We cook for each other often. Its great having good friends
This holiday season Chris and I are off again galivanting the country (if you call ALL over Colorado and Utah "the country") we started by going to Denver and Sterling where we currently are. Tomorrow AM its an early rise to head back to Grand Juntion to resitaute then off to the Great Salt Lake to spend Christmas with my fam. We have already gone skiing with Adam and his Dad yesterday and throughly enjoyed ourselves at Brekenridge. More to come. Or so I hope. LOVE YOU ALL
Monday, December 21, 2009
Hello all of you out there in Blogger Land! It has recebtly come to my attention I am a horibble blogger. Chris and I have been up to so much lately I guess I need to letcha know how we are doing. Good!
Now if you want to know what's happened to us recently that will have to wait. As for our current situation we still LOVE each other. That's a plus ;) we are both working hard at our jobs. He's still with Navitaire and me I'm still slinging pizzas and I run moonshine to Salt Lake City on my days off. So its really like I have no time off. The family enjoys our company and it pays for Chris and My's lavious lifestyle. Seriously we are in Salt Lake quite often and some days it feels like we never left. I love it.
I have made a great friend out here in fabulous Grand Junction and we have much in common its made a bit busier but I have enjoyed more cooking and baking. Her husband works in the oil fields
Now if you want to know what's happened to us recently that will have to wait. As for our current situation we still LOVE each other. That's a plus ;) we are both working hard at our jobs. He's still with Navitaire and me I'm still slinging pizzas and I run moonshine to Salt Lake City on my days off. So its really like I have no time off. The family enjoys our company and it pays for Chris and My's lavious lifestyle. Seriously we are in Salt Lake quite often and some days it feels like we never left. I love it.
I have made a great friend out here in fabulous Grand Junction and we have much in common its made a bit busier but I have enjoyed more cooking and baking. Her husband works in the oil fields
Hello all of you out there in Blogger Land! It has recebtly come to my attention I am a horibble blogger. Chris and I have been up to so much lately I guess I need to letcha know how we are doing. Good!
Now if you want to know what's happened to us recently that will have to wait. As for our current situation we still LOVE each other. That's a plus ;) we are both working hard at our jobs. He's still with Navitaire and me I'm still slinging pizzas and I run moonshine to Salt Lake City on my days off. So its really like I have no time off. The family enjoys our company and it pays for Chris and My's lavious lifestyle. Seriously we are in Salt Lake quite often and some days it feels like we never left. I love it.
I have made a great friend out here in fabulous Grand Junction and we have much in common its made a bit busier but I have enjoyed more cooking and baking. Her husband works in the oil fields
Now if you want to know what's happened to us recently that will have to wait. As for our current situation we still LOVE each other. That's a plus ;) we are both working hard at our jobs. He's still with Navitaire and me I'm still slinging pizzas and I run moonshine to Salt Lake City on my days off. So its really like I have no time off. The family enjoys our company and it pays for Chris and My's lavious lifestyle. Seriously we are in Salt Lake quite often and some days it feels like we never left. I love it.
I have made a great friend out here in fabulous Grand Junction and we have much in common its made a bit busier but I have enjoyed more cooking and baking. Her husband works in the oil fields
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Wow so apparently some of you have been harrasing my husband about me not posting. Well I did say I would post next time I have a minute. HOLY COW!! this little move has been quite the adventure to say the least. To let you all know Chris finally resides in Grand Junction. He moved up here at the first of this month. He is still working for Navitaire but now he works from home, I am so excited and feel it such a blessing that in this crazy economy where nothing is predictable he was able to keep a fantasic job. So far its working out well.
My job keeps me busier than I think I've ever been in my life I think!! Heaven help us when we actually have children. I still love my job It definatly has it's challenges, I love it more than any job but it's also probably the hardest job I've ever had, and CRAZY me would like and is working on getting a job even higher up than the job I currently have. I'm getting a little glimpse of what it could be like. I'm currently running two stores. Mine and the one in Clifton, that's part of the reason why I'm so busy. They also jusr reorganized our districts and I'm now in a district with stores in Utah instead of Denver so I am currently spending a lot of time in Utah. Which is great because the hardest part of leaveing Utha has been my family. We really enjoyed spending all the time with the family in Utah. It was great.
