Thursday, August 31, 2006

New York New York

So sorry that this post has taken so long to put up. I thought though I would share some pics of our New york city trip. It was my mom's BDAy present to me, and a wonderful gift it was. My grandma and aunt Jenny also came!! It was so much fun, we went to Wicked, Tarzan and Beauty and the Beast. I have now officially seen every Disney Musical and on Broadway. By the way, the man that me and Jennie are with is the guy who played Tarzan, not some scary homeless

guy we got out picture with! Plus we did all the shopping, I mean 4 woman in new york! Watch out! I loved it though, it was great and wonderful memories! It was also hilarious, Jenny and I started playing a giant piano in FAO Schwartz, just like off the movie Big. And let's not try and guess the number of knockoff purses that we bought between the four of us!