
Welcome to Kamp

my life & times in Neu Yawk

Saturday, December 29, 2007


NC broke M's laptop drive. He inserted a dime and then a CD, which on the bright side was blank. But there goes $400....


XMas was great as was a day of striped bass fishing with my brothers. I'll write more about these events later.

posted by ccjr  # 11:27 AM

Monday, December 24, 2007



It got me to buy a bottle of wine. Correction, a case of red wine. Oh the little sign under it, describing it and the 94 rating got my attention too. But the "question mark" on the bottle in orange contrasting against a black label was the thing that got me.

Try a bottle of "?" (Oreana Winery 2005 Red Table Wine) It's really good. We usually stock a shiraz, but this might take its place.


It's amazing how something said to me over two years ago, suddenly makes sense. But if this person knew the real me back then--he would have seen a younger version of himself. BTW, 80mph is nothing the Saw Mill...


This pix is from the iphone. It's really cool--but I ain't paying for service. My free bb is just fine with me. I can blog on the fly, though I should keep my trusty old sony with me.


I need to use my 35mm camera more. I've forgotten how to do things quickly and seamlessly on my F100. I fear I missed some good shots. At least I think I missed 'em--I have to get the film developed to see. :) Seriously, I do like digital, and if anyone is willing to give me an old Nikon digital camera body, send it over. Same thing wrt a Hasselblad. But film still has digital beat--a 50 year old camera can outperform a $5,000 digital without breaking a sweat.

I love taking pix, and I some people look at me strange when I tell them to stand up straight, when I shift myself to take out the light in the background that I know would ruin the "moment," when I check the double check exposure to make sure I don't miss the shot, but it's photography is a dying art, and not that I'm a great photographer, but I know what can ruin a great shot, (wow, this ? wine is really good!!!!!!!) and I ain't embarassed to do what it takes to make a shot good. It's more embarassing to hand someone a pix of them that's not too flattering.


I haven't driven a manual automobile in 2 weeks. sigh. (I can't drive the BMW in the snow) But as much as I miss that, I also miss the Benz wagon, which my brother is using since he's in town.


I should start a bussiness--designing cufflinks. I have so many good ideas.

posted by ccjr  # 2:27 AM

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Return of the King..... 

We've lived in Camp Capio for almost 11 years now (and might be moving), but there are certain parts of the house that I've not used, or maximized. For example, our detached tool shed. It's a mess, and no doubt contributes to the mess in our regular garage, which contributes to the mess in the storage areas of our the basement.

Popcorn's room is another place I've not used of late--I used to read there quite regularly. I can't even read that much in my Archie Bunker chair. The kids climb all over me when I sit there to watch TV. As an aside, I can read with noise blaring--that doesn't bother me--but the kids demand my attention. Now, most of my time is spent reading in the early mornings or when I commute.

I actually don't use my office that much either. Still love it but ever since I got a laptop, I can move about the campgrounds.

The most under-used room from my perspective, is no doubt the downstairs bathroom. I never go in there anymore. Of course, it's the main-floor bathroom. Before we remodeled our house, this used to be our bathroom for 5+ years, since the master bedroom, now our nanny's room, was next door.

Because the main floor bathroom is right next to J's room and the kids have a tendency to barge in on me when I'm using it (to read!!!!! LOL), I now go elsewhere for natures calls. But J has gone on Christmas holiday and the kids are sleeping. The king has returned to his old throne. It's good to be the king.

posted by ccjr  # 7:22 AM

Friday, December 21, 2007

Already started 

Returning Xmas gifts-duplicates.

Have a great XMas!

posted by ccjr  # 3:20 PM

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Family ties..... 

BTW, I love that show and MJF. Alex P Keaton was my idol growing up.

I love this pix of the Capio boys.

I was able to sneak out of work to see the twins' Xmas show. OK, my boss knew about it-so it wasn't really sneaking out. He told me to go. "C, those things are important. You shouldn't miss them." Truth be told--I thought about blowing it off. There's always next year. But at times like this, I remember Harry Chapin's song and I'm so glad I went.

And look at NC work it! He's saying, "How about coming over to my pad to see my pacifier?"

posted by ccjr  # 8:59 PM

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Book worm 

Though I love Barnes and Nobles (and personally own their stock) and AMZN (made great trades on their zero copoun bonds professionally), I actually love supporting the family owned book stores.

OK, I bought my used-book (errrr...another fishing book) from a family owned store via AMZN, but their level of service impressed me.

They wrote me what I think are customized emails.  Besides the usual e-mail confirmations, they sent me one that said, "Let me know if you are interested in other fishing books-we have many others about fishing in Cape Cod (where they are near)."  Impressive-and perfect marketing!  Dying to go there for vacation and fishing-haven't been there for about 5 years.

When I actually got my book, which was as described, they sent me a handwritten note-basically saying the same thing, "Visit us next time you're at the Cape."  And they sent me a blank postcard of what I think is their bookstore.  Wouldn't you know it? It's a cape!

