April 28, 2013

It has been a long time!

I know, I haven't been updating my blog.  We haven't had the internet at our house for quite some time and we are trying to get it back.  Anyway I am at my parents home using their internet and decided to update you on what is going on.  During my kids spring break the first week of April, we went to St. George.  We love it there.  Micah took Jackson and Makenna and they hiked Angel's Landing.  I also took the kids to a dinosaur museum.  We also got to do a lot of swimming.

April 24th, Ashlynn turned 5 months old.  Aren't these two just the cutest little girls.  They are going to be best buds. 

 Back in March, Jackson had his first pine wood derby.  He didn't do so well, but was still a good sport.
Micah, shot an Elk back in November right before I had Ashlynn and we just got it mounted in our house.  So he thought it would be cool to put Ashlynn on its horns and take some pictures.  So here she is on Micah's elk.