Showing posts with label bead storage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bead storage. Show all posts

Friday, June 27, 2014

Organizing Seed Beads

Those tiny seed beads can be a challenge, especially if you have a large selection in various quantities.  Fire Mountain Gems, one of my favorites, offers some suggestions here:

I have shared some of my solutions previously, but here is a refresher:

Shallow shelving with jars such as baby food, spice, glass vials, apothecary, etc.

The see-thru containers shown below which I purchased at Michael's and/or Hobby Lobby.  The lids screw on the individual round containers and they fit neatly inside a rectangular box with clear lid.

I love the look of apothecary jars and they come in so many sizes!

Here is a spice rack I reworked and repurposed.  This is where I keep my holeless beads.

The above photo shows some outdated tubes and rack from a blood clinic.  They were never used and apparently have a shelf life.  Below are cigar tubes from a friend who liked his cigars but threw the tubes out.

I've seen the round containers (below) in a variety of places.  They come in different sizes too and fit nicely on shallow shelving.

Below is another container sold at a craft store.  It has separate containers within that would work great for seed beads.  I actually have three of these that I use to store findings.  One for silver, one for gold and one for copper.

The tubes and jars below currently contain glitter but would work equally well for seed beads.

These little containers are from an office supply store but I am beginning to see them in other places now.  I like that the lids can be secured.  These come in a huge variety of sizes to fit your needs.  You can even find larger ones to keep the small ones contained.

I hope this gives you some ideas!  How do you currently store your seed beads and/or other small treasures?  Feel free to share here either with comment or links.  I would also be happy to share your photos if you wanted to send them to me.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Round-Up Free Jewelry Making Tutorials and Jewelry Making News

Are you a beader, or just a bead collector?  Here is a video with some nice bead and bead supply storage solutions.  I would say these products would work just as well for any craft that uses small embellishments such as buttons, charms, brads etc.  The bead storage tray would work great for crazy quilt embellishments and/or paper crafting!  Do you have other ideas?

Round-Up Free Jewelry Making Tutorials and Jewelry Making News

Just for the record, I am not getting any compensation or credits for sharing this.  I just like to share ideas I find with others looking for solutions!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Storing Small Embellishments and Recycling

First off, I recently found out about blog scraping where someone clones your blog and gives it a new name but adding advertising on it.  I wrote about this on my other blog HERE.  I don't think this blog has been blog scraped, but if you are looking at it and there is advertising on it, I would appreciate it if you would contact me and let me know.

Now that I have that out of the way, on to more fun!

I discovered the most practical product for beads, findings, buttons, embellishments and small items used in crafts such as scrapbooking or crazy quilting for example,

Seriously, I went from this (above) shoe box full of little baggies with just a few leftover beads, to this (below) organized and easily visible box.  Which one do you think it is easier to find things in?  The best part is I can see immediately what I have and it takes less space!  If I am going on a trip or going to a class I can simply switch out the jars so I take the ones I may need while away.

You know I am not fond of a room full of plastic bins, plastic drawer units and plastic boxes, but these are awesome.  No I am not paid or compensated by Michael's where I purchased them.  I just wanted to share my find.  These come in different sizes also.  This one is only an inch (2.5 cm) tall!  There are taller ones also (you can see the measurements for this on the package label below) and smaller diameter ones as well.  The back of the package has an email  They are out of Irving, Texas.

They work great for these little metal or the glass leaves.  You can sort your items by type, by style or by color, or even finish.  What ever works best for the way you work. 

If you have looked at at my studio photos, you will see I use glass apothecary jars and other glass pieces so I can see what I have.  I think this is so important.  However, I noticed some of my jars only have a couple or maybe a few beads in them and taking up space with a jar seems wasteful.  Can you tell - I am so excited about this.  I know.  Silly.

I have not given up on my other storage pieces though.  I keep a couple of these hinged lid boxes (above) for my assorted beads that I will use for outdoor items or something other than jewelry.  I also still like these towers that screw together (below) for keeping like pieces together such as these larger hole silver beads and dangles.

