Chase No Face on Facebook

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Catvent Calendar: 1 Day Til Christmas!

1: The number of people who cared enough to bring me to the vet after I was in my accident and save my kitty life. It just takes one person to make a big difference.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

CATVENT CALENDAR: 2 Days til Christmas

2: The number of doctors that helped care for me when I was sick. Thank you Dr. Headley and Dr. Piercy from Chevy Chase Animal Clinic .

CATVENT CALENDAR: 3 Days til Christmas

3: The number of medicated drops I usually use for my eyes. 1 Antibiotic, 1 Artificial Tear, 1 Steroid.

Friday, December 21, 2007

CATVENT CALENDAR: 4 Days til Christmas

4: The total number of furry friends that live in my house. Spider, Parker (girl Italian Grey Hound dogs) and Zooey (big brother cat) plus me!

CATVENT CALENDAR: 5 Days til Christmas

5: The number of times I have crawled into the refrigerator while the door has been open. My mom has no idea why, but I just like crawling on top of things. Anything with a lid about my size or a little higher and I will pounce on top of it and enjoy the view.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

CATVENT CALENDAR: 6 Days til Christmas

>6: The number of Whiskers I have on my face. I don't have very many because I only have them on one side of my head...

CATVENT CALENDAR: 7 Days til Christmas

7: The number of socks out of the laundry each week that lose a mate and my mom lets me lay on them when they are nice and warm .... Ahhhhh.... Laundry Basket..... I'm sleepy now....

Sweet Miss Peach and the Cute but also Curly Daisy

Miss Peach gave me this gold star because "Little amazing Miss CHASE because she is a fighter and goes out into the world to spread love and tolerance despite her handicap. She is a working kitty who deserves our deepest respect!".
Thanks Miss Peach. You are very sweet and a great friend!!
Also, The adorable and curly Daisy also gave me one!! I would blush if I could... She wrote: "She is a truly beautiful and extraordinary cat. When Chase was just a baby, she had an accident that changed the way she looks. Even though she looks a little different, Chase is a happy cat, and wants to help others. She is a certified Animal Assistance Therapy Pet! I am so proud of Chase, and it is my honor to pass this award on to her."
I have to think about who to send it to ....

Monday, December 17, 2007

CATVENT CALENDAR: 8 Days til Christmas

8: The average number of eyedrops my mom puts in my eyes per day. Which I don't really mind when she does it because she knows how to be really gentle.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Best Gift of All Time

Well, today my mom's friend gave her/me a wonderful present. It is a book called "Hug Time" by Patrick McDonnell. It is a book about a little kitty just like me... and it makes my mom cry when she reads it to me. The first line, "There once was a kitten so full of love He wanted to give the whole world a hug." And the little guy travels and gives all sorts of animals hugs. I hope I can do that with people!!

Definitely a book that will be my #1 on Chase's Book Club =^..^=

CATVENT CALENDAR: 9 Days til Christmas

9: The number of toy mice my sister dogs have taken from me and then eaten!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

CATVENT CALENDAR: 10 Days til Christmas

10: The number of seconds it takes me to wake up and crawl out from under my mom's bed or from behind the sofa after she pulls out my cat food bag. I can hear that yummy goodness and I know it is time to eat so I head for the kitchen. My mom does not feed me in the morning because she knows if she starts to feed me and especially big Zooey early, we will both cry and wake her up earlier and earlier. So usually I get to eat around her lunchtime (: Mhhh. Food. I am hungry now.

Friday, December 14, 2007

CATVENT CALENDAR: 11 Days til Christmas

11: The number of minutes I will purr and groom myself and my mommie at night when we go to bed. I just cannot look messy while I sleep and I like to help my mommie look clean too.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

CATVENT CALENDAR: 12 Days til Christmas

12: The number of stair in my house that I will run up and down and back up again... I get excited sometimes and purr so loud and run all over the house. My mom just laughs...

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

CATVENT CALENDAR: 13 Days til Christmas

13: Baker's Dozen. This is how I think they should sell kitty food cans. I LOVE cans of food but my mom only buys it occasionally for me. She tells me even though I enjoy it that it must upset my stomach because I am not used to it. Oh well. Maybe one or two will be in my stocking (:

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

CATVENT CALENDAR: 14 Days til Christmas

14: The number of furry toes I have. (10 front ones, 4 on my one back leg)

Monday, December 10, 2007

CATVENT CALENDAR: 15 Days til Christmas

15: The number of Christmas Cards I have gotten so far (:

Sunday, December 9, 2007

ECARD For you!

