Chase No Face on Facebook

Monday, June 30, 2008

Art work

A very nice person sent me this lovely picture. Thank you!
They have beautiful art all over their blog :

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Hide and Seek

This is one of my most favorite games. I love to play hide and seek. I will chase my mom around the house and try to catch her. It is so much fun! She thinks I make silly noises when I jump onto things. I just get really excited and purreow.

Kitty Alarm Clock

I decided to be an alarm clock this morning. I meowed frequently and I don't have a snooze. I think I did a GREAT job.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Snuggling under covers

I decided to relax under the blanket on the sofa. My mom is well trained and knows that when I walk up to blankets and paw at them- that means I want under them. So she let me under the orange fuzzy blanket and I was able to do some grooming and then cat nap.

Wonderful Letters

Thanks to everyone for such wonderful comments. I started this blog orginally just to keep in contact with the people that knew me from my time at the vet clinic. For almost 2 years I went to work there with my mom and then we would go home at night. I made lots of very nice friends. I never expected to have friends from all over the world. But I do very much appreciate the kind words that I have received. I will hopefully post more pics this weekend.

I received this comment and could not reply so I am posting a reply at the bottom of this blog.
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Who's the Cool Cat?":

My heart broke when i first saw a picture of chase and then as I read the blog I could feel the smile growing across my face.

Chase you are one cool cat :-)

Only one thing!! We need an address so we can send chase presents!!!!

I don't feel comfortable giving out my home address on the blog but if you want to email me at we can work something out.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Who's the Cool Cat?

Now that I have the cool new hair do' - everyone wants to be my friend.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Hair Cut

I went and had my hair cut for the summer today. It was getting matted and really dirty from all my medication goo. Even though I allow my mom to bathe me she decided this was a needed fresh start for my fur.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sorry for delay

My mom has been busy but I am getting a lion cut tomorrow!! Wish me luck. I will post pics afterwards.