Welcome to Kamp
my life & times in Neu Yawk
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
And I've seen quite a bit of iPod accessories. I am a gadget geek, but I'm not as much as when I was in my mid-20's. But I've been seeing a lot of products when I travel--they have tons of iPod stuff in airline magazines and airports.
But all of this specialized iPod accessories are starting to get to me. Some are cool and make sense. For example, the Nike iPod Sport Kit, I can see being valuable if you're a serious runner. Jackets by Burton and Koyono with the iPod's controls embedded in the fabric. Docks to make your alarm clock really wake you up. Nooses that help out when walking or commuting.
Some are "cute." Did I just say that? Those socks are interesting--and I'm saying this from a business-person's perspective--I wished I thought of it because I could have made a lot of money--not because I'd actually buy it for myself. Other cases are quite cute and clever--and there are too many to list here.
But some are questionable--very questionable. ScotteVest's TEC hat? OK it's not a real iPod accessory, but do you really need a special hat with zippered pockets and loop to hang the extra headphone wire? The same company also makes "special" cargo pants that will hide your iPod/MP3 player. Err...is that an iPod in your pocket or are you happy to see me?
Someone actually made a Hello Kitty ipod dock! Is your daughter that into Hello Kitty? (Err...apologies to you female Japanese readers out there.) Tactical's 4.0 Jacket has 40 pockets! Who needs 40 pockets in your jacket? And why did they call it the four-point-oh jacket--it's off by 36 pockets (Maybe my favorite person from Columbia & BU Law added incorrectly! haha!)
But by far, this is my favorite (http://www.gizmag.com/go/4051/). Do you really need to listen to your ipod while swimming? But if you do, don't forget to bring along your solar powered iPod charger.
iProdlems and iDorks
Sigh...my new iPod is great but all of a sudden it doesn't sync with my computer. And I've tried all the things Apple recommended. I actually don't care about updating my music--it has my 80's stuff and praise songs on it already--but I can't get any pix or video on it! That's a huge iproblem!!! Good thing I am still grounded--my passport is expired but I am now trying to go to the Philippines (not work related).
I am a dork (contraction is iDork). After saying I wouldn't buy $99 shirts (actually less as you buy 2 and get 1 free) from Charles Trywhitt, I did. But since these are all French cuff shirts, I also "had" to get new cufflinks--whimsical ones that reflect me (or so I'd like to think). I can't too embarassed to say how much all 6 pairs cost .
M and I were reflecting on last weekend's service and how people are moving away or want to come back to NY. We agree (for once--hehe) that while our church is great and we'd not want leave it, there are other great churches and pastors out there. I for example LOVE the Trinity in Greenwich, CT and I enjoyed St Augustine's Catholic chuch in Ossining. Let's not be naive--we don't have a monopoly on great churches.
Plus, the Man upstairs has a plan for all of us, and I am 100% sure that those that have left us have been/ will be great Christian examples to others they meet in their post-NHF.
I am craving miso salmon from Nobu.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Working 9 to 5?
Do you think that "office spouses" is a pretty interesting phenomena happening in the workplace? I do.
Do you think it's kind of 3rd gradish? I kinda do.
Do your co-workers think you have an OS? They do.
Do your colleagues think you have more than one OS? They probably do.
Do you find it helpful to vent to your OS about dorky bosses and colleages, and mindless tasks? I absolutely do.
Do you talk to your OS all the time? I have to--we work togheter.
Do you bb your OS all the time? I do. I'm a crackberry!
Do you IM with your OS all the time? I do but it's my Company's fault--they installed IM on our computers.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Coming home early to watch the twins frolic around in our yard was exactly as I dreamt it when I first stepped upon the grounds of Camp Capio in 1997. This was when our real estate agent said he knew of something that I would like, after seeing a house in a quaint little enclave that unfortunately had no land around it. That day was similar to today.
I sat down on the jungle gym slide watching them run around the yard to pick "flowers." That's the one redeeming value of all of our dandelions. They command each other to follow, “Come here, there’s one!” “Let’s get that one.” It's dandy.
You can tell the difference between the young sexes. CA picks each “flower,” collects them along the way to make a bouquet. In contrast, MJ picks one, looks at it for a second or two and shakes the white globular dandelions releasing the spores all over the yard. He does this despite CA’s request to give it to her and then tosses the stem aside, while starting his trot to the next one. Only one way to describe it--dandy.