Happy Holidays from both me and my brother, Zooey.

CATVENT CALENDAR: 16 Days til Christmas

16: The number of Whiskas Cat Milk container I have had in my life... Mhhhh. I wish I have had more but my mom only buys them occasionally.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

CATVENT CALENDAR: 17 Days til Christmas

17: 17 is the number of times my mom will hug me during the day. I don't know why she has to do this because I KNOW she loves me but she just likes hugging me and kissing my bald spot (which does have a few hairs now)!! This is a pic of me being hugged to near death by one of my mom's friend's children. She is super sweet and really liked carrying me around the house and holding onto me. I enjoyed the attention but was glad to be home with my mom afterwards. (:

Friday, December 7, 2007

CATVENT CALENDAR: 18 Days til Christmas

18: The date in May that this picture was taken. I was at my grandma's house and really enjoyed the porch. It was warm and had a view everywhere I turned!! I didn't turn very often, but if I wanted to move to another location I could have...

Thursday, December 6, 2007

CATVENT CALENDAR: 19 Days til Christmas

19: The number of hours I wish I could sit in front of the window and check out birds.... but I get sleepy and I love my sleep (obviously... note my post for Catvent Calendar: 24 days til Christmas).

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

CATVENT CALENDAR: 20 Days til Christmas

20: Is the number of toy mice I am asking Santa to bring me. But I was hoping if I leave him a cricket and some of my leftover milk he might give me some neat toys like the BaDa Beam laser toy.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

CATVENT CALENDAR: 21 Days Til Christmas

21(I have been off on the countdown... sorry): The number of times I have crawled under this "milking stool" (which has 3 legs just like me by the way) to hide from my Big Brother, Zooey. He will get really hyper some days and will chase me and try to bite on my scruff. I do not like it.

I never hiss (by the way), my mom doesn't know if it is a nasal thing and since I don't have a nose maybe that is why... but she just tells me it must be because I am so polite.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

CATVENT CALENDAR: 24 Days Til Christmas!

24: The highest number of hours I have slept in one spot under my mom's sheets. (Note the fluffy tail poking out of sheets!)

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Kitty Limerick For Chase

How SWEET! Someone wrote a sweet poem for Chase:


I have found a nasty webpage that they took a pic of Chase and wrote nasty things about her. Does anyone know how to prevent people from using the pictures and videos on this blog for mean purposes? I'm so sad about this. She is such a sweetheart and people can be so cruel.


Chase's Mom

MY CATVENT CALENDAR: 25 Days Til Christmas

25: Is my LPM... the number of times per minute I can lick.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Somthing to Look Forward To....

In just a few days I am going to start posting a Chase's Christmas Countdown!!!
So check back for my own take on the Advent calendar!!


Donation Info

Hi my fuzzy friends!!
I had a wonderful thanksgiving and I have a lot of things to be thankful for. Especially my new fuzzy friends. I also have had a few requests to mail me some donations for the cost of all the eye medications I go thru. And if you want to mail me any money for that I would greatly appreciate it because I know my mommie spends a bit of money on it because I use about 3 types four times a day. You can write a check (make it to CCAC) or send cash to my old vet clinic. They let me get my meds at cost.

Chevy Chase Animal Clinic
ATTN: Chase Donations
600 E. Euclid Ave
Lexington, KY 40502

Thanks for the offers friends! And please do not feel like you need to send any money because I am not struggling but I did have a few requests so I wanted to post this info for those who were interested.

I will hopefully post some new pics soon!!

Hugs and Purrs,

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Comment Reply

Chase: In response to the following question the answer is YES. I have tried to hold my brother down with my paws. But the problem is that I am 9 lbs and he is 16 (or a little more). Also, I have claws but I just don't think it is nice to use them so I never ever will pull them out. So he can just easily stand up and walk away. Sigh!!
Mew Mew,

Question: Hi Chase, you certainly get around, that's a great picture of you in the car. It's a shame your bro' won't let you groom him, have you tried keeping him still with one of your mighty furry paws?xx

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thank you Miss Peach

Miss Peach gave me this award! How sweet she is!! Thank YOU!

7 Facts About Me!

I love to sleep in the car. I can sleep in about any position. Even on my dad's shoulder!!

