
British Pilgrims entering the Cathedral at Chartres

Sunday, 30 March 2014

Last Few Places!

The Deadline has passed, but there a still a few places left on the coach to Chartres!  Don't be left behind on this fabulous spiritual adventure!  Join Father Martin Edwards (pictured above with the cool shades), our National Chaplain, Father Gerard Byrne, Father Mark Withoos, Father Alex Redman, Joseph Shaw (Chairman of the Latin Mass Society) and Jamie Bogle (President of Una Voce International) on the road to Chartres.  Please register now!    

Thursday, 6 March 2014

Registrations Being Accepted Now!

A link to this year's Registration Form on Google Docs has been added to the top of the right hand column of this webpage.  Please download the form to your computer before completing and returning to us (otherwise your details will be available to the next person using the form!).  To join this year's Pilgrimage, please send the Registration form with a deposit of £30.00 per person to Chartres 2014 .  Payment in full by 25 March 2014 please!

Registration Forms have also been sent by email to people on our contact list.  If you prefer a form to be emailed (or posted) to you, please let us know.    

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Preliminary Information for 2014

Welcome to the 32nd Chartres Pilgrimage! Briefly, we walk from Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris, to Notre-Dame Cathedral, Chartres, involving 70 miles in three days. This involves long hours of walking, early morning starts, arriving at the campsite late in the evenings and requires a reasonable level of fitness.
The British Pilgrimage starts on Friday 6 June 2014 with the Holy Mass in Westminster Cathedral Crypt at 7.00am and the coach leaves for Calais at 7.30am.  Each day on the Pilgrimage the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be celebrated and we will also meditate on the Holy Rosary.  Also, confession and spiritual guidance will be available throughout the day. On Tuesday 10 June 2014, there is Mass in the Crypt of Chartres Cathedral before the coach takes us back to England via the Eurotunnel arriving at Westminster Cathedral at 8.00pm.
   What is the Chartres Pilgrimage ?
Chartres is at the centre of the religious history of France. Since Roman times, when the "Virgo Paritura" was venerated here, to the present day, the shrine has not ceased to attract pilgrims from the most distinguished (all the kings of France) to the most humble.
The Chartres pilgrimage is a very old tradition in France, and has been given new vigour by the association Notre-Dame de Chrétienté‚ which has organised it for over 30 years. The president of the Association is Jean de Tauriers and the Chaplain is Abbé Coiffet.
The pilgrimage is a walk of prayer and penance, and has both an individual and a social character. Encouraged by several Popes, and numerous bishops, over 8,000 pilgrims take part, with about 750 coming from 20 foreign countries. All are united in prayer to Our Lady during a three-day walk of 70 miles, making this the largest pilgrimage of its kind in Western Europe, both in the distance covered and in the number of pilgrims. Each day, Mass is celebrated in the most beautiful way, according to the Roman Missal of Pope John XXIII. The liturgy is the traditional Latin one: magnificent instrument of prayer, stressing the universal character of the Mass.
The spirit of the Pentecost Pilgrimage
The pilgrimage is organised in a dynamic spirit, as a reaction to the materialism of our times. We place ourselves within the traditional doctrine taught by the Church. Wishing to work for the Social Reign of Our Lord, we want our Faith to overflow into our personal lives, our family lives, our working lives, and into the very life of our country. Following Huysmans, Psichari, Peguy and other illustrious converts, the Chartres pilgrims walk for Christendom, "that sunny side of a civilisation where the Kingship of Christ spreads over the lives and works of men, over the families and over the nations, searching obstinately amidst the cultures and earthly battles, for an uncompromising balance between nature and grace, wishing, by heroism and holiness, to trace already on earth the avenues of the Kingdom."
A call to conversion, a public act of reparation to the Sacred Heart, this pilgrimage is a homage to Christ the King and to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
The pilgrims walk in ‘chapters’. The Chapter of Our Lady of Walsingham (older adults) is led by Francis Carey and Jamie Bogle. The Chaplains, Fr Edwards and Fr Byrne, will accompany us all along the walk, hearing confessions, providing meditations, prayers and teaching the Catholic Faith. Our Juventutem (Youth) Chapter is under the patronage of Saint Alban. The Juventutem Chaplain is Fr Redman.  There may be a Family Chapter of the Immaculate Heart of Mary if there is demand. The Family Chapter walks a slightly truncated route and can accomodate younger children (6 and above).
THEME FOR THE YEAR 2014 :"In the Beginning, God Created Heaven and Earth…"
The 32nd Chartres Pilgrimage begins a new chapter starting at the beginning of the Bible, the beginning of Creation.  Each day will have its own Patron Saint and subtheme for meditation.
It is highly recommended that pilgrims consecrate (or reconsecrate) themselves totally to Our Lady after the manner of St Louis de Montfort at the campsite at Gas before the Blessed Sacrament exposed on Pentecost.   The preparation for this takes 33 days and, therefore, you should start this on 4 May 2014, Feast of the Holy Martyrs of England and Wales, (to finish on the day we leave England for the Pilgrimage).  Previous pilgrims wishing to renew their Consecration should start on 16 May 2014.  Details can be found on the Website.
Food during the pilgrimage
Notre-Dame de Chrétienté supplies bread and water at lunch throughout the walk and at the evening campsite.  At the campsite, hot soup is available in the evenings and breakfast (coffee, hot chocolate and bread and jam) is available in the mornings.  Pilgrims should, however, bring with them their own food, enough for three cold picnic lunches and to supplement the evening soup.  These should be organised in England as there are very limited opportunities to buy anything during the pilgrimage.
Assistance during the walk
Permanent medical assistance is assured by the doctors and hospitallers of the Order of Malta, who have an outdoor hospital at each campsite.
At each halt, shuttle buses provide transport for pilgrims who can no longer walk or, in case of emergency, to take them to hospital.
  Les Pieds (Feet!)
During the pilgrimage it is important to look after one's feet as walking with blisters is very painful.  Along with the usual precautions of wearing good walking boots (well worn-in) and wool or cotton socks (not synthetic), experienced walkers have found that the application of "Elastoplaste", a very sticky medical tape available in French chemists (there is one near our Paris hotel), to the sole and heel of the foot results in no blisters!  It costs about £5 for a box, but is well worth the investment.  A foot/hand cream is also recommended.  If you have trouble, do not hesitate to use the services of the Order of Malta which are always available en-route and at the campsites.  The Health & Safety brigade has now, however, restricted what can be treated by the volunteers.  Apparently, bursting a blister now requires the attendance of a qualified doctor!