You have to admit though that these little jars that fit perfectly in the clear box they come with look gorgeous!  I'm such an organizing geek.

Here is another idea I like.  Since I make a lot of jewelry and do crazy quilting, this works really well.  The spools of wire for beading wire often comes with a plastic (there's that word again) guard on it to keep the wire from unraveling.  It is removable.

When I empty one of the spools, I remove the label and wrap my my narrow ribbon on it, clip the plastic stopper on and my ribbon is easy to get to and doesn't come loose or have holes from pins that might otherwise keep it in place.  My question...why haven't ribbon companies thought of doing this?!?  If you only use ribbon but not the wire, maybe you can find someone who uses wire but not the ribbon?

I also love that these usually have a tab for hanging or a hole in the center to put them onto a dowel or peg.

What do you think (about the idea, not about me being an organizing geek~lol)?  

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A Fun Find and a Do It Yourself Mini Ironing Board!

It's just a little thing...a lot of little things!

I just had to share these handy little containers I found at Office Max. They are normally $.99 each and I was able to get them on sale for $.59 each. They come in different sizes, from about .07 litre up to shoe box size and larger. Honest, I am not putting in a plug for the office supply store. I just want to share that you never know where you will find the perfect solution for some of your craft needs! These little boxes are going to be perfect for my crazy quilt bits and pieces and some of my other stash. I'm also using the for my supply of snaps that had been contained in a whipping cream container (after it was empty and cleaned out of course).

Since they seem to close securely I think they will be great for projects on the go and can be easily thrown into a bag or box to take with me. They do come in clear pink and purple and maybe blue, but I like the clear so I can readily see what is inside. The name 'Really Useful Box' is molded into the side. It says they are made in UK.


To start off, I absolutely love this idea Diane Knott shared of a mini ironing board! Talk about space saving ideas! Be sure to visit her blog (either through the link here or by clicking on the photo). She is such a talented artist in any medium she works with and shares some of her very inspiring creations. Thanks so much Diane for letting me share this photo.

Below are some more sites to visit to get you motivated!

Find seven no-fail organizing tips for crafters here…

Talk about a makeover! See the inspiring craft room shared on this link!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Studio Organizing Ideas

You all may recognize the item below from past posts on either blog. It works pretty well to hold items I am photographing (it doesn't wrinkle), I've used it to display necklaces and earrings at shows, but it also works as a tray to transport projects or supplies from area to area, and I think it is going to work well to clip notes to. It is metal, so the magnetic clips and hooks can hold reminders or inspiration clippings. The fun part for me is that I also designed the piece for a company in Omaha. It is actually a plate charger for a table setting and I had designed several coordinating pieces as serve ware. Another from the kitchen/dining room to the art room piece! This photo looks fuzzy, but I actually have two chargers hanging with a T-pin. Don't forget you can easily paint something like this to fit your studio decor!

In my studio photos I showed you how I used the spice carousel to hold some of my jewelry components. Here they are in my office/sewing room being used to hold my stash of buttons. A place to stash the stash. I also keep all of my precious books in my office. I have been scanning tons of genealogy images into my computer, so my office is in that 'middle of a mess' mode or I would show you more. I obviously don't mind sharing my messes, but it's dangerous trying to maneuver around in here.

Below are 24 small containers in a hinged box. I'm not crazy about plastic, but these are awesome. I use one for my smaller silver components like jump rings, earring wires, clasps and crimp beads, and I use one for my gold components. The third one is being used for small spacer beads so I can see at a glance what I have. The copper components came in this round stacking container. The boxes were purchased at Walmart, but I have seen them other places as well. The round stacks are found everywhere there are beads. These three boxes are small enough they fit perfectly stacked on my bead shelf so I can go right to them.

I will be on vacation for a few days, so I won't be able to post since I don't have any fancy electronic gadgets. Hope you all have a great weekend and week! Thanks to all of you following my blog also. I have been trying to visit the remaining studios from Karen's post on My Desert Cottage and feel like I have been neglecting my friends. I'm almost through the P and onto Q.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Nifty Thrifty Tuesday Bargains for my Studio

My first nifty thrifty item for my first nifty thrifty Tuesday is this under the shelf storage piece. I had been looking at these in the stores and really didn't think I needed one that bad...until I saw one for 50 cents at a garage sale! I bought it even though I wasn't crazy about the yellow.

