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my life & times in Neu Yawk

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Based on the BMI, that's how much I have to lose to be the right weight for my height...just kidding but only by about 100%. But I gained that much poundage very unexpectedly this weekend. Oh, a moment on the lips is indeed a lifetime on the hips. But a moment on the rips can be indeed prime time for fishing trips. (OK so that didn't come off as smooth as I intended).

The 3 striped bass I caught last saturday off Riis Park in the Atlantic Ocean weighed 92lbs in total: 33lbs/44 inches, 29lbs/40 inches and 30 lbs/43 inches. They were by far the 3 largest bass I've caught. But while I am normally calm while fishing. I was nervous in the beginning because I got tangled on the first drop--and let me tell you, though I've tied a uni knot hundreds of times, when you see the boat surrounded by loads of baitfish and the day just "feels" fishy, it's hard to tie that darn knot. Fishing at false dawn can be great for a one hour window--or it can be the start of a great day that lasts many hours--you just down know. It could be over before you know it.

I've often wondered why I love striped bass fishing. I woke up at 2:30am saturday morning in order to get at the dock at 3:30am. Another 40 minutes to the ocean--and we still have to find then catch the bait, which is live bunker. BTW, we're on an open boat with no seats, shade and no head (port a potty). How nuts is that? Moreover, using fresh live bait is often the ticket to big fish, there are of course times when the bass just do not cooperate. They also have to take their young ones to play dates, the dentist, birthday parties, and soccer games...

I suppose striped bass do taste good and they do photograph well even if I don't. I suppose it's because there are many and fun ways to get them but just when you think you know how to catch them, they do change their habits. It's maddening of course. This trip totally confused me. Last time I went with Captain Vinny, it was at night during the May new moon--ideal conditions made even better with an ebbing tide. Last saturday's trip was not supposed to be as productive with a June full moon and an incoming tide. I caught 2 fish in May but they were minnows (well 13-15lb fish) when compared to the 3 caught saturday. It should not have been this good in theory.

At least, I am getting better at using live bunker as bait. In May, I missed my first two strikes, setting the hook way too quickly forgetting that bunker is a much bigger bait than eels. But fortunately I still ended up with my limit. This time I was 3 for 3 with the last striper putting on a great show. I lobbed my bunker just about 15 yards away from the boat. It must have hit a striper on its head for within seconds my bunker was trying to get out of the water. There were lots of big splashes around the bunker and the bass finally smacked it with its broom-like tail, stunning it. The whole boat and I then saw the bass engulf my poor bunker and started peeling line off my reel. Let me tell you, even though I saw and heard what was going on, I was still nervous in a good way. Visually thrilling--and this bass was strong making me move around the boat several times before I landed her. My left elbow became sore as a result.

A few years ago I did say that I don't like fluke fishing. It is boring but I have to admit that getting up at the crack of dawn and going fishing by yourself (since most guys do like sleep more than striped bass fishing) is tiresome. I will do that with my kids and friends this summer. But until I go, I will remember this trip--it was worth the weight.

posted by ccjr  # 12:22 AM

Thursday, June 24, 2010

quick thoughts 

I sometimes feel like I'm talking to a brick wall. Little of what I say is getting through to 1 person--and it's frustrating because of this person's potential and lack of focus. It is also frustrating to repeat instructions again and again. Use a pen and pad and write stuff down. And forget IMing, this isn't play time.


I really miss some people who've moved to Singapore. They're here now visiting--but I want to keep my finger on the calendar--so July don't come. That being said, I am looking forward to July 2-7 so we can see baseball games in Pittsburg, Chicago, Milwaukee and Cleveland.


We are totally enjoying family life--but it did come up that we've become somewhat anti-social. I don't think that's the case though I do admit that when I'm traveling or working late in NYC, I am happy to decompress w/ M and the kids.


Speaking of travel, there is a place I want to revisit. But I feel like something is just not right. Hard to explain--but I think it will super cool to go w/ M and the kids who have yet to be there.


MJ and CA are in 2nd grade! and Nico is K!!!!!!!!


The kids so love the Boston Whaler--the mini Leigh. It's even better than I expected. But we still need to use the M Leigh more. She's feeling unloved.


Amazingly, we are not scheduled to go to a wedding this year.

posted by ccjr  # 9:24 PM

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Moving day? 

I still look almost weekly for a place at the End, where we can enjoy summers just as I did with my parents, friends and brothers: on the water, together, though this also caused quite a bit of angst.

But I am thinking more and more of moving out of Camp C. It doesn't make much sense--we have everything here. But there is that nagging feeling in me that says it might be time to make a change now--so the kids will be better off in the future--20 years down the line.

posted by ccjr  # 9:04 PM

Monday, June 07, 2010

Lots of thoughts--but not organized to write about them 

My last trip to Europe lasted 1 week and in some respects it was one of the most important of my life. More to come later :)


Paris is of course Paris. And while it wasn't quite the honeymoon we experienced in 1996 it was both similar and different. I do enjoy just spending time w/ M, despite our frequent but normal spats. I do feel like we've changed b/c of our growing family. Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge my kids--I love them and would do anything for them. But it's important to be with your spouse and only your spouse. Maybe this isn't coming out in the best words but--a good marriage is the foundation of the family.

I don't like it when I hear "Someday we'll do 'this' or 'that' when the kids grow up/go to college, etc. And not to sound morbid or fatalistic, but I don't want to wait to LIVE my marriage. I don't want to put this on hold or that on hold because of a play date, a pre-K function, another adult relative's or friend's birthday. We're in our 30's--errr correction: 40's! As selfish as this sounds, I prefer to say no to a lot of those non-event events--and yes to the "somedays" more and more.


Some people I adore are just so lost now. When asked, I give advice, what I think is good advice, but in both cases, nothing's been done for several years now. I do want to shake some sense into both individuals--but also feel that the lesson will be learned best if I don't meddle which is so hard for a loud mouth like me to do.


Paris. Ah, Paris. I have so much to say about this city but I'm mentally unorganized now. So stay tuned...


Work is so good now. Oh, it's not easy, but it's good. I have so much to say but I can't and shouldn't here...

posted by ccjr  # 7:38 PM


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