Friday, May 30, 2014

John Newlove : The New Wascana Anthology: Poetry, Short Fiction, and Critical Prose, eds. Purdham + Trussler

Chaudiere Books author John Newlove has a poem reprinted in The New Wascana Anthology: Poetry, Short Fiction, and Critical Prose (University of Regina Press), edited by Medrie Purdham and Michael Trussler. We look forward to seeing our copy!

Newly released, and in stores today, the press release reads:

Wascana is from the Cree word Oscana, meaning “pile of bones.” But The New Wascana Anthology: Poetry, Short Fiction, and Critical Prose is far from being a literary mausoleum; it is a book that puts canonical masterpieces in conversation with works by new writers, poet laureates, and Nobel Prize winners. It features human ventures ranging from the medieval pilgrimage to the frontiers of contemporary science. In the pages of this anthology, faithful realism meets the fantastic and the most gothic casts of mind. Ascetic minimalism meets lavish figurative excess. Traditional literary forms meet the avant-garde. The collection leans westward in its latter pages, featuring new writing from the Canadian prairie, foregrounding works by Aboriginal writers and expressing emerging philosophies about the relationship between people and the environment.

The New Wascana Anthology builds upon the bones of the literary canon (including Canada’s Booker Prize winners and our newest Nobel laureate) to include novelists, poets, and essayists such as George Elliott Clarke, Marie Annharte Baker, Thomas King, Ursula K. Le Guin, Trevor Herriot, Flannery O’Connor, Carmine Starnino, Gwendolyn MacEwen, and many more.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Chaudiere Books at the ottawa small press book fair!

Once again, Chaudiere Books will be participating in the semi-annual ottawa small press book fair, which will be happening on Saturday, June 7, 2014 at the Jack Purcell Community Centre.

And for the first time in a couple of years, we'll even be there will new titles! Come by and say hello, see what we've been up to lately, and ask us about what we've got planned for the fall.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Pearl Pirie runs a poetry workshop at The Wesboro Brainery (Ottawa), Wednesday, June 4, 2014;

The Westboro Brainery is a social recreation program where the community teaches and learns together. Classes are inexpensive, a couple of hours long, and taught by hobbyists, experts, nerds and academics. They can be mainstream, slightly strange or downright wacky; as long as the subject is interesting to some, a class will run.

Another Notch Up - Poetry Workshop, Wed. Jun. 4, 7-8:30pm, $8

Poetry is learning to refine your words. A poem from each participant will get detailed comments for density, sharpness and energy. A reading list of links to tips to tighten and torque, and to poetics articles will be handed out. Each participant gets a chance to consider what shines or needs polishing in each other's work in a cooperative environment moderated by the workshop leader Pearl Pirie. They'll be time to do an exercise together to (optionally) share. Pearl Pirie has two poetry collections (Thirsts, 2011 and been shed bore, 2010), and a third forthcoming with BookThug in 2015. She has a few chapbooks, a micro press, several blogs, a gig as literary radio host for Literary Landscape and irregular gigs to teach poetry. She has run the Tree Seed Poetry Workshops series since 2009.

Location: Board Room, Dovercourt Recreation Centre

Register in online, by phone (613-798-8950 ext. 0) or in person at 411 Dovercourt Ave, Ottawa, or online with course code 91959

Friday, May 16, 2014

The Danforth Review : issue #51,

In case you hadn't seen, Chaudiere Books author Michael Bryson recently released issue #51 of his online fiction journal, The Danforth Review! New work by Mary Baxter, Lindsay Clayton Day, Kim Fehr, Shelley Wood, Karen Resta and Laure Baudot, and submissions are open for the next issue! For regular updates, you should probably join the facebook group.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Pearl Pirie reads this Thursday at Ottawa's RailRoad Reading Series with John Pass and Catherine Brunet

Chaudiere Books author Pearl Pirie reads with award-winning poet John Pass and Catherine Brunet this Thursday night in Ottawa. As their publicity reads:

RailRoad is Ottawa’s new pop-up poetry series … we hold events when whim and opportunity converge.
RailRoad offers you stellar readings and wide-ranging discussions on practice.
RailRoad’s conductor and engineer are, in no particular order, Rona Shaffran and Rod Pederson.