I bought some white satin spray paint that is made to work on plastic, rubber, metal, glass, and everything. I sprayed it and now it works perfectly to hold a notebook, my safety glasses and other items in my studio.

My next item was a pair of divided bins. Again, I wasn't sure what I would do with them but hey, 25 cents for the pair!

They worked pretty darned good in my drafting table drawer!

These are a little hard to see in this top photo, but they are tubes for drawing blood and holder (unused because they were expired). The middle set is a stand, but the tubes are cigar tubes. All free! My sister-in-law worked in a lab at the hospital and my friend's husband smoked cigars. These were perfect for my beads. But again the yellow...and some blue.
Below is a photo with the stands spray painted white with the same can I used on the under shelf unit. The can of paint cost about $5, but what a difference it made and I still have paint left over. So, not so bad if you divide the cost.

Below is one of my favorite finds. It is a light box table formerly used at Union Pacific Railroad. $10.00! I couldn't make one for that.

This is my first 'nifty thrifty Tuesday' and I can't wait to see what everyone is showing!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Organizing and Decluttering your Studio

You are probably ready for the next step in putting your studio back together by now. To briefly summarize what I have posted in the last couple of posts:

(1) If you are moving into a new space or redoing a current space, the best plan is to remove as much as possible from the room and sort through it as you do. Have a throw away area, donate area, items to think about later area and items to keep section. In your keep section, separate into categories (a) by medium such as quilting, beading, painting and then (b) by usage such as tools, supplies, resources. If you are organizing or cleaning your room, just do it in bite-size pieces and avoid being overwhelmed by thinking it all has to be completed at once.

(2) After all of the painting and prep work such as installing shelving is completed, prepare a floor plan according to your needs and bring in the large pieces of furniture and equipment. Evaluate the placement by mentally walking through projects and steps you take to complete each. If larger pieces aren't working, get rid of them if you can and consollodate a couple of stations into one area.

Now, (3) after you are satisfied with your arrangement, begin to bring in the supplies, tools and smaller pieces of equipment. Keep like items together as you place them in the areas you feel they would make the most sense to have them - near the area or station where they will be needed. By like areas I mean all the quilting related items, painting related or beading items as well as in each of these areas keeping cloth together, the papers in one area, paints grouped together, the beads, buttons and/or other embellishments together, stamps and inks.

Because you have separated and kept these items together you can readily see how much space will be required to store each. If it appears you have ample room you can begin to 'organize'. As you place items around the designated work area or work surface, keep in mind that not everything can be within reach. Keep items that you continually use such as certain tools or equipment in the most convenient area but preferably off your work surface unless it makes sense to have it there. Those items you rarely use should be placed in the more out of the way storage areas such as the top shelf or in a closet.

Remember these items are not glued into place and can be moved now or later to areas that make more sense. Also, at this point your studio is not going to look fabulous! Below are a few of my photos taken as I returned my tools, supplies and equipment to my studio.

I had already mentioned I had placed a deeper table in front of the window (above) which made it difficult to reach the window in order to open and close it. I had made the decision that larger table actually took up too much space and removed it from the room completely. I honestly don't miss it. Instead I use one larger work table and occasionally the counter shown above.

I do a few periodic projects in stained glass. For that I have a board that I set on top of the table. It allows me space to cut, place and solder the pieces. The grinder and some other supplies are on my rolling glass stand. I can remove my stained glass board and place it on the counter if I need to begin work on another project.

I often do watercolor painting on this same table. My paints are now kept near the table in a wire basket. My favorite brushes are on my table for easy access and safe keeping.

My bead projects are either done at this same table or in the house on a tray. Even though my beads are very close to my work table I use trays in my studio to gather my beads and findings for a specific project. When I complete the project I simply take the tray over to my bead storage area and 'unload' it. My beading tools are kept in a caddy as shown on a previous post. This makes it very simple to move in the midst of a project for whatever reason or to quickly put items away and clean up.