As CA clutched the bouquet, I realized that we’ve lived at Camp Capio nine years, and while it’s so cliché to say—time flies. The twins are almost three now, and in no time NC will be one year old. I will remember CA clutching that little bouquet when she gets married. That will be dandy.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
My passport expires on June 3, and I just renewed it yesterday. So I'm grounded in the US until I get my new one. It's amazing that I went to Cambridge and SIngapore--you're supposed to renew 6 months beforehand--though that makes me ask "what's the purpose of having a June 3 expiration date? Just make the expiration date Dec 3, 2005!
So, no trip next week to South America for me. As such, you'll be seeing me around the next few weeks--maybe months. I know some of you will be sick of me in no time! My advice--go and a trip aboard, even if your passport really expired last November 25th.
LA Un-Confidential
I've been meaning to write about my trip to LA but I've been getting pulled in 1000 different directions at work. But that serves me right--soon after I land from Singapore, I'm off to LA for a cruise ship christening, Norwegian Cruise Line's "Pride of Hawaii."
But the Pride of Hawaii is a significant event. The vessel is the largest and most expensive ship that the US has produced in the last 70 years. The US' presence in shipping has waned because of crewing costs. US crews, which are required to operate in US waters, are the most expensive in the world--sometimes 5x more than crews from other countries.
A lot of people said NCL was crazy. They said it won't get done. It will be too expensive. Yes, it is a cruise ship made for vacations, but appoximately 20,000 jobs will be created out of this vessel and the other two US vessels that NCL will build. Almost $1B will be added to the US economy according to one study. Approximately 4,000 of these jobs will be crew, who can be conscripted into our Armed Forces if need be. The vessel can be used for these purposes also under certain circumstances. But this is most significant because it signals to the world IMHO that US service jobs, which have been flocking overseas in record numbers, can be competitive.
The christening itself was an elaborate event. Senators Inouye and Graham were present, as was other big-wigs in the cruise and banking industries. Of course hula dancers were present. But what stood out to me was American pride when this vessel was being discussed. I teared up and saw lots of others cry too.
The cruise itself was fun but I'm not sure "cruising" is for me. I love the ocean and you can see it whenever you want of course, but I felt distant from it 14 flights up. A cruise ship is a a massive floating hotel, that is statistically impervious to bad ocean weather. I'd rather be in a tiny 25 foot boat--where I feel respect for the ocean.
The food and drink aboard this vessel--and I suspect every cruise ship--is emblematic of our nation's excesses. There is no way one could starve on this vessel. Even grossly overweight people would say cruise ships have too much chow. Tacky carpets kill the tasteful wood trim aboard the vessel. Artwork has Polynesian slants but some rooms have no style--or dated styles.
The people are in good moods but I was shocked how forward some people were (shocking isn't it?) A few bankers and I happened to be towards the front of one lounge when the band's lead singer passed the mircophone out while they played John Cougar's "Hurt So Good." The microphone came my way and the latent rock star in me came out. He pulled me up on the stage and I didn't stop until the song ended. Afterwards--and I'm not necessarily proud of this--3 women propositioned me though I clearly had my wedding ring on my microphone (left) hand. One was really persistent but No means No!
Some other parts of the ship seemed over the top too. There was no rock wall aboard the vessel, but some features seemed forced and jammed together. The helicopter, basketball/tennis court with 100 person stadium seating comes to mind. The putting green was pathetic--it wasn't that nice so why bother?
But all in all, I learned a lot about cruising. It is a real industry. Cruises make people happy and the land excursions can be educational (San Diego is cool). I actually screwed up though--I worked 30 minutes too long Sunday morning and missed the Stars and Stripes America's Cup sailboat. She was docked right next to us, and the ride would have been awesome--you're a crew member for 3 hours. Missing that, hurts so bad.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Friendly wars?
Finally going to a Yankee game--June 7--against the Red Sox. The Yankees sent me an email this morning that they just released some tickets on Ticketmaster--and that's how I got them. The only problem is I invited 3 friends--all of them BoSox fans.
I had invited a co-worker who is Yankee fan to balance things out, but it was his anniversary. I do give him credit because Mr. Bill actually asked his Boss if he could go to the game. But the Boss reminded Mr. Bill that he also had to attend his daughter's end of the year parent/teacher night.
