February 24, 2011

deer & piano

Mt title has nothing in common, just that I took these pictures today and didn't want to do two posts. Lately we have been having a lot of deer around our home. They really don't seem to be afraid of you unless you are trying to take pictures, then they decide to run. :)

Today while Jackson was doing his piano, Kaylee got so excited she wanted to play. I sat her down by Jackson and she thought she was so big pounding on the keys. As you can see when I am taking pictures, Makenna doesn't want to be left out.
Plus if I am using the camera, Makenna thinks she needs to take pictures, so I let her and this was one of the ones that turned out(usually it is a picture of the chair, a toy, someone's head cut off, etc...)

February 15, 2011

Flat Stanley

I know lately all I blog about is Kaylee, so I thought I should include this section about Jackson. Last week he received a letter in the mail from his cousin Hannah. In it was flat Stanley which is a story that Hannah's class read and is seeing all the different places he has gone. So we took some pictures of Jackson with Stanley at Carter agri-systems and told about his dad and relatives working their. We mailed Stanley and some pictures back to Hannah's class. Micah and Blaze just put up this new Carter Agri-Systems sign. Doesn't it look nice!!

Here she comes

Kaylee started rolling over from her back to her stomach on Jan. 1st, 2011. She would get to her stomach and stop there, because she couldn't figure out how to go back to her back. Well today she finally did it. So watch out, because here she comes. I even got it on video and yes I did say the wrong year, we are now in 2011, NOT 2010!! Enjoy, but please don't laugh at my voice :)

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February 1, 2011

5 months

I can't believe how fast the time flies when you have a baby. Kaylee is already five months and I just felt like I just had her the other day. She is always rolling over from her back to her tummy. She has really started to talk(baby talk), loves standing while holding your hands, sits with help, and is always laughing at her older brother and sister.