Above on the wall is the repurposed spice rack I discussed in a previous post. Also shown is the dress form I often use to hang a necklace on to see how it is going to lay. It is between my bead stash and counter area. One of these days she will get a makeover. I sometimes drape fabric over it to photograph jewelry, so it is handy to have it next to the window.

I have a few (more now added) display pieces I wanted to keep together. I don't do a lot of shows at this point, but felt I wanted to keep these for future open houses or show displays. They are on a shelf not real easily accessed because I don't use them often at this point. The shelf will be painted white at some time.

Above I have placed items used less often. The top shelf requires a ladder to access the items located there. Yes, this is where my plastic is. It protects the items I use less often such as stencilling and stamping equipment, framing supplies, paper making supplies and sculpting tools. The wire baskets on the shelf below that holds items I use a little more often, but not continually. They include for example some stained glass supplies, bead containers, string, and special tools such as wood burning, hot glue gun and heat gun. Notice I have placed tags on each container to identify in general what is contained in each.

Below are my favorites! Beads and lots of them! Can you believe I had all these gorgeous beads tucked away in drawers and plastic bags? I had the two sets of identical shelves made, painted them myself in a neutral color to show off the colorful beads and spaced them apart to allow for deeper shelving to be placed between them. You will see what I used it for in a later post. I also placed the shelves where they would get the most sunlight and sparkle the most.

Finally is my main work table. My son was getting rid of the fluorescent light fixtures so I snagged them and placed one on hooks above my counter and one above my work table. I placed one warm bulb and one cool bulb in each. I will discuss lighting in a future post, which is crucial in a studio.

As you can see, my beads are not far from the work table. Below my work table which is actually a drafting table, I had to store my leading for stained glass (the long skinny cardboard box). This keeps it off the floor and pretty much out of my way. I have also for now placed my tools under the table and a tool box containing my portable outdoor painting supplies.

The problem I am tackling right now is the unattractive heating and air conditioning unit in the corner (see below). I think I have found a solution for camouflaging it, but that is the area I am focusing on right now and will share the results when completed.

As you work in your room you will find things that aren't working for you. Figure out what isn't working and why. Then focus on how to resolve the issue. Brainstorm with friends and family members. They may have ideas that could work. They have the ability to focus on that one particular problem without being distracted and can look at it with fresh eyes. It might surprise you what they come up with and they will probably be flattered that you asked them which will make them really want to come up with something solid!

Also remember that your studio arrangement is not set in stone, at least I hope not. Things can be later switched around and rearranged if they aren't working or if your needs and interests change.

Again, I hope this post is helpful. Looking at the last image, what would you do to resolve this eyesore? The area can't be totally blocked off because of airflow and water drains from it into a bucket. The filter also needs cleaned so access to that is crucial. I just thought I would throw that out in case you wanted a challenge or had completed your studio with no problems and wanted to know what it felt like to have such a problem.

The next steps are the fun ones, so check back! See you soon!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Desktop Containers (not just for nuts!)

Need an idea for the desktop? Whether it be in an office or a studio, these are great for holding 'things'. I bought these sugar or nut servers at a company garage sale. The little scoops that usually are included were either missing or broken, so they had these clearanced. I use them for stained glass supplies as shown, but they would work equally well in an office to hold paper clips, binder clips, tags, pencils, erasers, small ruler or scissors for instance. Wouldn't they be fun filled with buttons or clothespins? Glues, sponges, or chalk or markers? Anything small that you want to keep in a convenient spot and ready for use would work well in these.

These come in a variety of shapes and are often silver metal in structure. The one shown below is more of a shell shaped nut dish that works perfectly for my small rondells and small pieces of bevelled glass. Be on the lookout for these! The size is really nice and with the rounded bottom inside, it is easy to pick up whatever is in them. You don't have to worry about something getting stuck in a corner. If nothing else, keep some candy in them! They are just pretty!

I know I sound like a broken record, but I would love to hear what types of items you have difficulty finding storage for. I hope these nut dishes inspire some other ideas for you!