Nevertheless, it will be good to go with my co-workers. They're friends and I cannot emphasize enough that one reason why I like my job is because of we are one happy but often disfunctional family in the office. We do stick together through thick and thin, which is something I can't say about some Yankee fans I know.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Learn to read or write
Since M missed the 643pm but was aiming to get on 718pm, I decided to do some shopping at Charles Tyrwhitt, a British men's shoppe I don't normally frequent. Their 3 for 2 sign $99 lured me in-and I started looking at French cuffed shirts. I picked out 2 really cool ones then asked about their tux shirt which was $115 thinking that I would have to pay that amount for 3 shirts.
Turns out each shirt is $99 or $115!!! Too much for my cheap blood and too much for my brain to comprehend.
Pride of Hawaii pix
Here are some pix from the cruise.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Pix from LA
For some reason, I couldn't post pix to my previous posts, but here are some pix from LA...Some more pix should be eventually uploaded to www.dodgers.com/fanphoto (on May 19 gallery 7).
Dodger Blues
The game vs the Angels was really fun though the traffic from UCLA to Dodger Stadium convinced me that I could never live in LA--16 miles took us almost 1.5 hours. But we still saw batting practice since we left UCLA at 5pm. That was cool.
Our seats were close and the stadium is really nice. It really is. The food is tasty--garlic fries, their specialty, are so much better than cheese fries. Who would have thunk? It does't take 20 minutes to get like in the Bronx. But the Dodger Dogs take a back seat to the ones in Chicago.
LA is a good baseball town and the Dodger fans are loyal and baseball-smart. I just picked a bad night to wear my Switzerland fleece. The Dodger blue clad were all over me--red is also the Angel's color. My explanations brought some laughs and mock cheers of "Go Switzerland!" when the Dodgers scored. A Mexican gang was ready to jump me--seriously! I thought they were joking but they weren't. Thankfully Mike told me to keep walking.
This experience was way worse than when I wore my Boston College sweatshirt in Yankee Stadium with the Yankee faithful pelleting me with peanuts as I tried to explain that BC was my alma mater. Mike had me take my jacket off after the game as we walked to the car. I tried getting a Dodger shirt but couldn't quite do it--though I would have gotten a Brooklyn Dodger shirt if they had them. We walked to every store looking for a Steve Sax shirt--that's the only shirt MC would have considered. I think a Steve Garvey miight have worked too.
The guys next to us made the game enjoyable--they knew Switzerland wasn't Anaheim. They like doing ther wave too.
We witnessed history. Tommy Lasorda was on hand and inducted to the Pacific Coast League Hall of Fame. The Dodgers also pummeled their cross-town rivals-setting a team record for hits in a game.
After the game we did LA things--got Mexican at Tito Taco, and boba tea at Vocalno Teas. I thought this would be so--not me--but it was strangely refreshing.
Next time I am in LA I want to see the Lakers.
Friday, May 19, 2006
"working" at UCLA
My brother gets up early (6am) for dental school, which is kind of a shock to me and would be to my mom. We remember him from his college days when he would wake up at 3pm just because he had to go to the bathroom.
But MC is a very serious student-a lot more than me. I did nothing and got my 3.5. But what I studied economics and MBA, is so much easier than what MC studied, engineering (he was #3 in his class), and is studying, dentistry, is the real deal. He is really enjoying himself out here too. He has a nice apartment and is close to campus.
I am actually working--already banged out 3 hours and have only about 2 more to go before we head out to the Dodgers game. I stick out like a sore thumb here-I am the only one wearing a golf shirt and typing away on a blackberry.
I am now at the student center taking a break. LOL! UCLA has a Dance Dance Revolution Club. A female student just asked me if I was a senior--she is handing out "I am a Senior" buttons. I thanked her for the compliment, made her look at my white hairs and explained my visit here. She gave me a button anyhow.
I am proud of MC--he is exactly where he wants to be and is thankful about this opportunity. I can't imagine him being happy at dental school in Newark, where he was for 3 days before he made it off the waiting list at UCLA. Newark vs. Westwood = no contest.
OK...back to work.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
It just came to me
One reason I like where I am is that my work and home life are so balanced even though I travel a lot.
In previous jobs, all I did was work and when I traveled, I didn't always enjoy it--so work focused. Now, I enjoy my travels and they have been to really cool places.
You know the saying--all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. And I will not live a boring life and will not let my family do that either. No way! TG for my job.
OK they r calling my row.
