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Sunday, March 16, 2008

Bed Hog

This is where I slept allllll night. And that is where my dad slept, so needless to say, my mom was not the happiest because she has no where to sleep. But I sure did sleep well. (:

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Pics from Today

Me and My sisters relaxing in the sun... 

Vet Visit

Oh my. I had to go to the vet last week with my brother, Zooey. It was not a fun trip. I used to be a vet clinic cat but this was not my clinic since I moved last year. So I was unhappy from the start that my dad put me in a crate because my mom NEVER puts me in a crate. I usually get a seat to myself. So I meowed the whole way to tell him how unhappy I was. They then gave us both shots which neither of us like. I definitely can handle my shots better than my brother ... heehee. He was screaming mad! And I am still keeping my figure. I am only 8.5 pounds and Zooey has gained weight and is 17.1 !!! So he will be getting diet food and I can continue eating my yummy normal food.  

My eye has been doing well still. And other than having a bath last week in the tub, I have been a very happy kitty.
I will try to get some pics today and post them.

Mew Mew