Coming up --- RailRoad presents a fabulous evening of poetry, featuring:
John Pass, winner of the 2006 GG award for poetry
Pearl Pirie, author of two unique poetry collections, &
Catherine Brunet, a new voice in Canadian poetry

When:             Thursday 15 May 2014, 7:30 PM,
Where:           Pressed CafĂ©, 750 Gladstone Avenue, Ottawa

Friday, May 09, 2014

Calgary launch of Ground Rules: a report,

We had an amazing launch last night at Calgary’s Shelf Life Books last night for Ground Rules: the best of the second decade of above/ground press, 2003-2013 (2013), with readings by Julia Williams, Natalie Simpson and newly-announced Calgary poet laureate derek beaulieu, lovingly hosted by Chaudiere Books editor and co-publisher rob mclennan. The generous folk at Shelf Life Books (who have also posted photos from last night here and here) ordered a mound of copies of the anthology, and even had a healthy selection of books by all the readers, including Julia Williams' The Sink House (Coach House Books, 2004), derek beaulieu's Please, No More Poetry (WLU, 2013), rob mclennan's Glengarry (Talonbooks, 2011) and Natalie Simpson's brand-new Thrum (Talonbooks, 2014). The collected audience in attendance included writers such as Christian Bök, Paul William Zits, Monica Kidd and Colin Martin (all pictured, above), among others.

mclennan also provided a stack of various above/ground press backlist (including copies of the first issue of Touch the Donkey) for free distribution (publications by ryan fitzpatrick, rob mclennan, Hugh Thomas, Rae Armantrout, Sarah Rosenthal, N.W. Lea, Camille Martin, Carrie Olivia Adams, Hailey Higdon and plenty of others) that the crowd hungrily devoured, alongside a wine and cheese spread.

After a stretch of too many years, it was a great pleasure to hear Williams read again, especially given her almost complete publishing silence over the decade since the appearance of her trade book and above/ground press chapbook. Where has she been? Children and copy-editing, and quietly writing, it would appear. She even read from something new, slowly forming into a shape. Natalie Simpson gave a stellar reading of material from the anthology as well as from her new second trade collection. beaulieu [pictured, as Williams and Simpson watch on] read a single prose-piece working through translation, fiction and movie-making that was rather intriguing, something I would very much like to see more of, to see where the piece might possibly go.

rob mclennan [pictured] ended the event reading his single poem in the collection, as well as a selection of stories from his new title, The Uncertainty Principle: stories, (Chaudiere Books, 2014), a book we're launching tomorrow afternoon in Ottawa at The Manx Pub. All in all, it was a magnificent event. Over the next few months, watch for details on our Chaudiere Books Podcast, where the full audio of last night's event (as well as last fall's Ottawa launch) will be available. Thanks very much to Shelf Life Books, the readers and all who came out to help celebrate both press and the anthology.

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Pearl Pirie on The Uncertainty Principle, stories (2014)

Pearl Pirie writes up some short notes on rob mclennan's The Uncertainty Principle: stories, (2014) over at her blog part of her ongoing list of "95 Books for 2014" [photo of Brian Pirie reading borrowed from Pearl's post]. Thanks much, Pearl! See her original post here.

Might we see you at the Ottawa launch of The Uncertainty Principle at The Manx Pub on Saturday, May 10th? Part of the Plan 99 Reading Series, the event begins at 5pm, and copies of the book, as well as copies of Ground Rules and mclennan's two novels, will be available for sale.

Two previous reviews have already appeared of the collection, including Ryan Pratt's review on the ottawa poetry newsletter, and C.A. LaRue over at The Small Press Book Review.

31. Uncertainty Principle by rob mclennan (Chaudiere, 2014)

My favourite of any of rob’s books to date. Little flash fictions, some quirky, some funny, some touching. A fun read. Some stories are expanded and deepened since I last heard them in an open mic. One I was there when it happened, in the sense of being on the same bus to St. Catherines and hearing a first draft.

Hubby & I read the whole book aloud to one another over an evening. Cute size, lovely design.

Monday, May 05, 2014

reminder: book launches this week in Calgary + Ottawa!

You might already be fully aware, but we have not one but two book launches happening this week, as rob mclennan (lovingly) hosts the Calgary launch of Ground Rules on Thursday night (Shelf Life Books, 7:30pm) with readings by derek beaulieu, Julia Williams and Natalie Simpson (see the Facebook invitation here), and rob mclennan launches his first collection of short fiction, The Uncertainty Principle: stories, on Saturday afternoon in Ottawa (The Manx Pub, 5pm) as part of the Plan 99 Reading Series (see the Facebook invitation here). Perhaps we will see you at either, or both?