Everett Von Terry was born November 25, 2009 at 6:09pm. He weighed 7lbs 13 oz, 20.5 inches long. He was very alert and happy to see the world! He has lots of light hair and is extremely cute!! Mommy and baby are doing well.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Everett Von Terry
Posted by cherise and Tristan at 2:23 PM 16 comments
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Our Baby is Coming! Wed Nov 25th 7:18
We are leaving to go to the hospital. Why do I have time to write this? Because my water broke and I am not having any contractions. So they said to shower and eat something and come in. Tristan is in the shower and I am just waiting for him. We already had everything packed and in car and I showered last night just in case. I clearly underestimated this child. He will be right on time and I will enjoy a lovely thanksgiving dinner from the hospital cafeteria.
Posted by cherise and Tristan at 7:15 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Inquiring Minds Want to Know... (Tues Nov 24)
Am I still pregnant. My phone has been ringing, the texts coming in, and lots of emails asking if I have had the baby yet. NO! This kid is never coming out. I had an appointment today at 39 weeks and 5 days. Today I am 3 cm and 90% effaced (Hmmmm, did I not hear that 90% 3 weeks ago?). My due date is Thursday (2 days). I set up a 40 week appointmnent so that the mid wife can check his heartrate and everything one last time incase he is really not coming out on his own. I go back next tuesday for that if I have not had him yet. Then we also set up our induction. I will be induced on Dec.3rd (41 weeks) at 0830 am if I have not had him by them. That is in 9 days, so I really hope it has happened by then. I want to go into labor on my own and could have waited to be induced til 42 weeks, but that would put the baby coming during finals and that is not good.
I had a rough day today, and the events that transpired have only proved I will be having a difficult delivery; mainly an absolutely horrible recovery. I will not be going into labor under the most optimal conditions and that will make the recovery process harder. All I can say is Tristan is the best husband ever and gave me the best care today.
Posted by cherise and Tristan at 8:22 PM 1 comments
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Pictures for Sarah!
Sarah wanted to see some pictures of me before I have this baby. I don't have any 39 week pics yet for her, so I will take them tomorrow after church. However, I do have some pictures of me at exactly 38 weeks. Tristan had to go to a museum for his cultural class and we decided to go to the museum of latin american art in Long Beach. It was a small museum which was great cause I did not feel good (you can tell in the pics) and I got sick of walking around. I also have some pictures of me a couple days later at the San Diego temple with my family. I am 38 weeks and 2 days in those. They are all below.
I think I am having a contraction in one of the museum pictures sitting on the bench. Just kidding, I think I may have been about to sneeze.
Posted by cherise and Tristan at 9:47 PM 0 comments
More pictures: Only 4 days left. (Sun. Nov.22, 2009)
Tristan took these pictures today after church to have some form of documentation of week 39 of pregnancy. Next pictures will be on my due date if we make it that long.
I can't believe I have 4 more days. I am doing great and am happy to keep him for a bit longer. However, Tristan is dying to see this little guy. He has been out of school since Wednesday and has all this week off. He wants the baby to come now so he can have a week to play with him and love him before he goes back to school.
Rather than setting goals of things I need to or have to make it to, I have set some events to look forward to have the time fly by til my due date.
1. Friday Nov 20th: Heidi coming to decoreate nursery. It looks great. It is super simple we are not done, but know what our last couple things are we need to do. She is a great decorator. Tristan loves the room. Its is light green and blue and we have added some monkey and jungle touches to it. It is not a super themes room cause we did not want jungle mania, but Tristan gets his monkeys which he is so excited about. (DONE)
2. See New Moon. We did this yesterday afternoon. Tristan won a free ticket and we went to a noon showing. It was last minute, so we walked into the theater 5 minutes before it started and it was pretty empty. Loved seeing it without crazy screaming teenage girls. (DONE)
3. Sat Nov. 21st: My nephews baptism and celebration afterward. It is a small little family affair but I am excited to be there. It gave me something to look forward too for the weekend. (DONE)
4. Organize the baby stuff/nursery. Every room in my house has been taken over by the baby's stuff. IT is crazy how much stuff he has. Today we are going to organize it all into his room and put stuff in the garage we don't need yet. Then put the bouncer, swing, playpen, toys etc in one place so only one room is taken over. (Almost done)
5. Tues Nov 24th: Last Doctor's appointment. I am always excited to go and hear my little guy's heartbeat. We will be setting up our induction for 41 weeks at that time incase he decides to keep hibernating.
6. From Tues to Thursday it will be getting ready for THanksgiving. Shopping, baking, and cooking. THat will really take up my time. I am excited.