7 Facts Me! I was tagged by Monty to do the seven random facts meme.

Here are the rules:* Link to the person who tagged you and post the rules on your blog;*

Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself;*

Tag 7 random people at the end of your post & include links to their blogs;*

Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

1. I secretly wish my brother cat would let me give him a good grooming. When he is in a sleepy mood I will go over and give him a kiss, but he won't let me give him more than one or two licks. It drives me CRAZY! So then I go and lick on my sister dogs.

2. I love to sleep under the sheets where it is dark!

3. If anything looks like it is a bowl, I will put my head in it and lick. (I.E. Duck tape roll on floor, small box, vase...). This is probably because I have no sense of smell since I lost my nose. But I sure can taste everything extra well!!

4. I don't mind when my mom has to trim my nails or pick gunk off my face. But anyone else just hasnt had the practice and I will squirm.

5. I love car rides! I went on sooo many to and from the vet (where my mom worked and I was allowed to work there too) that I just curl up and relax. (SEE PICS BELOW- this is from my move to NE, I slept on my dad's shoulder or the head rest the WHOLE time I was in the car)

6. It really bothers me if my hair is messed up. I will have to spend a lot of time grooming it the way I want it.

7. I love looking out the front door or a window. That is my favorite entertainment.

I tagged:

Baby Mao

Jack and Dante (the pirate kitties)

Chairman Mao

Friday, November 16, 2007

Chevy Chase Animal Clinic Visit

Hi friends,

Well, I wanted to let you know that my mom is going to bring me to Lexington with her for Christmas. Which was a given, because I don't know what she would do without me on Christmas? It isn't truly a holiday unless you share it with family, right? Back to the point- I am coming back to Lexington for a few days in Dec, so if you are interested in visiting with me please let me know and we can work out a day for me to meet with you. Hope you are well!

Mew Mew Mew,


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Fat Cat on a Little Shoe...

Well, after my sisters bothered me and fought for the space next to me on the Shoe, my "thick-furred" brother, Zooey, curled up next to me and we ended up taking a nice nap.

Sisterly Love

My crazy sisters won't let me sleep sometimes. They like to sleep with me sometimes but then one will come along and stir up trouble. In this case, Parker wanted to take a nap with me on my shoe bed but then Spider came along and had to start a fight... Sisters!!!

Lessons from Big Brother

My Brother likes to show me how to play with new toys. I am usually a little intimitated and don't like to play really rough but he does. And he will pass the toys to me so we can share. Here is a little clip of us with a Lollipop.

Friday, November 9, 2007

Working Hard in the Office

Well, my mom is a little behind on organizing the office like my dad asked her to do while he was gone... but I like the disorder because there are more things for me to crawl upon. I LOVE climbing and anything that is slightly off the ground I will attempt to stand on. (I.E. vaccuum cleaner - see previous post, laundry boxes, litter boxes, crates, moving boxes, stools, stairs, pillows.)

My most current achievement is of course a pile of newspapers in the office.

I quickly fell asleep on them...

Pet Food Recall Alert

Hi friends! My grandma sent me this info to put on my blog. You can click on this link and sign up for free pet food recall alerts. They have a notice on the site currently about Hartz Vitamins.
Furrballs and licks!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

I'm Ready to Work!

For my job as a therapy kitty I need a harness to wear. So my mom got me the coolest one EVER!! It is a pink breathable harness. But best of all.... it has WINGS!! Here I am modeling it for you.

1 Extra Hour to Sleep In!

Ahh. Last night was perfect. I shared the bed with my mom. I curled up on her pillow and stayed there all night! I never moved. Here are some pics my mom took of me this morning!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Interactive Question:

Ok, so here are questions for you to reply to by hitting the "comment" word below this entry and letting me know what your answers are.

1. What should I be for Halloween next year?

2. Is their anything you want to know about me or would like to see on the blog?

Thanks Friends!

Friday, October 26, 2007

New Favorite Sleeping Post

While my dad is away, my mom has been sneaking me into her room and letting me sleep on the bed with her. My new favorite spot is right above her head. It is toasty there. And then in the middle of the night I can gently paw at her face and she knows that means I want to crawl under the sheets and sleep the remainder of the night curled up with her. It is heaven!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Little Helper

My mom has been painting the guest room and kitchen. Today she was going to vaccuum up her mess and I wanted to help so I climbed on the vaccuum!!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Lazy Saturday

I like my shoe bed... but so do my sisters too. So we all ended up lying down near it.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Deployed Dad

While my dad is away I have been hanging out with Uncle Evan. He lives with my mom and dad while he finishes college. It's great because I can sleep under his blanket with my sister dogs while he plays nintendo games. And trust me!! He is great at not getting up very often so I can really take a great nap allllllll afternoon!!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Did you know?

