Chase No Face on Facebook

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Pizza with a furry topping

It's a blanket of cardboard. I'm in heaven.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Who's that?

IT's ME!
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Monday, August 15, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

Where am I?

There I am!
Good morning stretches and licks and I am off to breakfast!

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Onions and Chipmunks

So here I am hiding in the pantry with the onions.

Below are pics of Zooey vs. a very daring chipmunk. The chipmunk, we will lovingly call Alvin, was not scared by Zooey at all! That little furball just sat in front of Zooey and ate his lunch.
Poor Zooey was very upset he couldn't meet the chipmunk without the barrier.
Nom Nom Nom

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

A Train

Over the fence is a train passing by. I can just make it out. It's moments like this that I am glad I spend so much time in the window so I don't miss out on any exciting events outside!

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Monday, July 11, 2011

Places Cat's Should Not Attempt to Nap On/Near:

I don't have a nose but this is still just not a good idea.
Flames + Fur = BAD
Batcar... Popular hangout and I don't want to fight crime!
The TV.. It's hard to get on top of and it can be very loud!
Train tracks... not a good idea.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Zooey enjoyed himself too

Guess who eats all the food??

We just spent a few minutes walking around the backyard and then came back in to nap off from the adventure. We don't go outside very often so it is a real treat and we make sure we stay close to the house.
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