doctrine's "Auftragstaktik" and the trends in computer systems meant to support new military doctrine got cut out of *Computers in Battle* because it made my chapter too long. Most of the material can be found in my two-part article in the Fall 1985 and Winter 1986 issues of *The CPSR Newsletter*, "AirLand Battle Doctrine and the Strategic Computing Initiative." Gary Chapman, Executive Director, CPSR chapman@csli.stanford.eduPlease report problems with the web pages to the maintainer