memorial/wake reading for the late prairie poet Andrew Suknaski (July 30, 1942
- May 3, 2012), the poet of Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan, will be held upstairs at The
Carleton Tavern, 233 Armstrong Street (at Parkdale), Ottawa on Friday, June 1, 2012 at 7:30pm.
Hosted by rob
mclennan, this informal gathering of friends, admirers, fans and otherwise
well-wishers will feature readings of Suknaski's own words as tribute by some
of his friends
you would like to say a few words about/for Suknaski, or have the opportunity
to read a short selection from one of his works, email rob mclennan at rob_mclennan (at) hotmail.com.
those inquiring about There Is No Mountain: The Selected Poems of Andrew Suknaski, edited by rob mclennan, will be appearing (thanks to a generous offer made to help
offset production costs) once the rights are secured via Suknaski's literary executor.