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Saturday, February 16, 2008

Weekend in the Sun

It is in the 30's this weekend. A HEAT FLASH! I have been enjoying laying in the sun beams that come into my kitchen. I also have heard from Paws for Friendship and might be able to make a visit to a special ed. program at a school. I am keeping my whiskers crossed... but hopefully I can make the trip. I haven't had much luck finding many places to visit. It is hard being a cat and so many people are allergic. Thanks for your warm wishes regarding my eye. It has gotten much better this week.

Here is my view from the kitchen. It is hard to see in this picture but on the corner of the deck, some birds are eating old bread. It makes me purreow. Thats what my mom calls it. It is a funny noise I make when I am really excited.

Just hanging out in the sun.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Long Time... No Post

Sorry friends for all the delay with my blog. My mom has been super busy and so she hasn't had time to open the computer for me to use. But I have been doing well. I am very thankful for all the wonderful awards I have gotten recently. All my friends are so wonderful. I have been having a time with my right eye. The eye that has no lids at all. It has been red off and on since I returned from Christmas. But it is also winter and the dry winter weather dries my eyes more than normal too. It looks much better today so hopefully the worst is over. I will do my bestest to add some pics this weekend. And to all my furry friends Happy Valentines!!

PS- To Bella and Dude, Thanks for the beautiful heart locket for my collar. I LOVE IT!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Snow Day

It is snowing today and so I am hanging out on the steps because my parents have a fire going and this is the best place for me to keep warm but I can still keep an eye on everything going on.