7. Thanksgiving Day, AKA Due date. I would love to be able to spend a nice Thanksgiving day with my family. If the baby comes too close to Thanksgiving I won't be coming.
After all this stuff is over, I will be bored again and waiting for him to come. But I am grateful I have plenty to do over the next 4 days to occupy my time.
Posted by cherise and Tristan at 8:57 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Doctor, Doctor!
Had my 38 week appointment today at 38 weeks and 6 days. I will be 39 weeks tomorrow, guess I am a bit behind with my appointments. I am so confused. I saw the same midwife today as I have the last two weeks. Last week I would not let her examine me. She told me I would be examined today and have my membranes stripped. YIKES! I read up on it and was not really sure I wanted it done. I am still doing ok with this guy inside, so why rush the delivery????
She examines me, saying nothing about my membranes. She then says wow you are really far along 2-3 cm dilated and 70%effaced. Ummm hello lady??? Two weeks ago I was 2 cm dilated and 80-90% effaced. Can you regress? I asked her that. She told me it is very subjective as different practitioners get different things. I did not have the heart to tell her she did the exam. When she looked at all the info in the computer, she realized she had done the previous exam. She said well I can see you being 80 today, I will put down 80 and two weeks ago you were 80-90, so you were probably really 80.
WHAT? I don't care what you write down, just put down what I am. So no wonder my you will deliver any day did not happen, I really was not near 90%. She still said that she does not think I will make it to my due date and that I likely won't make it through this week. But I don't really believe her after today's visit, so who knows. I had already prepared myself to go a week late. Then I prepared myself to be early. Now I am starting to prepare myself once again to be late.
I am still doing great, not very uncomfortable yet, so I am fine just waiting around. It just feels like time is not moving. Guess I will make it to goal 4 and 5. Tristan is taking one of his tests right now. I am not having contractions, so don't think I will go into labor before he gets home at ten tonight, and won't have the baby before I am 39 weeks tomorrow. Mission accomplished! (I am probably jinxing myself right now claiming victory early).
Posted by cherise and Tristan at 4:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
New moon, new find
I have been reading new moon over the last few days. I don't really have time to read much, but I try and get 30 minutes in each day before bed. The second day I was reading the book, I turned a page and out fell something. I picked it up and to my surprise it was a picture. A picture of Heather. It was beautiful. She is at work in the picture and there are pictures of Hannah on the wall and she holding hannah in some of the pictures behind her. It was my normal Heather, before cancer and steroids and baldness. I forget what she looked like as a real normal person. I always remember the puffy, swollen, bulgy eyed steroid Heather. How fitting that I found a picture of her in a twilight series book. She loved them. She must have used it as a book mark or something.
Posted by cherise and Tristan at 8:29 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Goal # 3....Check
I officially completed goal number 3 today. We went to my brother's sealing and reception. We left the house at noon and just got home around 9:15pm. So exhausted but a wonderful day. Will blog about it later and add pictures, but just wanted to write that I made it through the third goal. Now onto the most important one. Number 4, making it through to Wednesday night. Tristan is in school from 8:00am til 10:00pm so it will be a long day, but hopefully we won't have the baby until after that. I think we will be successful. Still so much to do before the baby comes. The nursery decor (picutres to hang on the wall) has been ordered and Heidi is doing most of it for me, so that does not bring any stress. I have no creative or decorating skills. Glad I have a sister that does. I still need to pack a hospital bag and finish with some of the baby's laundry, putting away things, and getting what we still need for him. I just got my target and babies r us completion coupons to get stuff we need off our registry for 10% off. So much to do this week, but I need to keep busy to make time fly to thursday.
Posted by cherise and Tristan at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Out of Control
I have officially lost bladder control. I sneeze, cough, laugh, or blow my nose and I always think my water broke, but no it is just poor bladder control. I hope this is not a permanent thing after the baby.
Goals: I have set little goals all along the pregnancy of points to make it to and things to get done. We have a busy week this week and the first part of next week so here are my goals of days to make it to. I had 5 and have already made two of them.
1. Make it through nov 10th so Tristan can take his test. DONE
2. Make it to 38 weeks pregnant (today). This is the soonest I wanted him to come. Ideally I want to go to 39 weeks. DONE
3. Make it through Saturday Nov 14th for my brother's sealing and party. I have been looking forward to this for so long and really want to make it to it.
4. Make it through Wednesday Nov 18th as Tristan has projects, tests and quizes all day long.
5. Make it to 39 weeks (Thursday Nov 19th).
After all of these are accomplished, it won't matter when this kid comes.
I know babies come when they want. This is just my wishful thinking. I focus on making it to one goal at a time. Then onto the next one. Thinking of going a whole week gets overwhelming. So for today now that I am 38 weeks, my focus is getting through Saturday.