I found out that spiders are not as much fun to play with as crickets.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

What an October Day

Yesterday was such a pretty day outside, but it actually got to be about 80 degrees!! And my mom and dad had the windows opened until it got to be about 85 degrees inside and I was toasty with all my fur!! I just took a load off and relaxed in the middle of the floor. They then decided to turn on the AC and it cooled off fast. But I actually enjoyed my warm nap. (:

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Monday, September 24, 2007

Anything you can do I can do better

My Brother, Zooey, likes to lay on the stairs, but I think I can curl up a little better than he can!

Best Seat in the House

My mom opened the windows and front door today because we are having such nice weather. So I grabbed the best spot in the house before my brother or sisters could grab it!! I was able to look out the front door all morning and even attempted to swat at a few flies that were nearby.

Monday, September 17, 2007


I, a proud Paws for Friendship member, went today to a high school and visited the kids in the special ed program. I had soooo much fun! I got to work with a super sweet dog, Bentley. He made sure I felt relaxed and calm. The kids were very nice and accepting of me. They even pet me!! Here are some pictures from my day:

I LOVE car rides, so I sat next to my Mom the whole ride.

I was very excited on the way to the school!!

By the end of the trip I was really sleepy so I took a nap on the way home.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Lending a Furry Paw

I like helping my mom. She was sorting her winter clothes and I helped.

Working Hard on the Blog

I try to keep everyone updated on my fun. Here is a typical session with me on the computer.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Cricket #2

I found a second cricket tonight to play with. Again, I brought it up to show my mom. She made a loud shrieking noise and jumped on the sofa. I think she was very proud of me.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Lazy Weekend

It was a great weekend. I helped my parents paint... well, only for a little while until I got paint on my tail and then my mom put me downstairs until they were finished. But I also watched some t.v. and found a comfy spot in a laundry basket to sleep.


I actually found the cricket that has been chirping in the basement for the last month. I caught him and brought him up to the living room and showed my mom. Now when I sleep down there it will actually be quiet for me!!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Snuggling with My Sister, Parker

A Favorite Spot to Relax

I'm not sure why I like to lay on top of the dishwasher door, but I really like it. Sometimes, I get so excited I will actually run across the room to get on top of it before my Mom closes the door.


My name is Chase. I am 2 years and 3 months old. When I was 3-6 weeks old, in June 2005, I was hit by a car and left in the road. A young man heard my cries after a few days and came to my rescue. He brought me to the Chevy Chase Animal Clinic and gave the doctors some money to do what they could for me and hopefully find me a home. A new vet tech, Melissa, was working there. The doctors informed her she would get to care for me. She took me in and would take me home at night and on weekends to give me extra care that I needed while I recovered. I ended up having a back leg amputated and over the summer my nose and, eyelids, and skin from my face sloughed off from the trauma of the accident. The wonderful doctors sent me and Melissa to the University of Tenn Vet Hospital for 2 rounds of plastic surgery. Unfortunately neither attempt was successful. I would have to live looking different than my other kitty friends. I adjusted fast and even though I don't have eyelids I can still sleep just fine but I prefer to go to a dark room or under the bed. My caretaker, Melissa, ended up switching jobs and then relocating to a different state. I happily have become her "baby" and she takes care of me still to this day as a member of her family. I need a bit of special attention to keep my eyes in good shape. I get artificial tears applied to them 3-4 times daily, as well as antibiotic drops and steroid drops as needed. I have GREAT vision and love to catch flies and crickets! My face looks pink but it is just tissue and the fur will never grow back. I am NOT IN ANY PAIN! I am a very loving and friendly cat. I love to meet new dogs and cats and really like to lick them. This got me in trouble when I was a clinic cat at the vet's office. Not all the dogs wanted to meet me. But often I would curl up with the sick animals in their cages and keep them company.
This is just an introduction to me and my family. I will try to keep you posted in my daily obsticles and fun filled days as often as possible.
Love and Meows,
Chase the cat