So I do have an interesting story to tell you all. It happend not long after I moved up here. Being new in my postion I tend to make some mistakes. I made a HUGE mistake that was I didn't order enough boxes (boxes are a huge deal in the pizza world). I didn't just do it once I did it twice. to the point that when I called the company that delivers our products the truck had already left. Well being in Grand Junction I only have one other store to borow from. They didn't have enoght boxes to sustain us, so I had to go to Price (it's about 2 1/2 hours away) These boxes from Price were going to help but not solve my problem. So then i would have to go back to GJ and then leave again and head to SLC where the wherehouse for our product is and pick up more boxes. Well So I hopped in my little Pontiac and brought a friend and her little baby and headed to Price, we got there picked up some boxes, had a little bite to eat then headed back to GJ. We didn't get too far. My car pretty much blew up on the side of the road. So my Husband AKA my knight in shining armor, jumped in his truck and came to rescue us, we ended up staying outside of Price, then we towed my car back to GJ, keep in mind I still have to go back to SLC to pick up more boxes. Anyways we dropped the car off at a fantastic little shop called dare to care and decided the best option would be to rent a car and drive to SLC to pick up my boxes. So I rented a SUV which ended up being better than my little potiac because I was able to put more boxes in my SUV. Anywho I picked up the boxes, decided I REALLY want a SUV, and found out my car is toast. So a few days later after coming back to GJ i had to pack up and go back to SLC and find a car. But now I have a super cute 2003 HONDA ACCORD!!! I love it. SO yeah that's my very long story about me getting my new car. :)
My birthday was on the 10th and we went camping, just for a couple of days. It was nice no one from the store could call me. Probably some of the most peaceful days i've had in a while. For some reason though this birthday didn't feel like it was my brithday. Generally it seems as if there is a bigger deal when it comes to my birthday, but this year not as much. I"m not sure it was my favorite. Oh well I'll have many more to enjoy. Well that's kinda what we've been up to. I'll be headed to SLC again this weekend. LOVE YOU ALL!!
My job keeps me busier than I think I've ever been in my life I think!! Heaven help us when we actually have children. I still love my job It definatly has it's challenges, I love it more than any job but it's also probably the hardest job I've ever had, and CRAZY me would like and is working on getting a job even higher up than the job I currently have. I'm getting a little glimpse of what it could be like. I'm currently running two stores. Mine and the one in Clifton, that's part of the reason why I'm so busy. They also jusr reorganized our districts and I'm now in a district with stores in Utah instead of Denver so I am currently spending a lot of time in Utah. Which is great because the hardest part of leaveing Utha has been my family. We really enjoyed spending all the time with the family in Utah. It was great.
So I do have an interesting story to tell you all. It happend not long after I moved up here. Being new in my postion I tend to make some mistakes. I made a HUGE mistake that was I didn't order enough boxes (boxes are a huge deal in the pizza world). I didn't just do it once I did it twice. to the point that when I called the company that delivers our products the truck had already left. Well being in Grand Junction I only have one other store to borow from. They didn't have enoght boxes to sustain us, so I had to go to Price (it's about 2 1/2 hours away) These boxes from Price were going to help but not solve my problem. So then i would have to go back to GJ and then leave again and head to SLC where the wherehouse for our product is and pick up more boxes. Well So I hopped in my little Pontiac and brought a friend and her little baby and headed to Price, we got there picked up some boxes, had a little bite to eat then headed back to GJ. We didn't get too far. My car pretty much blew up on the side of the road. So my Husband AKA my knight in shining armor, jumped in his truck and came to rescue us, we ended up staying outside of Price, then we towed my car back to GJ, keep in mind I still have to go back to SLC to pick up more boxes. Anyways we dropped the car off at a fantastic little shop called dare to care and decided the best option would be to rent a car and drive to SLC to pick up my boxes. So I rented a SUV which ended up being better than my little potiac because I was able to put more boxes in my SUV. Anywho I picked up the boxes, decided I REALLY want a SUV, and found out my car is toast. So a few days later after coming back to GJ i had to pack up and go back to SLC and find a car. But now I have a super cute 2003 HONDA ACCORD!!! I love it. SO yeah that's my very long story about me getting my new car. :)
My birthday was on the 10th and we went camping, just for a couple of days. It was nice no one from the store could call me. Probably some of the most peaceful days i've had in a while. For some reason though this birthday didn't feel like it was my brithday. Generally it seems as if there is a bigger deal when it comes to my birthday, but this year not as much. I"m not sure it was my favorite. Oh well I'll have many more to enjoy. Well that's kinda what we've been up to. I'll be headed to SLC again this weekend. LOVE YOU ALL!!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I'm back in SLC for a day or two and figured i'd get on the computer and explain my little "mountain America" post. I have signed up on here to be able to post from my phone and one day i was searching for the phone number to Mountain america credit union out here in Salt Lake City through google. Well when you're in a hurry google and blogger look a lot alike and that's what they're saved as in my phone. Needless to say I posted my google search on my blogger link.