   Pilgrim's equipment
Clothing for walking, particularly boots or good walking shoes (synthetic fibre socks are not advised). Here is the list of essentials:
a small backpack to carry throughout, containing :

  • Food: lunch for the day and energy-giving snacks (dried fruit, salty nuts, etc.).  Tins of     tuna salad, cheese, salami, glucose tablets etc.
  • Waterproof raingear (heavy rain possible!)
  • pullover
  • water bottle (water supplied) and knife/fork/spoon
  • cup for tea/coffee/soup (contents supplied, bring tea bags if tea required)
  • hat, to protect against the sun (and sun cream)
  • Pilgrim’s Booklet (supplied, containing all the Mass texts, hymns, and other prayers)
  • Small plastic bag/cover for Pilgrim’s Booklet
  • plasters and general simple medication (for blisters, headaches, dehydration etc.)
  • rosary
a larger bag, which will be taken in the special pilgrimage lorries and which is retrieved each evening, containing :
  • food reserves (for remaining meals)
  • torch
  • warm jumper/garment (cold early mornings)
  • change of clothing (a pullover, shirts, trousers, pants, vests, socks)
  • light shoes for the evening (good boots recommended for the walk)
  • toiletries and toilet paper (not essential)
  • night-clothes
  • warm sleeping bag
  • personal tent (if you have one) or Groundsheet and mat (for collective tents)

(When packing your luggage, make sure that that you line it with a plastic bag.  Luggage is left in the open at the campsite and, if it rains, clothes may get wet.  Especially, make sure that your sleeping bag is in a waterproof bag.)