Posted by cherise and Tristan at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Birthday update and baby update
I posted a birthday post but took it down within a few hours. It was a post written in the moment and as I laid down to sleep I could not help but think I need to erase that. So I got up and deleted it cause I really needed my sleep. Some people have asked me what happened to the post and what was in it. Here is the low down. My birthday was Oct 31st (halloween), it happened to mark the 2 month point since Heather passed. I realized that every birthday would be another month and thought what a crummy birthday I am going to have for a while always having to think about this. It was a crazy busy day at work that day to get everyone discharged and out the door so they could go trick or treating. I was working in an area I don't normally work in and trying to get everything done. I did not get to lunch until about 4:00 pm and I ate my lunch with tears streaming down my face thinking of how this is just the start of the first of everything without Heather. The first thanksgiving, christmas, and my first child. But after I wrote about it and went to bed I thought how lame am I? So I deleted it. Here are some pictures of Tristan and I celebrating my birthday. We went out the evening before to the Melting pot and then to a dollar movie. We had a gift card to the melting pot and a coupon. What a wonderful night. Two hours of chatting and eating yummy yummy food (its all fondue) with my sweet husband. We committed to picking out a baby name for our son, but after 2 hours we still did not have one. (Just went through the name book again, still nothing). In these pictures I am 36 weeks and a day.
BABY UPDATE: I went to the doctor today. IT has been a week since she said any day, but since it is your first it could still take a couple weeks. I understand but how is that anyday? Today I did not let her examine me, I don't want this baby to come for another week due to Tristan having a bunch of tests next wednesday. Anytime after that is fine. I know I have no control, but if I can stay off my feet and rest I think we can make it. When she examined me last week I had major contractions all day. I wanted to keep working this week, just 8 hour shifts, but I did something to my foot and I can hardly bare any weight on my right foot. I have to wear tennis shoes with orthodics to not be in pain. So after much fretting, I decided to not go back to work anymore this week. I turned in my disability stuff today. Hopefully that will all work out. I had 4 days off in a row and I was so bored. I don't know what I am going to do for the next couple of weeks. I still need to start decorating the nursery and pack a bag for the hospital.
Posted by cherise and Tristan at 7:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Not much longer
I am 2 cm dilated and 80-90% effaced, and the mid wife could feel the baby's head when she examined me. She said I won't make it till my delivery date. But for some reason nothing in my life ever goes how anybody says it will. So I am still planning for anything.
I went to an appointment today. Apparently in order to transfer to the hospital which is closer to us, they are making me change my doctor to the orange county system. My doctor whom I love told me it was fine to keep seeing her since I was going to be a pretty normal vaginal delivery, and I could just go to the hospital i chose with in the kaiser system and deliver. They confirmed this over the phone, I turned in all my admit paper work and even signed the papers to admit myslef and the baby so they don't have to come up and bug me while in labor. THey set up a courtesy appointment for me to meet a nurse midwife since that is who delivers the normal births. Well I get there today, to the new office and they say that I am transfering my care. What???? I almost burst into tears. This was my first appointment without Tristan there, and I am so tired from the time change that I could not process it all. Plus I hate making decisions. What if I make the wrong one (Its a life long problem). I got to bed so early and get up too early. I was so out of it. I did not want to fight with anybody about it. I could not get into my doctor for 2 more weeks anyway so I would not be seeing her til almost 39 weeks. I was going to have to see a random nurse practitioner anyway, so why not just change and see a random nurse midwife at this place.
So I changed doctors yet again in this pregnancy. I don't even know the doctor's name since I only saw the midwife. She checked the baby's heartbeat. She said wow your stomach is really tight. I told her how that happens constantly but that it does not hurt, and most the time I dont realize it is tightening until I place my hand on it. She decided to do an exam to see where I was. To my surprise I was a lot further than I thought I would be. Yes, the 2 cm and 80-90% I mentioned above. CRAZY I still have almost 3 and a half weeks left til my due date. After talking with the midwife about how a first time mom can walk around for weeks like that, I decided to finish out this week of work (thurs and fri) and then I will be done. I don't want this baby to come yet, so I am going to take off work and lie down all day long every day so he can stay in as long as possible. I am not uncomfortable yet so I would like to keep him inside so he can grow a bit more. I just took care of 3 babies all born between 37-38 weeks and all were in the ICU cause they were not eating well. They are still not good at coordinating there suck and swallow at 37 weeks, so I dont want him to come yet.
I have so much to do to get ready still, but I am going to take it easy today and tomorrow to get ready for work on Thursday.
Posted by cherise and Tristan at 3:20 PM 1 comments