But it was at this point, I actually read the receipt, the bookstore is named (hold on to your pants) Isiah Thomas Books.  Not to make light of what happened in Madison Square Garden (he's killed the Knicks), I actually worried for a few seconds about being "harassed" via emails, more postcards, etc.   Stupid I know.k. But I will visit them next time I am at the Cape.

posted by ccjr  # 1:58 PM

Monday, December 17, 2007

How come.... 

They charge more for u to take a peak hour train?  I know the MTA can-we don't have a choice-but shouldn't we encourage commuting by train?  And why discriminate against us?  We take the train all the time-they should encourage this by making it cheaper.

2007 is over.  I can't believe it.  In some ways, I am glad however.  And 2008 is already shaping up to be a good year.

posted by ccjr  # 6:53 PM

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Speaking of happy eating.... 

I knew it was going to snow today, so last night, before M and I sat down to watch a movie (The Good Shepherd), I went out the the grocery store. The main purpose was to get coffee--we ran out. I ended up getting the weirdest movie food: French's french fried onions, swedish fish, smoked almonds, prunes, pineapple cottage cheese and rice pudding. Oh, I got some chestnuts to roast--since we're putting up our Xmas tree today. I was so tempted to get some White Castle cheeseburgers--but I'm off to Lake Tahoe in Feb. Got to get into snowboarding shape.

M was grossed out--and "settled" on brie with crackers. Too normal for me. And the movie was just as good as my snacks.

posted by ccjr  # 10:46 AM

No more striped bass.... 

The season ended yesterday. But I have some fillets (any fish fillets will do actually-and maybe even chicken) which will be prepared as follows for lunch. I modified author's Milt Rosko's recipe--actually his wife June's. I cut the fillets small--popper/ chicken finger size.

- Crushed Macadamia nuts
- Plain bread crumbs (instead of seasoned)
- Sesame seeds
- white pepper (don't be bashful!)

Mix all above in a bowl and let dry for a few hours. The nuts are surprisingly moist--even if they're roasted, and the mixture will be lumpy...

Dip fish in beated eggs, then in the dry mix. You can dip in flour first--then the batter.

Fry in butter and olive oil. Add some more white pepper to taste.

Dip it into Sriracha Hot Chili sauce (Vietnamese). You can use tabassco sauce--but it dominates the fish a bit too much. Whatever you do, please don't use ketchup. That would dishonor the honorable striped bass.

Happy eating!

posted by ccjr  # 10:33 AM

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Uh oh.... 

I might have overdone it. Now I have 20 tix for Bruce's 3 shows...

posted by ccjr  # 4:06 PM

Merry Christmas Bruce Springsteen 

and Have a Happy and Safe New Year!!!!!!

See you at Giants Stadium on July 27, 28, AND 31, 2008!

posted by ccjr  # 12:45 PM

Chained Melodies 

(This occured last Sat. Dec 8)

"Kids, do you want to see the house where daddy grew up in?" with a tinge of Mr. Rogers in my voice, was the questioned posed in the car while waiting for the NY Turnpike EZ Pass to let us into my childhood town (actually Woodbridge, the town next door). A resounding "Yeah" came back above the Wiggles which was of course playing for the 5th time of the day.

I remembered all the Mary Ave. short cut that avoided the traffic lights on Fords Ave. I saw the house on Mary Ave. which I always admired as a child. It was brick and much larger than the surrounding houses. I wanted to live in something like it. It looked like a home to me--not that my parent's house wasn't--but I was a dreaming child--and not dreaming about sports, girls and cars for a change. Driving by, it kind of looks the same--neatly kept yard, clean car but not quite my style. It's a ranch! Ranches aren't bad--as a salad dressing--but as a house, I, as a 40 year old child, like other styles better.

Taking the shortcut however made me miss our old church, Our Lady of Peace. I am now trying to recall some of the priests names--and I can't. But I can still see in my mind, the stations of the cross in that church, the playground, and school next door where we had CCD. Good thing I still remember the 11 Commandments...

At the corner of Main and Mary now is a light. It's easy to make a left now. That challenge I took many times as a new driver is gone.

Gone too is the butcher shop on the corner of Fords and Main Street. A deli occupies the same place--and I wondered if it was still owned by the same Italian family. I would have stopped in--but I really had to potty on the hour every hour like all 40 year olds.

School 14, our rival, across the deli still had the street-hockey goal outlined on its brick side. The outline is faded, but servicable. Nobody was playing--and that sadded me. It was a perfect saturday afternoon for it. Maybe the kids copied the professionals and went on strike. They certainly weren't in the library--that was closed! It was only 4pm. Sad.

Driving past the library put us at the top of hill I used to traverse when I was a kid on my bicycle--and while Fords Ave. can be easily tamed in your 2+ ton automobile, with anti-lock brakes and more airbags than cup holders, it is pretty steep for a child on a bike. It really is amazing I didn't crash more often. Maybe I just didn't go to the library THAT much...

At the bottom of the hill, on Denman Drive is Ronald and Kenny's old house. I don't know if they still live there, but it's the same dark green shade of paint that coated the house back in the 70's. It looks like it has not been painted in a while--20 years is my guess.