Update. Chris is still living in Salt Lake and I'm still in Grand Junction. I LOVE GRAND JUNCTION!!! I can see us there for a long time. I love my job, it really keeps me SUPER busy i barely have time for anything else. I am in Salt Lake though to visit Sarah and Little Eli they came up here and I just couldn't pass up the oppertunity to see my little nephew he's getting so big. Well i'll post more when i have a few minutes LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Update. Chris is still living in Salt Lake and I'm still in Grand Junction. I LOVE GRAND JUNCTION!!! I can see us there for a long time. I love my job, it really keeps me SUPER busy i barely have time for anything else. I am in Salt Lake though to visit Sarah and Little Eli they came up here and I just couldn't pass up the oppertunity to see my little nephew he's getting so big. Well i'll post more when i have a few minutes LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Hello from Grand Junction
Just a little post to you all. I do not have a computer so I can't do much unless Chris is in town. Ok So I am doing really well. I love my job. It's been REALLY hard, I haven't had my husband around. This Tuesday was the first time in almost a month since I've been able to spend time with Chris. I have a wonderful crew. I just am loving Grand Junction. So hopefully when I have a computer I can blog more. LOVE YOU ALL
Friday, April 3, 2009
OH MY!!! it sure has been a busy month and a half for me. So I have finished my training, That was up in Ogden and I really don't like Ogden but I loved the store I was in and the people I worked with. They definitely have a good crew over there. Lezlie my trainer was definitely a fantastic tutor and a good friend. She will be someone I will use a lot of information from. I stayed with a friend's old mission companion while I was up there. Thank goodness for Rosie or it would have cost me an arm and a leg to train up there. It was a long drive from home to Ogden. I would train Tuesday-Saturday and come home Saturday nights then drive back Tuesday mornings. It was a rough schedule for Chris and I but it only prepared us for whats to come. (see next paragraph ;)) I actually finished training last Thursday then I headed to Logan for a new store opening. It was a great experience and really fun. I truly enjoy working for this company.
And now for the part not many know about. And why it prepared Chris and I for things to come. As many of you know Chris works for a software company, he likes it but it's not his passion. Well part of the reason why we're moving to the GJ is because Chris is going to go back to school and finish his four year degree and go through the police academy and work on becoming a cop, his true passion. Our original plan and hope was that since Chris is working with computers the company he's at now would allow him to go to a part time status and work from home, allowing us to keep our benifits and him to be able to easily work around school, and still make a good ammount of money. He proposed his idea to the company and they said it wouldn't work for them, mainly becasue he's not going to school to better himself in their feild. Which makes total sence, so the wisest thing for us to do is to let Chris continue to work there for as long as possible to make the most money until school starts.
But WAIT!! there's more, in the mean time Chris has gone on the internet and learned that the GJ police department is looking to hire some fresh blood and sponsor them through the academy. If he gets this they'll pay for his academy and they'll pay him while he's in the academy AND they do tuition reembursment. It would be a win win situation for all of us. They have accepted his application and he has his PT tests and Interviews at the end of this month.
Now little ol' me is packing up a few of my belongings into my little car and driving to Palisade, which is a little town about 10 miles outside of GJ and I'm going to stay in an extended stay of sorts hotel until I either find a suitable place for the both of us or until atleast Chris moves out and we have found a place, I'm sure it will be easiet to wait. I will see my husband every now and then he'll for sure be out at the end of this month when he's doing his testing. And thank goodness for telephones. We've done long distance before but it was 5 years ago. we'll be able to do it. Now you all know kinda what's the skinny, LOVE YOU ALL!!
And now for the part not many know about. And why it prepared Chris and I for things to come. As many of you know Chris works for a software company, he likes it but it's not his passion. Well part of the reason why we're moving to the GJ is because Chris is going to go back to school and finish his four year degree and go through the police academy and work on becoming a cop, his true passion. Our original plan and hope was that since Chris is working with computers the company he's at now would allow him to go to a part time status and work from home, allowing us to keep our benifits and him to be able to easily work around school, and still make a good ammount of money. He proposed his idea to the company and they said it wouldn't work for them, mainly becasue he's not going to school to better himself in their feild. Which makes total sence, so the wisest thing for us to do is to let Chris continue to work there for as long as possible to make the most money until school starts.
