March 18, 2014

Almost forgot February

I know March is more than half over and I haven't done anything for Feb.  Well I am finally getting to it.  Jackson is busy playing junior jazz.  Micah is coaching his team.  He has been playing Thur. nights in Ely and Sat. home in Lund.  He has a pretty good team and Micah has really worked hard with these boys.  Makenna and Jackson had a valentine party at school on the 13th, so they got to make their own valentine boxes.  Jackson also had the blue and gold banquet for scouts where he got his bear. He was able to pin the bear pin on his dad.  Here are also some fun pictures of Ashlynn and Kaylee during the month of February, since I spend most of my time with these two cute girls at home. So here are some pictures of our month of February.

Ashlynn discovered Kaylee left her drink and chips on the kid picnic table, so she helped herself to them.


January 14, 2014

Our December has come and gone.

December was a busy month for us.  It came and went pretty fast.  Makenna got to play junior jazz with the 3-4th grade girls.(She is only in the 2nd grade).  Jackson and Makenna had a Christmas program for school before Christmas break.  Micah and I celebrated our 12 year anniversary going to St. George with no kids.  Loved it!!  Not very often are we ever away from our kids and you get so much done faster when you don't have to stop for extra potty breaks, get kids in and out of car seats.  We had a wonderful Christmas and New years.  We didn't do any traveling besides going to Ely.  It was kind of nice not having to travel long distances for the holidays.  Now kids are back into school and some of us have colds.   Here are a few pictures of our month of Dec.

The kids get to open their new Christmas jammies on Christmas eve.

 Ashlynn was sick and didn't get to see Santa with the older children.

 Ashlynn loved her new cabbage patch baby

Kaylee is our princess girl!!

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