Friday, August 19, 2016

Aug 1-14th Summer time fun

Little Avy at gymnastics :) We have loved watching the Olympics, especially gymnastics :)
 Parks, Parks and more Park fun!

My kids LOVE the Snap Chat filters. They are hilarious and provide us with hours of entertainment.

Cookies after church. Tradition

The hose and measuring cups provide hours of entertainment. Jett loves the hose and asked to play with it everyday.
And of course, the swimming pool! It never gets old
"mommy, I'm just going to layout"

We have been having a lot of fun but most of the last few weeks have been spent getting ready for the new office!  Chris has been crazy busy and stressed but it is a good stress and so exciting! This is the new webpage!!

Only a few more weeks until Chris is working in the office! So exciting

Sunday, August 7, 2016

July 28-31st Rexburg fun and mission farewell

We went to Rexburg for Taylor's mission farewell and made a fun weekend out of it. Right when we got to town we picked up Warren and went to bear world. He had never been and he only lives a few miles from it! It really is such a cool place. I think the kids loved the rides and ice cream the most. 

 Huge moose in the water... see it?
 The baby bears are so cute and playful. It almost makes you think they are nice animals...

The next day we met up with Allison and her girls and went to Rigby lake. The sand is just so fun. Jett has never thrown a bigger fit than when we took him away from that tractor and the sand. He LOVED it!!

The next day we went to Warrens house and Denise and Colby build a zip line in his backyard! It took a long time to get it up in the right place and the right angle but it was so fun! Even the adults were having a blast. His backyard gets more fun every time we come!
 Jett just loves climbing those big trees!

And then, the main event, Taylors Mission farewell. He is probably the most prepared and ready missionary I have ever met. He really is such a good kid and is going to do awesome in the mission field.

july 11- 24th summer fun

Madis birthday party! It was awesome because it was at our pool! The homemade root beer (magic witch potion), swimming and eating the cake with no forks made for the perfect birthday party :) 
Look at these adorable FOUR year olds! 

A few days later it was Nixon's Bday party at the park.

We have been going on a lot of bike rides. Avy is getting so good and fast with no training wheels!

Morning/afternoon swimming all by our self! 

Avy started gymnastics and LOVES it! She loves using the chalk for the bars, just like the girls on the Olympics!!
More pool time!

And playing in the sprinklers.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

July 8-10th Thomason reunion at Sawmill

The Thomason family camp out was in Sawmill Canyon (about 50 miles- or 1.5 hours- north of Howe) It was beautiful!! So refreshing to get out of cell service and just play with my family. Even though we all got disgustingly dirty and didnt sleep much, I loved it and am excited for next year. Hopefully next time we will have a small camper or a bigger tent :)  

We hiked up to Mill Creek lake. A beautiful little lake at the top of a mountain. They said it was only about 3 miles round trip and it was easy and fun for kids. Well, it was actually just under 8 miles round trip and pretty difficult, especially at the end. It didn't make it any easier that most the time I had either Jett or Avy on my back. But it was still a fun adventure and so so beautiful. I just need to get in shape before I hike up a mountain again.
Mill Creek lake

Sleeping Jett the entire way down! My shoulders were sore