Friday 29 February 2008

Time for Action...

... or maybe not! It was our local PCS Action Group Meeting at lunch time. We had some visitors from the Socialist Party who were wondering if there were some local issues regarding public services that we can campaign on together! Our group members vary greatly in their political view point, but we all get along just fine. Today was rather controversial, it led to quite a debate ;-)

Thursday 28 February 2008

Test Drive

I eventually went for a test drive and I must have enjoyed it, I seem to have been a bit rash and ordered one! After seeing their computer systems in operation I don't feel nearly so bad about my struggle with publisher the other day. They struggled with it so much they eventually gave in and knocked some more money off, so I got an even better deal ;-) :-)

Wednesday 27 February 2008

Something Good and Something Bad

The something good, it was our TU AGM today which went well without any hitches. Well apart from the usual winging! I wouldn't mind but after a two year campaign we managed to overturn the proposed relocation of our work and get an early release scheme for the people who want to leave anyway!!! I thought that meant everyone had what they wanted?!?!?

The something bad, my colleagues in another department heard their announcement on compulsory redundancies today... Not good news!!!

Time for reflection:


Click on Photo for a larger view.

Tuesday 26 February 2008

Simple Task...

Today I received a newsletter to review, which should have been a fairly simple task you would think. Well sadly not where I work… It had been created in publisher, which I don’t have on my work machine, but it is on our Trade Union computer (it was a TU newsletter). Easy! I thought I would email it to the TU account and open it up on the TU machine. The email bounced!!! Normally I would just copy the file onto a disc to use on the on the other PC, but at work my drives are disabled…. However we do have a stand alone PC on my section that does have the drives enabled and the appropriate software for burning discs so I saved the email somewhere it could be accessed on the other computer copied the file and went to the TU office. It took about 10 minutes for the computer to start up and log me in only to find that our version of publisher was too old to open the file…

I am rather puzzled to have received the newsletter in the first place because I was supposed to be writing it in conjunction with another person. Oh well I guess it saves us a job ;-)

I nearly forgot to mention, I found out why the email bounced, there were 399 emails in the in box exceeding the storage limit so the account had been closed, it’s sorted now…

Sunday 24 February 2008


Just after taking this weeks self portrait for the 52 week flickr group challenge there was an amazing sunset just behind where I had been taking the picture. It made me forget about wishing for summer sun and realise how beautiful February can be ;-) :-)

Before Sunset ;-)

Golden Glow

Sunset Orange

Click on photos for a larger view.

Saturday 23 February 2008

"Once upon a time"

I found this picture on flickr today. I know some of you will love this, so I thought I would share it with you :-)

The work is by Ben Visbeek who created it in photoshop using two photographs!

"Once upon a time", originally uploaded by Bēn.

Thursday 21 February 2008

A Busy Day!

It's AGM season, mmm silly season so much to do... Today I was a guest at the PCS Cosford AGM. It was nice to be there to show support because they are facing the same threats as we did 18 months ago. Hopefully it gives some hope, they just need to try many angles and then the right person will hear and realise the decision is wrong for everyone!!!

& it was nice to catch up with my friends again ;-) :-) xxx

ps: I did go to check out the car today ;-) the dealer is getting my choice model in to do a test drive next week :-)

Wednesday 20 February 2008

MyBlogLog Widget!!!

I am quite confused by the widget... I have had a few visits from MyBlogLog members but none of them show on the widget... & my friends can see them on the widget when they log on to my page but I can't...?

Hmmm! Help!!!

Tuesday 19 February 2008

Blogger Sidebar

I have been messing with my Blogger sidebar again! I took out the flickr slideshow, I think you know where to look for the photos ;-) And added in the MyBlog recent readers widget instead. I know it looks empty right now, but you can check on the recent visitor map to see I have friends really ;-) :-)

Monday 18 February 2008

Time for a New Car?

I have been thinking it's time to get a new car for a while and my car breaking down on my hols last September for the second time with the same part and the car was only 3.5 years old made me think sooner rather than later!!! & apart from it breaking down twice, I am Mrs Taxi Driver for lots of friends and colleagues ;-) so time for 4 doors!!!

I have been mouching round the internet comparing prices and current deals on the cars that I like the look of. One of the candidates looks a good deal at the moment, so I think I may go and do a test drive at the weekend!

