June 22, 2009

Pets, pets, and more pets

Our place looks like a pet store. We just got around 25 baby chickens today that will be raised at Micah's parents home. Not only do we have chickens, but 4 new kittens(2 weeks old), and 1 new puppy(6 weeks old). Our cats are outdoor animals that are for getting the mice and we have't seen any since we got this gray cat last summer, so she is doing her job, plus adding more to her pack. I am not getting any sleep with our new puppy crying all night long. Tonight we are going to try keeping him with Ben and Lacy's dog Peaches to see if he will do better at night. Makenna treats our puppy Spike like her own little baby. She holds him all the time and takes really good care of him. Now Jackson and Makenna are excited to get baby chickens.

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June 19, 2009

A New Puppy

I can't believe it, but we now are owners of a new chihuahua puppy. We got him last night and Jackson named him Spike. Blaze picked Spike up in Roy, UT and brought him home to us. I am not a fan of pets and guess who had to take care of him early this morning(4am). YES, ME!! (Micah was out raking the hay) He is cute and fun for the kids, but now I have another child(the puppy) to take care of and mine actually sleep through the night. Micah has been wanting to get the kids a puppy for quite some time. I am not sure if I am happy about this, but I will just have to deal with it.

June 15, 2009


I have been trying to get my kids photo books up to date, but I always have to have some kind of help from my kids. I decided to just give them a box lid and let them go to town on it. They got to make their own masterpiece. I can't wait to get the basement done, so I can put all my scrapbooking supplies down there in a room, be able to leave it out and just close the door. That way it doesn't clutter up my own bedroom.Print Page

June 13, 2009

Free Fishing Day

Today was free fishing day, or should I say crazy fishing day. It rained off and on and was windy. We decided to go out to Cummins Lake. Our first spot the wind just kept blowing our lines in, so we moved to a better spot where I am surprised we caught one. On Micah's first cast he caught one and that was the only one we caught. We measured the fish at my parent's and it is 23 inches and 4 lbs. Jackson was so excited to go fishing today. I just wish the weather was a little bit better, so it would have been a little more fun.

Grandpa Ewell teaching Jackson how to fish
The 2nd spot where we caught the fish

June 4, 2009

June 1st

Micah made us a breakfast dinner for my birthday that we celebrated a day early, since he was going to be gone on my birthday. For my birthday I took the kids to the park to play with other kids. They had a fun time playing on the playground and in the irrigation water. This is my last year to enjoy my 20's.Print Page