Sunday, December 15, 2013

getting in the spirit

Christmas time is here!!! wahoo! We are really getting in the spirit this year. We have had a tree up since a week before thanksgiving and we have watched the original Rodolph and frosty the snowman everyday for 2 weeks. Christmas is so fun with Avy this year. She is starting to figure this all out and it is going to be so fun watching her on Christmas morning!

Last weekend there was such a pretty snow storm. Avy loved it, until she took her gloves off and realized it was cold!

One night we went out to Diana and Braydens for dinner and they made Christmas cookies. SO yummy!

Diana and I took our kids to see Santa at the mall. We walked through macys first and there was a little santa letter station. So Avy wrote a letter and then gave it to santa. It was pretty dang cute. She was really excited to see him but was too scared to smile for the picture :)

We went to a live nativity last friday night. It was cold but we bundled the kids up good and it was so fun.  Avy loved the camel. He was Huge!  The church does such a good little production and makes it so peaceful. A good reminder of what we are really celebrating this season

This is just a picture we took before our ward Christmas party. And some pictures of our adorable kidos before church.

this is random, but one night I straightened Avys hair. It is so long and pretty! But it only lasts about 20 minutes then the curls come back! and Im so glad they do. This girl has the cutest hair

Friday, December 6, 2013


Such a great holiday! All you do is eat and eat and eat and spend time with the people you love the most. We had a amazing dinner with the Thomasons at James and Nicoles house.The entire weekend was perfect. We did a little shopping but most of the time we just hung out with our families and enjoyed being home.

Before dinner we had family pictures. Nothing gets your appetite worked up like taking a ton of pictures in the freezing cold :) But they turned out really cute. Here are a few I snapped on the side with my camera.

The dinner!!

The entire weekend was awesome but I didn't take many pictures due to a HORRIBLE case of mastitis. It is the worst! But I feel much better now and have the camera right back in my kids faces :) These are some pictures from the past week or so...

Smiley happy baby

I lost Avy for 1 second in the store and I found her like this

Hide and seek expert!
sometimes bath time is boring so we mix it up a little :)
 Thank you Bonnie for giving us this Santa! He is seriously Avys best friend. She carries him everywhere, talks to him, feeds him, gives him hugs all the time...

Monday, November 25, 2013

2 months

2 1/2 month stats-
13lbs 11oz 57%
24.5 inches 82%
head 16 inches 70%

-Our little Jett pack is growing up WAY too fast- literally. He is already in 6 month clothes, size 2 diapers and weighs 13.5 pounds. WHAT!!?
-He is starting to smile a lot and make little coo words. so cute! He is such a happy little baby
- He loves his bouncy chair but his favorite place to be is right on my shoulder. He is always so happy and content when Im holding him.
- he sleeps in his crib until about 3am. Then he wakes up to eat and I'm too lazy/tired to put him back in his crib so I just cuddle him the rest of the night.
-loves his binki now! yay!
-His fingernails grow crazy fast. I swear I cut them but he always seems to scratch his poor little face :(
-Loves bath time!
-loves the front pack carrier (thanks diana!) I could NOT go anywhere without with. I Love it!!
-  he has the best and cutest hair. People are always complementing on his amazing hair.

Love this little babe more and more every day

his favorite place to hangout
and this one just because he has the cutest/funniest little bum!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Avalee turns TWO!!

Happy birthday to my beautiful baby girl. I cant believe she is already 2!

-weighs 24 pounds
- calls herself AA
- loves playing with dolls/babies and princesses.
- always wants me to "hu coo" or hold you. translation- she wants me to hold her :)
- So good at talking and singing and has the most adorable little voice. she repeats every word we say so we have to be careful!
- She is my little shadow. She has to be right by me and helping me with whatever I am doing. I actually love it. She is seriously my best friend :)
- Avy is a great eater and usually eats whatever I make.
- She is such a good big sister. Always giving Jett kisses and gets so worried when he cries.
- Still totally obsessed with her blanket and calls it her " bu bo".
- she gets really shy when we are around new people. And she freaks out if I ever leave (like in nursery at church) she does not deal well if I leave.
- Most the time she is such a good, nice and sweet little girl. But she is a little button pusher- when we say no, she just laughs and does it again.
-She has such a sweet spirit and is such a joy to be around. Avy has such as funny personality and is full of sass. I love her so much and am seriously the luckiest person to be her mom.

I could go on and on about all the things I adore about little Avy. So when I have time, I will continue to add to the list. But right now both my kids are asleep so Im heading to bed!!

We had a few little birthday parties for Avy. We celebrated with both the Thomasons and Websters after Jetts blessing. She thought it was the greatest day ever and even blew out her candles on the cake.

Bonnie and Warren got her a wizard of OZ book, some OZ toys and some red Dorthy shoes. Avy was so happy!!! She really could not even handle all the excitement..

On her actual birthday she woke up and had breakfast with her best buddy, Anni, and opened more presents! I love watching her open presents because she gets soooo excited!!

That afternoon we meet up with her cousins at Jump Time. It was really crowded but Avy loved it. She could go there every day and not get sick of it.

Thank heavens grandma Janet was there to hold Jett. I could not have done it without her

So in love with these two babies!!

After jump time we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant, plum loco. Perfect ending to  perfectly fun day!

playing with more birthday presents. Our family is SO generous! Thankyou everyone who made Avys second birthday so special!!
I love you so much Avy bug. Im so excited to celebrate many many more birthdays with you!