I quite like this funky orange colour, but mmm I think that Flamenco Red with a nice silver and grey interior is more me... well activists do wear red ;-)

Sunday 17 February 2008

Dressed up and Ready to Go

This was taken just before I went out on Thursday night. The meal was delicious, I am not sure how good it was for my diet though ;-)

Dressed up and Ready to Go

Saturday 16 February 2008

I Am the Song

This photograph was taken in September last year but I find the clouds so relaxing and beautiful I thought I would share them with you.

I Am the Song
I am the song that sings the bird.
I am the leaf that grows the land.
I am the tide that moves the moon.
I am the stream that halts the sand.
I am the cloud that drives the storm.
I am the earth that lights the sun.
I am the fire that strikes the stone.
I am the clay that shapes the hand.
I am the word that speaks the man.

Charles Causley

I Am the Song

Click on photo for a larger view.

Thursday 14 February 2008

With Friends...

...Love is all around :-)

I am going out for a nice meal with my family tonight, I am not sure how that is going to affect my countdown to goal. I had a good first week, hopefully I won't have put it all back on next week ;-) :-)

Love is all Around

Click on photo for a larger view.

Background texture by Shivika.

Tuesday 12 February 2008

Cosford Campaign

Thinking of my Cosford friends and colleagues again!!!

As part of their on-going campaign against privatisation and relocation to South Wales could I ask you to consider signing the online petition at:

I would be grateful if you could encourage as many of your friends and family to show their support by encouraging them to sign the petition too.

The petition states:

"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to let common sense prevail and consider moving Army Units returning from Germany under Project Barona to move to St Athans in South Wales and thus allow RAF Cosford in the West Midlands to remain as a centre of excellence for the delivery of Training to members of the Armed Forces. This common sense approach would surely be a better Value for Money option as opposed to the present proposals. It would also mean a boost to the South Wales economy. More details ";

Hundreds of highly skilled and technical jobs will be lost should RAF Cosford be transformed into an Army Base. St Athans already has Army personnel based there and with some magnificent empty hangar space available and with some additional infrastructure would be well positioned to support the return from Germany of large numbers of Army units. Moving training from Cosford does not make economic sense.

Thank You xxx

Sunday 10 February 2008

In Contemplation...

Messing around with my limited photoshop skills again. What do you think? The background was created by Shivika and can be found on the Deviant Art website.

In Contemplation...

Click on photo for a larger view.

Saturday 9 February 2008

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then too the other as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.


This is from a wonderful book of poetry called: Staying Alive - Real Poems for Unreal Times.


Visiting blogland is a bit noisy for me today. My latest virus/spyware update has a bit of a bug in it which means that every time I visit a blog hosted by blogger I get a message saying that the site is a phishing site. This includes my own!!! It also makes a loud squealing noise to make sure I notice the alert, it rather alarmed me first thing this morning.

At least the company are aware of it and are working on it, they call it a false positive ;-)

Friday 8 February 2008


I said a few weeks ago that after all the festivities the diet starts tomorrow (I didn't quite manage that)... & I guess the need to diet wasn't just due to the festivities but anyway today I mean business!!!

I have posted a diet tracker here where my progress can be monitored, which should hopefully keep me on track!!! Only 14.5lb to go...

Wish me luck :-)

Wednesday 6 February 2008

Reflecting on Life!!!!

Refecting on Life!!!

Click on photo for a larger view.

Tuesday 5 February 2008

My Weekend!

This is how I spent my Saturday morning! Handing out leaflets and getting signatures in Ludlow town centre. What for? To raise awareness on what it would mean if the proposed closure of the local HMRC office goes ahead. I wonder why we always manage to pick very cold days for this sort of thing? By lunch time I couldn't feel my legs, but it was a good excuse to go in one of the local pubs to thaw out ;-) :-)

I got home to the news of surprise visitor stopping overnight, so I had to do a quick rush round making up beds and moving my laundry from the bathroom!! It was worth it good company and boardgamers paradise :-)

PS: Do you like my sexy jacket? ;-)


Sunday 3 February 2008

Your Heart in the Palm of my Hand...

...or is it My Heart in the Palm of Your Hand ;-)

You know I will treat it with care xxx

Your Heart in the Palm of my Hand....

Click on photo for a larger view.

Saturday 2 February 2008

What Have the Unions Ever Done for Us?

Anyone who has ever been involved with Trade Unions will recognise the phrase, members say it all the time!!! Enjoy!

Due to it's Python-esque style it does contain a little swearing, so avoid if you are delicate!