Rebecca Kempe is a writer, zinester, and multidisciplinary artist. Her work has been published in flo., The Ampersand Review, Sumac Literary Magazine, and elsewhere. Her plays, Each on Our Side and Signal Breakdown, were performed in the 2019 and 2021 editions of the Youth Infringement Festival, respectively. She is the author of There’s Nothing to See Here/Nothing Happens Here, a two-part zine which explores the stagnant (but at times welcome) stillness of the suburbs she grew up in through photography and prose. More of her work can be found at and you can find her online as @arbeeko.
Q: How long have you been in Ottawa, and what first brought you here?
My parents moved to Ottawa when I was a very young child, and I’ve lived here pretty much ever since, other than a brief stint in Waterloo for school.
Q: How did you first get involved in writing, and subsequently, the writing community here?
My parents encouraged my siblings and I to begin reading very early, and from there, writing must have been a natural transition. I don’t think it was a conscious decision, but I can tell you that I remember already thinking of myself as a writer in first grade. I was totally that cliché elementary school writer kid who devoured novels and read craft books and carried a notebook around. Pretty much all of my English teachers were supportive, but my Grade 3 English teacher was the first to actually believe in me, which still means a lot to me. I wish I could contact her just to say thank you.
I submitted a lot to the OPL writing contests until I aged out, and met a few people that way, but other than that, I find that I’m actually a lot more connected to the local visual arts community, and to some extent the theatre community as well, than the actual writing scene. One of my high school teachers encouraged us to submit plays to the Youth Infringement Festival. My first play was selected to go through the dramaturgy process, and had two other plays make it all the way to production, and those experiences were instrumental not just to my development as a playwright, but to my development and confidence as a writer in general. I learned so, so much from the dramaturgs I worked with, who were awesome mentors throughout the revision process, and in 2021, I got to work with the director, state manager, and actors more directly, which was insanely cool.
I’ve been dipping my toes into getting more involved in the broader writing community in Ottawa, mainly through my university but also through submitting to local literary magazines like flo. flo. is one of my favourite lit mags right now, actually. The community around it is amazing and the editorial team does a wonderful job curating beautiful issues. Hopefully I’ll get around to attending more in-person events, but life is chaotic, so we’ll see.
Q: How did being in such a community of writers shift your thinking about writing, if at all?
I don’t know that being in a community of writers has necessarily shifted my thinking on the craft of writing, but it has definitely made me feel less alone and helped me feel a sense of legitimacy (which can be hard to feel in the arts sometimes). Being around and collaborating with other writers is invaluable. It’s helped me figure out who I want to be, and I also get to meet really cool people and support them. It makes me feel like I’m contributing to something bigger than myself. This is especially true when meeting other people in theatre, I think. Sure, you can write a play, but you need actors, directors, stage managers, set designers, etc. to bring it to life, and so it becomes a broader, collective vision, which is my favourite thing about writing plays.
But really, writers are always such cool people who do cool things, and it’s fun to hang out with cool people.
Q: What do you see happening here that you don’t see anywhere else? What does Ottawa provide, or allow?
Ottawa gives you space to experiment, I think. To be multifaceted. To just let your work do what it wants without trying to become a brand. I’ve always said that this is a city with an ongoing identity crisis. Yes, this is a government city, but only in some ways. There is also a lot of high-tech, we have many museums and cultural institutions, and a ton of students move here from across the country. We’re close enough to Gatineau that a lot of people flip flop between the two cities. We have a sizeable community of francophones, which isn’t super common in Ontario. Ottawa is a city that manages to feel like a city while also feeling small. It’s a place that’s hard to define, and I think that perspective bleeds into the way people make art here. I don’t feel like I only have to be a writer or only have to be an artist and I meet artists who have day jobs in completely different fields all the time. And the community here feels very chill and supportive.
I think something that’s kind of unique about Ottawa is that so much of what happens here arts-wise is community based and community funded. It feels a little bit underground in some ways, and so while it can be a lot harder to find people and start going to events at first, the community feels a lot more intimate, I guess? Once you start meeting people you start getting to know everyone, and you find out about the other events, and you start going to those as well, and before you know it you feel like you’ve found your people.
Q: Have any of your projects responded directly to your engagements here? How have the city and its community, if at all, changed the way you approached your work?
I made two zines last year that responded directly to my time living in suburban Ottawa. The first is called There’s Nothing to See Here; the second is called Nothing Happens Here. They’re both in a hybrid essay/photo zine format and they explore my relationship with living in the middle of some random suburb where there isn’t much to do, how it felt, why I came to terms with it, and my updated thoughts on living in a suburb. I think the experience of living in a community that’s (possibly) a little bland and (definitely) very far from the rest of the city is very common in Ottawa, a city that while being the largest in terms of physical area has little to show in terms of population density or working transportation or existence of a downtown core. Living in suburbia can feel like living in a bit of a limbo, and I think based on what I’ve heard from people who move here from other cities, I can extrapolate to say that living in Ottawa in general can feel like that as well. But the point I wanted to make is that there is always something to enjoy if you’re willing to put in the effort to find it, and it’s especially true here.
Q: What are you working on now?
I have various bits and pieces of things that I’m making progress with on and off. I’ve started writing a collection of essays about various aspects of art, such as exploring what gives art value, what it means to have an artistic voice, and looking at what makes certain types of art more popular than others. It’s probably going to end up in some kind of zine along with some paintings and/or collages – the format is still a work-in-progress. You can find updates on my zines on Instagram at @arbeeko.
I’ve also been submitting poetry, which is very new for me. I’ve always written poems but thought of myself as primarily an essayist, so putting poems out there is a step outside my comfort zone.
Really though, I’m mostly trying to survive being a student. It’s a miracle that I still find time to write these days. Major props to anyone with a consistent writing schedule, I have no idea how you do it.