Things r changing at work. All for the better in the long run but I will be losing someone internally though this person will still be in NY. Short term I'll be stressed but when the replacement is found things will be ok.
People here asked me if I am happy (there has been a lot of turnover for a small place) and I got some strange looks when I say yes. But I am happy. That being said nothing is perfect but I like where I am for now.
I just learned that my boss (the 1 with the red pants from a few posts ago) fwd-ed a letter I wrote about how happy I was at work (bonus time) to the chairman. That shocked me actually. But D also wrote the chairman and HR that they should do everything to keep me happy. So I got a different perspective and I learned something. There was a method to D's "madness."
I am still a new manager of people and admit I don't even have a method of madness other than flying by the seat of my pants. This is not to say I don't have much madness because I do. What am I trying to say? I don't exactly know. I am so busy at work but I love the madness of it. How's that?.
Anyhow it's time to jump on a plane to LA and wait for dinner at In and Out with my brother.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Decisions Decisions
The cool thing about flying business class is that it's BUSINESS Class. OK, so those KLM travel kits aren't THAT great, and Virgin Atlantic's yellow socks are really YELLOW. I wish Singapore Air gave out free stewardesses. :) But Continental gives you 5 songs on iTunes. That will do for now. I just don't know what songs to get?
I'd like videos--I only have 2 videos that I made on my iPod--but I can only redeem forsongs.
I'll be on a plane to LA, so I might need sleepy music--but that's work reading is for! I want more 80's music--like Supertramp--but I want the whole Breakfast in America Album. Same thing with some of the Doors albums--I want the whole thing. I'd like Jazz but I don't know enough of the genre. So, please give me suggestions fast! I'm leaving tomorrow! I have every Springsteen and U2 album so don't suggest those.
Oh no....
My work productivity will go down....they installed instant messanger so we can talk to co-workers around the globe. I lost 20 minutes catching up with people both overseas and down the hall.
All at once...
Why do things always break or go wrong at the most inopportune time? Last nite at the last second, we decided to see RJD's play (was funny and insightful to office life) since I had to drive in the city for a previously scheduled meeting. But then Tony, our trusty RAV4, which M drove to the train station would not start. BTW we saw Matthew Perry in the village last night.
This morning I ran out of space on my Mac Mini and couldn't load it with new pictures and music for my iPod without deleting some stuff. Now this isn't the end of the world I know but it is just annoying since I put pix of loved ones and friends which I always look at when I am away.
My Swiss watch died--of course this had to happen AFTER I went to Singapore where watches are 30% cheaper than here. Anyone want to fly 36 hours (round trip) to get me one? BTW Singapore Airlines is the BEST airline!!!!
Now our train is stuck!!!! And I have much to do before I head out to LA tomorrow night. BTW my brother and I have awesome seats for a Dodgers game Fri night vs the Angels!!! Neither of us have been to Dodger's Stadium.
I need a weekend back home to decompress. When will that be?
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
A tribute to National Coffee Distributors
I've never thought of myself as a coffee snob. I attribute my lack of taste in caffeine from my Chase days--our office coffee machine produced "refining sludge"--I worked in the Oil and Gas Group back then, and that's what the petroleum engineers called it. Because we didn't have a refrigerator and I didn't like Carnation powdered milk in my coffee (though I ate it by the spoonful to amuse myself), I drank it black. The coffee came in green foil packets and the most prominent item on the label was the distributor, National Coffee Distributors. Is that generic sounding or what?
I never got into the whole Starbucks thing either. I, believe it or not, was cheap when I was a bachelor. The exception of course was for dating--but of course the exception for that was when I dated M (It IS amazing that she STILL puts up with me and ALL my quirks). Anyhow, though Starbucks, Timothy's and all of the other coffee chains eventually invaded the Wall St. area of Manhattan, after seven years of drinking National Coffee Distributors refining sludge, I didn't find the need to shell out $2.63 plus tax for a tall coffee.
I never got into fancy coffee even when I purchased something like 6 cappuccino machines. There’s an explanation for this. Cappucinno machines used to be my “classic” gift for women. I think it’s a great gift before she DTR--defines the relationship—it sounds exotic though it doesn’t have to be expensive, it’s usually something women don’t own, it’s a conversation piece of sorts, and most importantly, it’s safe!
I never even got into fancy coffee after seeing friends and relatives fancy coffee machines that slice and dice and massage your feet while you wait for a cup to be brewed. I wasn’t even tempted to upgrade when I purchased various machines off my friend’s wedding registries.