 Itinerary (subject to alteration)

Friday, 6 June 2014
07:00                       Mass in Westminster Cathedral Crypt (Ambrosden Avenue)
07:30                       Coaches pick up outside Cathedral
11:10                       Coach boards ferry at Dover
18:00                       Coach arrives at Hotel near Paris

Saturday, 7 June 2014 (Vigil of Pentecost)
05:00                       Breakfast
05:30                       Coach to Notre Dame Cathedral
07:00                       Mass in Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris
08:30(est.)               Leave Notre Dame towards Chartres
13:30                       Lunch at Bièvres (les Damoiseaux)
20:00                       Arrive at Ferté-Choisel for dinner and bed (“Veillée amicale” at 21:00)

Sunday, 8 June 2014 (Pentecost Sunday)
06:15                      Prayers of Departure
07:00                      First Chapters leave Campsite
13:00                      Solemn Mass of Pentecost & Lunch at Sonchamps (les Courlis)
20:00                      Arrive at Gas Campsite
21:00                      Benediction, Consecration to Our Lady and All Night Exposition          

Monday, 9 June 2014 (Pentecost Monday)
06:30                       Load Luggage onto London Coach or Lorry at Campsite at Gas
07:00                       Leave Gas for Chartres
10:30                       Lunch at Gasville-Oisème
15:30                       Solemn Mass in Chartres Cathedral
20:00                       Dinner in Chartres
????                         Bed!

Tuesday, 10 June 2014 (Pentecost Tuesday)

08:30ish                     Breakfast
10:00                       Mass in Chartres CathedralCrypt—Notre Dame de Sous Terre
12:00                       Depart Chartres by coach for London
18:20                       Board Eurotunnel (not Eurostar!)
20:00                       Arrive London Victoria Railway Station

Important Requirements of Pilgrims to Chartres 
1.     Live the spirituality of the pilgrimage in your chapter
2.     Welcome and support new and lone pilgrims
3.     March to the end of each stage, unless unable to do so for serious reasons
4.     Adopt appropriate dress and behaviour, in conformity with the pilgrim spirit: immodest clothing is prohibited, especially dresses which are too short, cropped tops, paramilitary paraphernalia.  The use of drugs is strictly forbidden.  Alcohol and tobacco use should be discrete and moderate.  Young people will be particularly supervised in this regard.
5.     Respect silence when it is requested.  Mobile phones and electronic devised are not to be used while walking, except in an emergency.
6.     Avoid wasting any food or drink, and help to maintain cleanliness; it is a basic responsibility not to drop litter of any sort
7.     Help the logistics teams when asked, and respect their instructions (in particular, pitching tents in the appropriate marked spaces).

The organisers reserve the right to exclude from the pilgrimage any person who does not respect these instructions or who refuses to follow them.

Visit the Website :

For further information, please contact: 

Mr and Mrs F Carey, Chartres 2014, 27 First Avenue, Amersham, Bucks.  HP7 9BL

Friday, 24 May 2013

A Pilgrimage of Beautiful Souls and Minor Miracles

British Chapters leave Notre Dame de Paris for 3 days of Spiritual Adventure
It is over for another year!  The 2013 Chartres Pilgrimage, like the mysterious Scottish village that appears for only one day every hundred years in the musical Brigadoon, has disappeared into the French mist which for so long obscurred our view of the beautiful Cathedral which was our ultimate destination on this great Spiritual adventure.  The Pilgrimage is really indescribable as it is only possible to outline the external manifestations of what is essentially a deeply personal contact between souls and the Living God.  Each Pilgrim has his own story to tell and, if you are fortunate to join us, your story will be unique.  Next year's Pilgrimage leaves London on 6 June 2014 -- make this D-Day for you!  One first time pilgrim's story can be found here.  More photos (and videos) can be found here.  The Chairman of the Latin Mass Society has a blow by blow account of a previous pilgrimage here.  While the whole Pilgrimage is a walking miracle, so many little things throughout this Pilgrimage attest to the personal interest of God in the individual pilgrim.  When seemingly difficult or impossible problems presented themselves, solutions "miraculously" followed.  Our Lady's mantle covered the pilgrims and this ensured that whenever a physical or spiritual aid was required, it was available.  We did not walk alone!!             

To refresh your memory on the Pilgrimage Meditations (and for interest to non-pilgrims) a full list of the  Meditations for 2013 can be found here.    

Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Still Some Places!

There are still some places on the coach from London, so please do join us!  You won't regret it! Registration Form available here.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

Chartres 2013 Registration Now Open!

We are pleased to open registrations for Chartres 2013!  Please follow the link here for the Registration Form.  We are pleased to be able to keep the cost the same as last year (£250.00 for adults and £125.00 for children).  If you have any questions not answered on this website, please contact contact us here.
A deposit of £30.00 per person secures your place, payment in full by 25 March 2013 please!  See you there!

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Chartres 2013

Date for your diary:   The next Pilgrimage takes place 17-21 May 2013!  Start planning now!