Tuesday, May 27, 2003

One Through Ten
1. I am a Korean-American woman.
2. I am an evangelical Christian with Presbyterian roots.
3. I am an attorney who wants to change the world.
4. I am short, but I prefer the term "petite."
5. I love my parents.
6. I read for pleasure. A lot.
7. I like most books better than I like most people.
8. I consider my dearest friends -- the ones I'd call at 3a to express extreme crisis or extreme joy -- my lifeline.
9. I love Jesus.
10. I have the best brother in the world.

Eleven Through Twenty
11. I like to sing, and manage to do so in tune and with feeling most of the time.
12. My favorite beer is Killian's Red.
13. My favorite red wine is Australian Shiraz.
14. I haven't had a serious alcoholic drink in ... I can't remember how long it's been.
15. My television loyalties currently lie with "Lost," "Monk," and nearly anything on HGTV.
16. "Little House on the Prairie" was a formative experience for me.
17. I am truly, truly stubborn. I've just learned to sweeten it over the years to make other people think they have a chance.
18. I possess an irrational fear about deep water, fluid in the lungs and drowning.
19. I like to dance, but I think my skills have lessened significantly since my college clubbing days have gone by the wayside.
20. I eat like a pig. And pig products are my favorite meat.

Twenty-One Through Thirty
21. I have bunny-rabbit tendencies.
22. I love the New York Yankees.
23. I despise the Boston Red Sox.
24. I smoked approximately 2 Marlboro Lights a week during law school. It's a requirement for law students. But I definitely don't touch the stuff anymore. Unless I need to.
25. I am an Internet and Google machine -- I will find anything and everything for you online.
26. I like the colour red. But people tell me blue is my colour. Go figure.
27. I believe men and women can be friends; it just takes a lot of hard work, communication and love.
28. My favorite beverage in general is New York tap water.
29. I love to cook and bake, especially for hordes of friends.
30. I like to drive places, get lost, wander, browse neighborhoods while driving exactly the speed limit, have the sun warm the top of my head and tan my driving arm, with the window down, and some good ol' down home music filtering through the car.

Thirty-One Through Forty
31. I am stronger, braver and more able than I think, but I never realize this until after the fact.
32. I prefer lined college-ruled paper, except when journaling, and then I prefer unlined sketch paper upon which I can write sideways.
33. I am a salty-snacks girl: french fries, potato chips, pretzels and popcorn.
34. I am an American patriot unafraid to speak my mind when I think my country is being wrong or stupid. Thank you, United States Constitution.
35. Most men's cologne makes me gag; fresh soapy man smell is always yummier.
36. I have an active alterna-world, created in the depths of my imagination, fueled by the books I read, the movies I watch and the people I observe.
37. I am happily single (for now).
38. I love being barefoot and sitting on the floor, curled up against the leg of a friend or family member.
39. I am almost always cold and require an extra sweater or a blanket at all times.
40. I hate summer.

Forty-One Through Fifty
41. I don't let them cut my cuticles when I get a manicure.
42. I enjoy talking about my farts, burps, bowel movements and menstrual cycles. Oh heck, I'll talk about yours too.
43. I read many magazines, and thus know a lot about things I have never experienced, like anti-Jewish sentiment, breastfeeding, ovarian cancer, loss of a limb, pregnancy, the prostate gland, the Civil Rights movement in the 60s and blood clots.
44. I have met and known the man I want to marry and spend the rest of my life with. He just doesn't know it yet. I'm just waiting and praying for him to know.
45. I secretly love it when I announce that I have a paper cut, and all of my friends/family in the medical field rush to save me and manage my pain.
46. Most of my good friends -- and even the friends that I don't really consider friends -- do not call me by my given name.
47. I have a very strong gag reflex.
48. I like to feel protected.
49. I cry at everything: AT&T Long Distance commercials, episodes of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," scary movies, things/events/people who make me angry, ghost stories, "The West Wing," church sermons, people who make me happy, moments that make me feel grateful.
50. I am an excellent event coordinator. With a little more experience, I could do your five-hour wedding extravaganza for 250 people.

