Jan 1 i discover lisa and rachel have been taking turns hiding books for the other to find. They are library books. This explains so much.
February 7. To be filed under Rules I shouldnt have to make “We dont use tooth brushes to clean slime!” Why do i have slime? And yes its in her hair and on her legs and... lisa. Good thing you are cute Chris not your toothbrush. I checked.
March 17 Celebration is in order. We have graduated! Yesterday. It was the first full day in approximately 8,352 days, that I did not change a diaper or clean up any associated type of mess. Can you hear the angels? I’m under no illusions that she is “potty trained”. I expect some messy days ahead, because that’s how learning works. I did spend quite a bit of time in the bathroom with her. Including a new found appreciation for the song “let it go”. You’re welcome 😜. But. 😍
March 27 my yoga practice this morning can best be described in the immortal words of my 3yo, "Mom! not like that!" as she points to the screen thinking maybe I haven't seen it properly.
April 9 The endings of a Family prayer-how lovely the 8 yo mentions she thinks she saw a spider in her room. 15 yo son “comforts” her by saying he has multiple spiders in his room, they are his ”friends.” At this point the sleepy, happy, family magic feeling is long gone and has been replaced by terror. 8 yo is googling black widows and brown recluses. 15 yo comforts 6 yo that he is sure SHE doesn’t have any spiders in her room. At worst she would have a cockroach She hates cockroaches. Ahh Arent we all relaxed and ready for bedtime?
April 14 Things I have said and done on an average sunday: “Lisa take off your dress and mommy will try to staple it back together” -this after she tore a hole in her dress to show me her belly button - stapling mostly worked “Baby tigers are reverent”- because off and on since the zoo Lisa has been a baby tiger. The baby tiger folded her paws for maybe half a second “Rachel stop playing with the paper towel rolls” “ they aren’t paper towel rolls, they are mittens of doom” ... um. “Rachel please put the mittens of doom away”
April 30- so much drama just to call people to family devotional, i take a break to pray. Lisa starts calling people to family devotional and calls it family emotional. Truer words have never been spoken. By the time the older children are gathered lisa and rachel have fought over seats, a purse and my phone. They are crying loudly. They calm down while we sing I am a child of God. Lisa calms down to sit in my lap and rachel is reading books-prayer works this might be great. Then i ask ben to pray and both little girls lose it. I stick to my guns and he prays over whimpering. Hannah is grumpy she doesn't read first, becca is grumpy if hannah does read first Lisa wants to read or doesn't and doesn't want anyone else to read she cries and holds us all hostage with indistinct answers. We move on and read a few verses. We might have actually thought something for a second there . At some point abi starts mooing or snoring, i am unsure which. We accidentally reread a verse which is apparently horrible. The 15 yo checks how many verses there are to read and announces it frequently to inspire/ depress us. Becca announces she never ate breakfast and since she is about to starve, she warms up a waffle. We get to verse 17 at which point we all decide that since mom is now emotional too, family emotional is complete.
June 18 You know it’s tjed homeschool summer school edition:: “ Mom, I’m bored, can we do math?”😍 fractions for 45 minutes ending with four kids on my bed playing with dice and writing numbers in some form or other Later. The 4 yo comes up and want “tuskudy” What? i say My 17. Yo and I debate and she keeps insisting that she is asking to study and debating on what that would look like at four My dinner is ready and we figure it out. Spaghetti. 🤣
6/25 Driving to church and catching a glimpse of 15 yo son’s brothering 4 yo is spitting at him and he keeps saying “ you missed”. “ you missed again”. She is thrilled Feel the love
7/16 On our grand adventure to reunion and a wedding- Lisa says “I like we car house mama”. Thanks uncle david!
10/29. Seminary. We are acting out parables- what we learned? Blind people don't like high fives, and use your prayerachute
11/17 lisa wisdom: Pixies named Flower do not eat bananas or puffy pancakes or oatmeal They just eat dinosaurs So. Um. If you see a 4 yo rabidly scarfing food in church today, it could be because that momma was plum out of dinosaur And yes I have already suggested that the dinosaurs were blended in with the puffy pancakes. No dice .
12/19. Seminary. Ben after a morning of jokes and silliness says “ I think its interesting that first we have thanksgiving where we think of all He has given us, then we have christmas and focus on all we can give to others”.
12/20. We are enjoying Natalie and Kalani home. We are playing rummy. Then a naked and wet Lisa walks up. “Did you take a shower”, I ask. “ yes because I fell and had to wash the paint off”. Where was the paint” I ask, alarmed because i hadn't given her any paint. “ on your bed.” She replies casually Um. Slight momma pause in the rummy game. Yes there is paint on my new sheets
12/29 Susan “I wanted to be a school teacher before I realized that meant dealing with children and knowing what I am talking about “. The sarcasm runs high with that one