But WAIT!! there's more, in the mean time Chris has gone on the internet and learned that the GJ police department is looking to hire some fresh blood and sponsor them through the academy. If he gets this they'll pay for his academy and they'll pay him while he's in the academy AND they do tuition reembursment. It would be a win win situation for all of us. They have accepted his application and he has his PT tests and Interviews at the end of this month.
Now little ol' me is packing up a few of my belongings into my little car and driving to Palisade, which is a little town about 10 miles outside of GJ and I'm going to stay in an extended stay of sorts hotel until I either find a suitable place for the both of us or until atleast Chris moves out and we have found a place, I'm sure it will be easiet to wait. I will see my husband every now and then he'll for sure be out at the end of this month when he's doing his testing. And thank goodness for telephones. We've done long distance before but it was 5 years ago. we'll be able to do it. Now you all know kinda what's the skinny, LOVE YOU ALL!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
It's been a while
To all of you in blogger land I'm sorry for the long pause. Ever since I got this job slinging pizzas life has not slowed down. I'm at the end of week two in my training. I'm loving it!! I'm really good at all the paper work and managerial stuff, but I have a lot to work on as far as the actual pizza slinging goes. The only down side so far really is that I spend most of my weeks in Ogden. I really don't like Ogden. I'm away from my husband and I really hate that. I am lucky though I was training with another girl from this area and she has a mission companion up there that i'm staying with. Thanks Rosie. Chris is going to Grand Junction this weekend to find a place. This will be the first time I don't get to go. I'm sad but I'm excited we'll be moving. Oh and that reminds me. I do have to pack and get everything ready just being home two days a week, in four weeks!! Can you believe it? I'll be moving in four weeks. LOVE YOU ALL!!
Monday, February 16, 2009
I GOT THE JOB!! I'm so excited. I actually already had orientation. But I kinda had to pry a little to find out for sure. I went into work on Wednesday and was talking to my manager about it and how she said I might not be working next week because they were hoping I would be in Grand Junction by the middle of March. This was news to me. SO I texted Christina (who would be my boss) and asked her if she new anything because apparently I didn't, and Chris and I have been talking and we would like to find a place to live before I have to move. Anywho the very next morning I got a phone call saying they would like to go over some training stuff with me. Long story short this Saturday I went to Ogden where I'll be training and did orientatio. I'm so exciteted another one of my friends is alswo traing and she'll be there too.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Alright everyone I have some good news that may get even better. It will just take a little bit to tell it. Here it goes. As you all know I am a server with Red Robin. And Chris and I are planning on moving to Grand Junction soon. Well as a server I can make a lot and I can make a little. To support two people on chances is well not great. So I've been thinking lately maybe I'll try to get into management and transfer to the Red Robin in Grand Junction. That way I'm making a steady paycheck and don't have to worry about whether or not it's going to be busy. So a couple of weeks ago I started talking to my GM at Red Robin Bryan. We got to talking and come to find out the company that I technically work for also owns Little Caesars and happen to have one in Grand junction. So we start talking about working for them. The rumor around Red Robin is that the Little Caesars Managers have been making BANK. So I'm on board with it. What ever will help support Chris and I when we move and he's in school. So now I was working on Tuesday and Christina ( She would be my boss in Grand Junction) came in and said "so I hear you want to work in Grand Junction" and I told her uh yeah. so anyways she pretty much said she needs to change the management in the store there and would like me to be the GM!!!!! I was pretty excited. Someone is telling us Grand Junction is where we're supposed to be. any who I met her boss and the one who would ultimately hire me Emilio He is supper nice and gungho about me. So today I had an interview and I brought in my Resume (thanks to my dad for helping tweak it, I don't speak business) I think it wen well, I had to take one of those "situational" on the computer tests and I always hate taking those because I'm honest and yet sometimes I'm still wonder if they'll still hire me. Also while I was there I found out that I'm supposed to go through three interviews and I don't have to because I guess they really want me or something that Emilio and another high up already signed off on my interviews. So now I'm just waiting to hear if they'll make me an offer. I hope and Pray they do. oh and if they do I'll be moving to Grand Junction a lot sooner then we thought. LOVE YOU ALL!!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Good friends and Chris almost has a new tooth ;)
I just want you all to know it's always good to have good friends. I've always been jealous of my sister and her long time friendships she's had with a couple of people, namely Jayme. Well I have come to the conclusion that in the recent years I have made some of those life long friends, and I just wanted to publicly thank them for being there for me through thick and thin. :) Namely those people are Lexi and Laura :) I went out with Lex tonight and got to thinking how much I appreciate her friendship.


