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Thursday, December 25, 2008

Sweet Liz

Thanks Liz for the box of goodies. My siblings and I enjoyed playing with the toys and eating the treats!!

A fluffy little toy that I just can't swat fast enough.

A nice traveling water and food dish!
So many new toys!!

Thank you liz for the wonderful gifts! Me and my siblings love the toys and treats!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Small Kitty in an even Smaller Bag

My mom was cleaning up and placed this bag on the steps and was planning on throwing some trash in it... but before she knew it she heard a loud crinkle.. HAHA! I jumped into it from the step above and curled up in it for a little nap. I bet she didn't think I could have fit in this bag but I did- by golly!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Holiday. Best wishes and lots of love!
Chase the Cat

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Thanks Frankie!

We had another surprise gift on our doorstep. It was a beautiful package from our new friend, Frankie. She is serving in the Army overseas and sent little me a sweet gift. But really, I should be thankful for you for serving our country. Thanks Frankie! You are too sweet.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. We will keep you in our prayers.

Mew Mew

My current favorite spot is guarding the gifts. I do enjoy chewing on the paper so I have already helped my Dad open one gift already... I am so thoughtful! (:

Monday, December 1, 2008

Early Christmas Gift

Thanks Bella and Dude!
My wonderful friends sent me a sweet early Christmas gift. A very cute festive necklace and some catnip toys. Thank you so much!