Last week we had a busy, but very fun time in Rexburg. These are a few of the highlights......(get ready for picture overload)
Avy turned 5 months old on the 9th and is getting so big and sweet. She is starting to sit by herself....for a few seconds. She is so smiley and is always talking. Her and grandpa Rob could say "hi" to each other all day :)
She met some new friends. Emeree and Wakely are her new best buddies. My friends, Tiana and Kaeli, met me for breakfast. It was so good to see them and their adorable little girls. (Ill spare you the picture of us- we were in PJs with no makeup)
One night my mom and I decided to go see the new BYU-I building. It has such beautiful art work. Avalee actually really loved it and even acted interested. :)
Diana and I got to take Nana to her hair appointment and then go out to lunch. Nana is amazing- She is 97 years old and still gets her hair styled and colored, and has regular manicures and pedicures. And after all that, she has the energy to go out to lunch! We are so lucky to have her. Not many people can say they got to spend the day with their GREAT GREAT Grandma!
Another amazing woman we got to see was Grandma Ardith. It was her 89th birthday on Friday. She has been through so much in the last few years. Fighting breast cancer, chemo therapy and other heart problems. She is such a good example of staying positive and optimistic about life. Another wonderful great grandma Avy has.
April 10th was the 12 year anniversary of my brother Steven dying. It never gets easier and I honestly am still really mad about it. I don't think I will ever understand why he had to die. All I know is how grateful I am to have such an amazing family and that I will see Steve again.