Thankfully however, many other houses in the old hood have been repainted (or re-sided). Too bad the paint can't hide the fact that these homes are split levels--functional no doubt--but certainly not pleasing architechturally. It's amazing however that the only two red and white houses with black trim (not a flattering combo IMHO) are right across the street from each other. What the copy-cat thinking? That's when you're supposed to keep away from the Jones.

Finally we arrive at my parent's old house. It still has the same paint scheme--white house with redwood shutters, though a slightly lighter red, that is maybe just faded. Gone is the apple tree, but not the stone that my father painted with a "17." The paint is faded, but you can still see the white outline and red paint. The rock garden, the house of this "17" stone, is overgrown with bamboo! How ironic. Maybe global warming exists...

Gone too is the wall that used to be our "catcher" in the cul-de-sac. I guess the wall isn't needed anymore--kids have PSPs, PS3's and Wii'sto play baseball. (Full disclosure-I do have all of these games too and I'm not ashamed of it!)

A drive around old hood confirmed that some of the people I knew were still there. My guess is the parents still live there--I saw the same vanity plates--on newer plates and modern cars.

I miss sidewalks--my old hood had it--and it helped promote walking to school safely. I wish that my current house and neighborhood had them (though I wouldn't like shoveling all the snow in the winter). Kids should bike or walk to school--not be shuttled around in Lincoln Navigators for fear of being kidnapped.

I then took the kids to see my elemantary school, Lafayette Estates (PS #25). From the front, it hasn't changed much. The playground where I once found $5 (or was it $20) in a puddle was still there. From that day on--I stopped everyday at that playground to see if I could find more money--never did.

The school has been expanded--there are more buildings. Unlike many institutions or houses, the additions have blended in. PS 25 is blessed with a lot of land--and the school still looks undersized compared to all the grass surrounding it--but I like it that way.

As we drove slowly around the school, I then saw the saddest thing--the playground, the concrete playground, where we played kickball, stood outside for firedrills, found worms to throw at the girls, and just acted like elementary school kids, is now gated off with a silver chain link fence.

posted by ccjr  # 5:11 AM

Thursday, December 13, 2007

It's about time! 

The Bertram 31 gets all the accolades (and rightfully so) but the 28 FBC (the ML) was just named one of Boating Magazine"s all time great boats (Dec 2007 issue).

I wish the ML were still in the water even though i just finished "Rough Water," a compilation of 16 stories about survial from our world's oceans.

When is spring? Where are the striped bass?

posted by ccjr  # 7:06 PM

Today is an awesome day! 

Thank u God (and others who put up with me)!

posted by ccjr  # 6:56 PM

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I am not going to Ecuador next week.  I am relieved! 

posted by ccjr  # 6:38 PM

Sunday, December 09, 2007

We're moving.... 

M doesn't like our school system...So off we go. 

posted by ccjr  # 1:45 PM

Friday, December 07, 2007

A tiring week 

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. I love work. But it's been a tiring week. It's not so good to work on the weekend (at least it wasn't the entire weekend), then work until midnight 2 days in a row, though time does fly when you're busy.

Wed night was a late one too. Out and about until 2:30am but at least we were at our Company's Holiday party at Cafe des Artistes, which M and the other spouses liked. It's so rare these days to allow spouses as companies can be cheap. I'm glad everyone enjoyed the place--I think some of my colleagues were still defrosting from last year (I picked a dinner cruise on the coldest and windiest night of the year).

But I finally got a good night of sleep last night--and am well rested for what I know will be a great weekend!


I'm kinda excited for my next business trip--Ecuador with a jaunt to the Galápagos. I just hope there are no delays, otherwise I might miss Christmas....


BTW, I'm glad I didn't get a digital Nikon camera. There are 2 new ones (D3 and D300)-and they do have cool features, more capabilities, etc. but are they still as good as film? No, though I unfortunately need a new movie camera. My Sony has been dropped one too many times :( (and I missed a hilarious moment with the twins last night).


Springsteen is touring next summer! See you at Giants Stadium....


M and I might have to take up skiing again. The kids can't board yet and it's easier to teach the kids on skis. Sigh.

posted by ccjr  # 9:27 PM

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Only 10 days left.... 

To get striped bass.  The NY season closes on the 15th.

But you don't have to go far to get them.  I am on my train now (8:00am) and am watching a flock of birds the size of a football field diving in the Hudson around the Yonkers area.  I saw a similar scene at Spytun Duyvel 2 days ago.

The sharp eyed birds are following peanut bunker or herring who are being chased by the striped bass.  All of these fish stay in the Hudson for the winter.  (Other primary locations are the Chesepeakke and Delaware estuaries).

Fishing like this is too easy-it should be illegal.  It is incredibly productive and fun.  You catch, release and repeat until you have to go home.  In warmer waters, you can catch the bluefish-who really slam your lure when they are agressively feeding.  Just watch your fingers-you can't grab them at the bottom lip like you can with the stripers.

A bunch of us were talking about snowboading this winter but bring back spring.  OK, I might try surf casting at SYC or Croton tomorrow morning.

Nevertheless we always have Joisey--their bass season shuts down on the 31st!

posted by ccjr  # 8:23 AM


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