However, I have now become a coffee snob. My current employer’s coffee machine does the trick from a caffeine perspective—2 bad cups later and I’m ready to start the day. But from a taste perspective, I never got into it. After one year of this, my colleague finally did something—he ousted our office’s coffee distributor and brought in his friend’s company who supplies gourmet coffee and machines. I love our coffee and this has caused me to re-examine my “coffee practices” at home when I start my day.
Ironically, I use Starbucks at home. Not because I want to but because it’s the best coffee that they sell in bulk at my local BJ’s Wholesale Club—the more expensive but lousy tasting Kona coffee they sell is simply lousy. I think the brand is called National Kona Coffee Distributors.
I used to use our trusty well water, but sometimes my palette couldn’t take the taste. It was inconsistent—sometimes it was too strong, other times the beans really tasted burnt. However, now I use filtered water from our water dispenser and while I still don’t really like Starbucks coffee, what a difference. Finally after all these years, I can make a decent cup of coffee.
Monday, May 15, 2006
What to do next...
I'm off to LA for a long weekend. Our client is launching a new cruise ship and I've been invited for a 3 day cruise around southern Cali and Mexico. This is an understatement, but life is good! Too bad, M couldn't go. She's so busy at work.
A lot of people gave me flak for going hot air ballooning in Singapore. I admit that wasn't the smartest thing to do, but it was pretty cool. Honestly, I don't think it was the most thrilling, scariest nor dumbest thing I've done. That distinction goes to flying a 10 person propeller plane from Denver to Jackson Hole Wyoming. I went for a ski trip during my senior year in college--and my parents had no idea of my whereabouts. Back in 1989, Jackson Hole's airport was being renovated so it could handle jet airplanes. The pilot went up to each person, said, "How much do you weigh?" and directed us to one side or another. During the flight, I felt like you could reach out the window and touch the snow covered Rocky Mountains.
Anyhow, I don't know know what to do on the cruise--there are so many activities planned. But I'm signing up for diving and cooking classes.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
A few more pix...
I'm tired but I have to stay up for a bit longer. My brain is mush, so don't expect pearls of wisdom now. I just want to post some pix here.
The 2 Day Wedding!
Well, I'm home and here are the pix of newlyweds! J didn't fill out all the paperwork beforehand, so he had to finish it in the cab. K looked great! It's amazing that everything happened so stealthily and smoothly over the last week.
To me, it's amazing that the ceremony took only 5 minutes, but that for me, their wedding day will be the longest of my life--37 hours since I had to travel back in time from Singapore to NY. Well, maybe when I went to the Philippines those days were longer, but I'd like to remember this day instead.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Made it off waiting list!
What a nice ceremony!
It was quick and elegant!
I can go home. I am now in taxi going to airport. But pray I get off waiting list for the 11:10am flight!!!
It is 7am in Singapore and I am excited to return home though I have yet to figure out exactly when I am returning. It shouldn't be like this on a business trip planned in advance but as I said, I got pleasantly surprised when my co-worker, K, told me she was eloping here and asked me (and only 1 other person) to attend and be a witness.
I am so honored to be a part of this and the romantic in me is truly blown away by this "giant leap." They're eloping!!! I have never been invited to one before! LOL. I don't' think I could have done this and I hope none of my children, especially my daughter, elope. But in the few days I have met J and from all the stories K told me while we were in Cambridge together and in the subsequent months I can easily see that this is how it should be. Nothing in their relationship was normal-other than their love for each other. They met randomly while K (then 18) was visiting California. She's from Germany and they spent the next 7 years in a long distance relationship. They took some breaks along the way and dated others-but after one long break while cleaning out old e-mails, J decided to send her one more e-mail and say hi.
The rest they say is history. J quit his job in San Fran and headed over to Rotterdam last fall where K took a new job at our Bank. Now about 7 months later, they are eloping in Fort Canning Park, which has been around since the 14th Century and the site where the British surrendered to the Japanese in WW2. I visited the park last Sunday, loved it, and walked by the Registry of Marriages, where the ceremony will be held. It's Singapore's Central Park.
For the past few days, I have been even more nosier than I normally am w K. At times, I felt the need to be the voice of reason, "are you sure about this?" "Are you doing this because you're pregnant?", etc. She's not and her answers were unflappable.
