December 20, 2009

The biggest sled

Have you ever seen a sled this big?? This was a first for me and it was really fun to ride on. We pulled it behind the Rhino and as you can see by the picture you can fit a lot of people on it. We even took some of the neighbor kids for a ride. It was a piece of farming equipment that broke, and Micah decided to turn it into a sled.

December 18, 2009

It's Christmas Time

Wednesday the 16th Jackson had a Christmas program that we went to. He did a very good job singing. He even had a solo(see video). Sorry the pictures aren't very good, it was dark in the room.

Today Jackson and Makenna enjoyed painting home made ornaments. Now we have to wait for them to dry before adding them to our tree.

December 6, 2009

Free giveaway

Click on the fabulous friday freebies button on my sidebar and check out the giveaways. There are several you can enter in and you have a pretty good chance on getting picked. I won about 1 1/2 months ago.

Thanksgiving weekend

Sorry I didn't post this sooner. I have lost my camera and have to get copies from every one else who took pictures for me. Anyway we had a fun thanksgiving staying close to home this year. We went to my parent's home in Ely and spent the day there and the food was delicious. Friday, every one came to our home in Lund to ride 4-wheelers and the rhino. I made a lasagna dinner for everyone and we played lots of games. Sat. Micah took some of his siblings and their spouses, some cousins, and me repelling down whipple's cave. We had a fun time with everyone who was here for the Thanksgiving weekend.