After the Ravens' let-down, 4-Quarter Fujita asked/demanded all Who Dats to stay in their seats through the end of the game. Win or lose.
No problem for Cafe 641.
Ms. "Proud" Mary (of Row 42, Seat 12) had both hands raised, each displaying four fingers at the start of the 4th quarter on Sunday, even with the Saints down 35-7.
Go 'head Proud Mary. You looking like a Golden Spoon candidate now!
Other Section 641 notes of interest . . .
GOLDEN SPOON WINNERS from Sunday, October 29
* Much love to D. (Row 40) for his new Gold, almost mohawk hairstyle and a 9 a.m. Superdome appearance on Sunday.
* More love to Super-Poet Jeanne (Row 42, Seat 8) for her menu contributions and Raven rhyme.
* Somebody tell Nacho Libre "Hulk" Hogan to wait until after the national anthem plays before he makes his grand Cafe 641 appearance. Can this Who Dat be stopped? Me thinks not.