I nagged her about a few other details. I told them he should not see her in her dress beforehand and she finally agreed with me last night.
Anyhow, this experience has actually rekindled my internal fire for M though she doesn't know it and probaby won't since she rarely reads my blog. I have done romantic things for her but none of late other than singing to her on her 40th.
Anyhow, J is here now! Got to go to my first elopment--I don't even know the right word!
Talk about crazy!
So here are more pix of our last night here. Can't describe in detail--have to run...but the guy in the red pants is my boss! I asked him to take a pix of me with the girls, but he bullied me out! haha
But to attend K's wedding on Sat 9am in Fort Canning Park--they're actually eloping (I don't have time to spell check--sorry if that's wrong), I might have to fly from Singapore to Taipai to LAX to Detroit to Newark...and then have car service take me directly to mother's day brunch. Sigh...or crazy...depending on how you look at it. At least I have the moms' gifts!
K's eloping is one of the coolest things I've been a part of.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
We are the champions
It is bad enough when bankers get together in one area--we all thoink we're the masters of the universe. It gets worse when we do team athletics as we today.
But I was on the winning team--we kicked butt on the dragon boat race--and boy was that fun. Piax to come soon.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
a few more
A few pix of me in singapore
Monday, May 08, 2006
Growing on me
The beach at Sentosa Island isn't the nicest I ever seen (that distinction belongs to Puerto Rico) but it is growing on me. The scenery far away is lousy--how nice can a refinery be--but the ships passing along the channel partially make up for it.
I guess that I just don't like that Sentosa is practically all man-made. I appreciate all the modern conveniences but this is too much. Do you need A/C full blast everywhere? Of course we are at the equator but still. Does everything need to be perfectly paved? Do you need muzak piped in everywhere? Do you need a photographer every 100 yard to take a pix of you? Do you need a souvenier stand everywhere? Of course I am thankful there are wireless receivers all over island so I can post things on demand.
A Secret!
My coworker, K, who I spent two weeks with in Cambridge, brought her boyfriend, J, to Singapore. I never met him before but we and other spent the last two days together touring.
Late tonight he pulled me aside and asked if I was around Saturday. I told him I was only until my flight at 11am. Anyhow he asked if I could be their witness to their wedding ceremony Saturday. They don't have all their paperwork so it might not happen but I would be so honored to stay here an extra day.
Hot air meets hotter air
I just finished my first hot air balloon ride over the city skyline. It was kind of scary as it was windy up there. As a result we could not go that high- 150 meters but trust me-that is high enough.
I enjoyed it but not as much as I expected. It is unnerving. I thought about all the loved ones I'd leave on earth if something happened. Of course I should have thought of that BEFORE I went but all is OK now. I can't wait to post the pix on my blog.
Tonight we are doing more tame things--dinner (food is awesome here) and night safari ride.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Going to Apple store in Singapore!
But I need to--taking pix and need wire for digital camera and ipod.
Hit the ground running
I am in Singapore and blogging poolside! We got in one hour sooner-and the flight was really good. My buttocks hurt but the ride was smooth so I could walk around. Slept 6+ hours with no problems. Must be the belly full of Peter Lugers.
After we checked in I bullied Pal into watching the sunrise. It was kind of hard to see but we got to scope out the hotel and beach. The hotel is nice but the view is iffy--Indian Ocean to one side and refineries on the other.
But then I worked out and did the 5k that I would have done in NY had I not gone on this trip. But in Team 264 tradition I finished last amongst NHF people since it is Sun am here in Singapore.
Well I am off to sightseeing.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Pal ate Mexican today--it is cinco de mayo but why did I sit next to her? Well the plane wiill have enough gas.
A mis-steak?
Just finished dinner at Peter Lugers and it was tasty as ususal, though DYC could just look at their website and get the same experience.
Met Pal at the airport. This is going to be a long flight-more than the 18.5 stated hours. Pal got pulled over by security--they x-rayed everything including her flip flops. It must be her black gangsta sweats--Juicy Couter. The guard was a woman too-
. Maybe she wanted to see if Pal had the brown terry cloth JC sweats.
Her bag looks like my wifes--stuff all over the place though it could be ruffled from the security check. She then tired to go in the first class lounge but then they turned her away. Pal didn't eat dinner so she grabbed some trail mix at the airport. She must like Hansel and Gretel--she left a trail of trail mix all over the place.