Fifty-One Through Sixty
51. I really enjoy washing dishes.
52. I am a good and sympathetic listener.
53. I remember all things that are not truly significant to my daily life.
54. But I can barely do simple math. Complex math is impossible, unless you use letters, like in calculus, and then I'll compute you out of the water.
55. I can, however, remember words, definitions, spellings and usages and can kick your ass with my knowledge of these things.
56. I have weighed the same poundage for the last 7 (seven) years. Most of it's now muscle, naturally.
57. I ask a lot of bizarre questions because I truly am curious and want to know. I'm not just being weird for weirdness's sake.
58. I believe in buying shoes and articles of clothing in several different colors (or several in the same color) if I know it fits and I know I'll wear it a lot, because I'll never find the item again later.
59. I also have this weird ability to remember people's phone numbers, as long as I don't have to add the digits or do other math-like activities with them.
60. I am so type-A that I own and maintain three separate calendars, not including the calendar reserved for work deadlines and conferences.

Sixty-One Through Seventy
61. I drive fast, type really fast, and read really, really fast.
62. I think it's funny and adorable when someone -- a bartender, a doorman, a taxi driver, etc. -- calls me and my friends "Ladies." "What'll it be, ladies?" "Here you go, ladies." "Welcome, ladies." "Good morning, ladies."
63. When you ask me "Where are you from?" and I say "New York," you probably shouldn't then ask me "No, really, where are you FROM?" Don't be an ass.
64. Most people who know me well would say I am somewhat . . . strange and slightly spastic.
65. I always have much inappropriate laughter bubbling just beneath the surface.
66. I have very vivid, life-like and colorful dreams about 5-6 nights a week.
67. I believe God speaks to me through my dreams.
68. I would rather email than speak on the phone, but would always rather chat with you in person over coffee.
69. I have changed a lot in the last year.
70. I am often clumsy and klutzy and have trouble walking in a straight line, but I also have a strange sixth sense and great peripheral vision which I have used to protect my body and others from physical harm. Oooooooh.

Seventy-One Through Eighty
71. I have only started to enjoy wearing dresses and skirts in the last four years.
72. I own a home ... and it's only recently really starting to become mine in sentiment.
73. I can be really, really piercingly mean to you if I put my mind to it.
74. I can also bend over backwards and sacrifice everything that is good for me in order to put you at ease, lift your burdens and make you happy.
75. I am probably smarter than I let myself be.
76. I definitely should have worked harder in college and law school.
77. I have no shame.
78. I have a healthy ability to laugh at myself. But a few more minutes of that, and I could start crying, so be careful.
79. I like to snuggle, in a non-romantic way. I am bunny-like, after all.
80. I also like to snuggle, in a romantic way. I am a woman, after all.

Eight-One Through Ninety
81. Thunderstorms energize me.
82. Hazelnut coffee with Splenda, chamomile tea skim n' sugar, or plain iced coffee with Splenda.
83. I want to delve into your psyche and your motives, not to try to analyze you, but to try to understand you and love you better as a person.
84. I have secret ambitions of winning an Oscar, a Grammy, an Emmy and a Tony. Watch out, Rita Moreno...
85. I have acceptance speeches prepared for all of those awards.
86. I'm still working on the one for my Nobel Peace Prize. Too many people to thank and too many important things I want to say.
87. I'm not really as conceited as I'm coming across right now.
88. In fact, I tend to self-doubt until someone tells me I'm wrong to do so.
89. I'm a Scorpio. Don't be scared. But do be careful.
90. I wish I: could drive stick, could play the guitar, had perfect pitch, throw a baseball like Mike Mussina, swim competently, weren't afraid of hurting myself, were nicer to people, could do math in my head, could run faster, had more upper-body strength, were braver, could trust God more faithfully.

Ninety-One Through One Hundred
91. I have a tractor beam inside my head that pulls in whatever is in range. Luckily, I have no permanent damage.
92. I am going to write a book one of these days, and you are all going to read it and love it, and I will give all my friends free copies of it and thank them for saying they loved it even if they didn't.
93. 98% of the time, I don't like chocolate or ice cream or other sweets.
94. At various points in my life, I used to want to be: an astronaut, a doctor, an ambassador, a college British Literature professor, a high school Spanish teacher, a caterer, a law professor, an author, a journalist, a Supreme Court justice, a small bookstore owner, a stay-at-home mom, a criminal investigator, an actress.
95. I still want to be all of those things.
96. I have a very low tolerance for stupid, insensitive, bigoted, close-minded, non-introspective, clueless, tactless, mean-for-no-reason people who make no effort to know themselves, to know the world around them, or to grow. If you are like this, I will be mean to you.
97. I love staying in nice hotels.
98. I enjoy airports; I used to study in them during college and law school.
99. I am easily amused.
100. .....