Chase No Face on Facebook

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Q & A

Q:  i have a question: how does she sleep with no eyelids? does she have to be in a perfectly dark room? also, that damn wind chime on this page made me think i was hearing things again

A: She does enjoy sleeping under a blanket or in a dark room. However, she can sleep in a well lit room as well. She has one partial eyelid so when her eyes fall down -one eye is covered but the other is not. It doesn't seem to hinder her sleeping much at all.

PS- sorry for the wind chime making you think you are going crazy.

Monday, March 9, 2009

All for one and one for all.

My sisters are burrowers and as you may know, I enjoy a good nap under a blanket too. So after they crawled under the blanket- I quickly followed. I think three small animals could produce enough heat to keep a one bedroom apartment heated during an entire winter in just one afternoon of napping together. We are such a green family!

New Heights

Everything seems to look better from a foot off the ground. I found a new place to sleep... a gym bag! I sometimes crawl on boxes or the litter box or even a laundry hamper... but this was extra cushioned.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Chase's Background

a few have asked what happened to me. If you look at the very first blog entry called "Introduction" you can read up on how my story began. Use the blog archive on the right hand side of this page instead of hitting previous entry on the bottom of the page (that would take you a while).
I am soooo ready for the spring to be here. When it is nice outside and not too windy my beans let me hang out for a few minutes with them on the porch while they grill out. I love sticking my head through the bars on the porch and looking at the ground. what fun!!

happy wednesday! it's almost the weekend.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


the dogs let me share their blanket. someone pulled it out from the crate just for me!