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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Watching some TV

I jumped on the ottoman and my Dad covered me up to keep me warm. I was really really warm and snuggly because their was a fire in the room too. It was the best way a cat could watch TV!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Natural Climber

Well, we have a stool that has been wobbly, so my mom flipped it upside down so she could get some tools and fix it. Well, before she had time to fix it I decided it looked like a nice place to curl up for a midday nap. And as you can see the sun was shining in and kept me warm. I was in heaven!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Christmas Fun

Hi friends!! It has been a long time since I have been around to post. My daddy got home from his deployment on Christmas Eve so we took a short nap and then drove to Ill and KY to be with our families for the holidays. While in KY, I got to visit with my first fan, Liz. When I was a kitty I made the front page of the local paper and Liz has been in my life ever since. She makes sure to visit when she and I can and always helps out with the cost of my medications. She is a super sweet person. Here are some pics from our visit.

We made sure to get lots of sunggle time together.
I played with my new mouse toy!!!

Again, if I can crawl on top of something I will!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Hi friends! I have been busy visiting family. I will update my blog soon with pics and stories. Many licks! 
your friend,