She warned me that she is ADD but who knew there was Super-ADD. Pal needed gum and she had to take some asperin and put the gum on her hand--have a good pix of that. She then sprayed fine mist stuff all over me-it actually works.
Now we are weatching a CNN update on ambient which says it is addictive bad etc. Of course Pal has it in her bag! I hope I can bail her out in Singapore but I am going to take her sweats first.
Boarding now! Are we there yet?
Pal then called her sister and the convo was interesting-sweats, phones, sweats again.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
The lesson is learned!
I am so glad that I went to Switzerland last March to board with my co-worker, U, his fiance and her sister, Marie and of course Roger Moore. Why am I saying this months when I have waxed poetically about Klosters endlessly?
It is because U announced that he is leaving our Company. I am of course happy for him. New job! New house and he's getting hitched in 2 weeks. But as I said before--you have to take advantage of opporunities when they are presented. Of course, I can plan another trip with U to his Alps playground but who knows if he'll have time? Who knows if he will have kids next year? Who knows anything--besides the Man upstairs of course. I might never go to Switzerland again.
If I could quote Steve Winwood, "When you see your chance you take it!" I am glad I did--and will keep doing so.
Monday, May 01, 2006
I love you! I know!
OMG! I want to waste my time doing this!
Sentosa Island
Doi on me. I thought after last year's Company outing in Vlieland Island in Hollad, that we'd stay in another rustic hotel in Singapore. But check it out!!!!! My friend J, who is off to Cornell's Hotel School, said this is one of the top chains in the world.
It might make wasting 18 hours on the plane worth staying there for 1 week.
How to waste 20 minutes...
Our Sony DVD player finally died after 9 years. So instead of getting the Denon DVD player I coveted which cost $350, I got the new Apple Mac Mini--with the new Intel duo core chip and Front Row.
Front Row is really cool. Besides playing your DVDs, it plays iTunes, and shows your iPhotos from EVERY Mac you have--and we now have 4 Apples in our house. One for every kid, including me: Besides Jan, my trusty laptop, Camp Capio now has 3 mac Minis, which I feel is the best all-around Mac they produce. Check out the apple web site for more info.
Of course, I'm still learning how to use the new Mac mini. When I got home from work tonight, J told me the sound didn't work. So after 20 minutes of fiddling around with the wires, I forgot that the wireless keyboard has a mute button on it. DOI! DOI! DOI! Lesson: Don't leave the keyboard out for the kids to smack, and don't pitch David Ortiz inside (he just smacked a 3 run homer). Sigh.
The remote control is so cool and simple--but we're going to lose it--it's tiny--like an iPod shuffle. I give it a month before we lose it. Who knows how much a new one will cost. The only thing is--I'm not sure how long the AA batteries will last in the wireless keyboard and mouse--and it's tricky to make the Mac Mini sleep. You can't turn off the mouse--touching it will wake up the computer--but you can sleep it via the keyboard.
It's not completely set up right though. That's not Apple's fault--the door to our Ethan Allan media center blocks the infrared receiver, so the remote doesn't always work. So I have to move some equipment. That will happen after Singapore.
I'm also disappointed that I can't easily move all my music and digital pictures from the other Macs onto my new Mini, which I want to make the main photo and music server. Those copyright attorneys must be so paranoid. I'm also annoyed that I have to recreate my iphoto albums--they don't seem to easily transfer from one Mac to another. That will waste another day or two to figure out. Sigh.
Of course, I've wasted so much time looking for a boat online (I want a 25ft Grady White Sailfish!) over the past few months--but the marina is kind of set. Stay tuned to waste time water-skiing, tubing, fishing, cruising and just plain old enjoying the Hudson River.
Now that's funny...
Last night after everyone left, we had a long convo about "life" with our relatively new (she's been with us for 5 weeks) nanny, J. We discovered that M and I are older than her parents! Yikes! Well, to be precise, our average age is higher than her parents--39.5 vs. 38. J, thought we were in our late 20's/early 30's. Isn't that funny?
It was great to play hoops yesterday. Well, from this perspective--I had no problems running around. I am fit aerobically. Though I hit one game winner, my problem is getting the orange ball in the net.
I totally don't feel 39. I love my job but seriously, I do have moments where I still ask myself, "what do I want to do when I grow up?"
I'm glad that my bday celebration week is finally over. I'm starting to feel my age and need to rest. hahaha
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