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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Making sure the candy was safe.

Spider was a bat and Parker (I did not get her picture) was a devil too.
Zooey went as a cow.. haahaa.. How appropriate?
I'm so devilish! I really enjoyed the cape. It was as if I had a nice blanket on me all night.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Almost Halloween!!

I'm trying to relax on the sofa and my mom keeps taking my picture. sigh!

Snuggles with Spider.

silly zooey. He can sniff out a bed that is not for him in an instant. Thats a boppy, crazy cat!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Still Doing Well

Sorry friends for the lag in posts. I am now on a little vacation again (until November) but will return and post lots and lots of pictures.

As far as what has been happening... I no longer bask in the sun- it's cold now near the windows.

I caught a moth the other day. yummy.

I did have a visit with the Cat Opthamologist. I was having a little issue with one of my eyes but it is all cleared up and she is still amazed at how well I can see.

I have decided I do not like my current cat food because it has triangular pieces and those aren't really fun to chew on... I must talk to my parents about switching to something more round.

I still love to play with a good old Sharpie.

Pictures and Videos to come in a few weeks.
Blog Updates Soon,
Mew- Chase

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Lovin for the Dogs

Spider really wanted me to groom her. I got a small little bit of it on video. Everyone needs a good cleaning every now and then.

New bed for me?

Apparently this is not for me or my brother, Zooey. However, we did get a one time sneaky nap on it before being informed it is not for us.