Chase No Face on Facebook

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lovely Picture

A new blog viewer sent me this hand drawn picture! how sweet...  Thank you so much!

Gift Idea from a Furry Friend

Hi guys. In case anyone wants a good gift idea.. My friend, Quasi, sent me the information on the book he is the author of: The World is Your Litter Box. It is only 9.95 at Barnes and Noble or and looks to be really fun for us and our people friends. Maybe if I put if on my list and am REAAALLLY good I will get one for Christmas in my stocking.

Q & A

Q: I don't want to be silly but... Why didn't you try a skin recostructive surgery?

People do it, why cats don't? =D

People inclusive can get a new face!! Ask your doctor for that posibility

A: Actually. I DID have a skin reconstructive surgery. I went to the University of Tenn when I was a few months old and they attempted to do that and it failed. They started a second attempt but it was not going well so we opted out because in the end I would be fine and Am fine with out fluffy fur on my face. But I really wanted eyelids but after many doctors and even people doctors looked at me - they said it was just not going to be possible. But I manage and do just fine (:
Thanks for the question!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Not me... but still a cute cat.

Ninja Cat

Q & A

Q: Does she have any artificial lenses for protection or is that something that would be practical for her?

A: No Chase does not have any lenses. She has a third eyelid on the bottom of one eye that is an amazing help for that eye. I think if I could put contacts on her it might help a bit but she would still have the same issues of getting dust and other things in here eyes and then she probably would try to remove the lenses. With the application of her eye medicine throughout the day her eyes stay really moist and I am able to flush off most random particles of dirt or hair. Thanks for the question - it would be a good idea in theory but I don't think it would work now that we have waited over three years to start.

Best Wishes,
Chase's Mom

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chase's Eye Specialist Visit

I went to visit an Eye Specialist today. She said I look GREAT! And pretty much did not have any changes for my mom to imply on her daily routine. So we stock piled on more eye meds since we aren't making any changed in that regard. The Dr. said my retinas look great and I look to be producting a great amount of tears still and my eyes look healthy overall. YEAH! So, I was very happy. I just sat in my carrier the whole time and caught a few ZZZs while my mom and the vet chatted. The Dr. said I was a very sweet cat and was kind enough to give my mom a discount on the bill. I then came home and curled up on the feather blanket on the sofa and slept the rest of the afternoon. What a fabulous day!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Mouse Attack!

Sorry the lighting was bad and you can't really see me well. But you can tell I am having fun!!

Cat Versus Mouse

Ooooh. Purse straps- what fun!
I decided to play with the computer mouse. It was even more fun than the purse!

Eye Specialist

Woo hoo. So my mom is going out of town and I am staying at the vet's office for the weekend. And then next week I have an appt with an eye specialist! It has been a while since I have seen an eye specialist and the last time I saw one it was in another state. I am hopeful she will have good ideas and good things to say about my eyes. I will keep you informed on how it goes. By the way, I added the post's subscription links to the left. Is that how I set up an RSS feed? If not will someone email me how to do that? thanks!!