Also Chris had his last surgery for his implant. He got a little swollen and looked really cute so I had to take a picture you may not see what I saw. But here it is.
Also Chris had his last surgery for his implant. He got a little swollen and looked really cute so I had to take a picture you may not see what I saw. But here it is.
Monday, January 26, 2009
An Update
I'm sure you're all wondering how I'm doing. The answer. GREAT!! My eye surgery went well. The doctor says everything is looking good, even though if you had not talked to the doctor or me you would think things are HORRIBLY wrong. The whites of my eyes have take some time to show themselves. I have added some pics to show you, just so you know one of these is enhanced to show you more of what it looked like before it started to get better.
So mom and Dad got Chris a "slanket" for his birthday here it is TADA!!
Then Chris' birthday was last Thursday, we went to Cracker Barrel with some friends, then on Saturday I took the whole day off to spend with Chris. I really enjoyed not doing much, we did go on a little snow shoe adventure (it had to be little I'm still on some restrictions for my eye). The adventure did include me almost falling in a river, it was quite a predicament. We were sad we didn't take pictures of how I fell. We also found a little igloo, which was cute. That night we went to Cheesecake Factory. and had to wait FOREVER!! it was a Saturday night but the food was good, at least mine was, they're definitely not known for their burgers. And that was pretty much the extent of our excitement. Things are going well other wise, Chris is still working his tail off and I'm still at Red Robin, I am trying to become a manager there, we'll see how that goes. LOVE YOU ALL

Chris about to cross the river I already almost fell in, thank goodness for snow pack or I would have






Chris about to cross the river I already almost fell in, thank goodness for snow pack or I would have
Ok so the river had a litlle bit of snow over one part of it and we thought we could cross there, you can see where i about got wet, that hole has the river under it and I made that
Not the river I almost fell in but a river
So mom and Dad got Chris a "slanket" for his birthday here it is TADA!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Eye Dr.
So to let all of you know out there I am having eye surgery on Monday. Yes that's right eye surgery.
The week before Christmas I went to the dr. for my regular check up and while I was there he noticed a "retinal tear" on my right eye. so we scheduled and appointment to see a retinal specialist, well that appointment was today. And it went ok I guess. I'll have to show some pictures. They took plenty of my eye and I didn't get any to take home but I do have an example. But I did have an interesting experience with the pictures. I had to have dye put in my blood so the veins behind my eye would appear on some pictures. well the dye made me nauseated. I hated it, who ever thought you'd be poked and prodded at the eye doctors.
Anyways the surgery will tack my retina back to where it belongs, but because I'm so young and scarring is a possiblity he's putting an oil in my eye that will cause some odd sideeffects, such as it may look like I'm looking through water all the time. Well for 3 months anyways when he will take the oil out. Which means they don't want me driving, so I'll be relying on other people. Sheesh oh well atleast I have other people to rely on. So now here are some pictures, the first one is a normal eye the dip in the middle is your center of vision, basically where you see from. There are three layers the first is the retina the second I'm not sure what that is and the third is the blood supply. the second picture is of a person with a retinal tear, mines actually worse, I'll draw on top of it to show you kinda where my tear starts, you'll notice the center of vision in this picture is actually still attached to blood supply, mine is not so this is very important surgery. Well I have to go LOVE YOU ALL!! wish me luck

The week before Christmas I went to the dr. for my regular check up and while I was there he noticed a "retinal tear" on my right eye. so we scheduled and appointment to see a retinal specialist, well that appointment was today. And it went ok I guess. I'll have to show some pictures. They took plenty of my eye and I didn't get any to take home but I do have an example. But I did have an interesting experience with the pictures. I had to have dye put in my blood so the veins behind my eye would appear on some pictures. well the dye made me nauseated. I hated it, who ever thought you'd be poked and prodded at the eye doctors.
Anyways the surgery will tack my retina back to where it belongs, but because I'm so young and scarring is a possiblity he's putting an oil in my eye that will cause some odd sideeffects, such as it may look like I'm looking through water all the time. Well for 3 months anyways when he will take the oil out. Which means they don't want me driving, so I'll be relying on other people. Sheesh oh well atleast I have other people to rely on. So now here are some pictures, the first one is a normal eye the dip in the middle is your center of vision, basically where you see from. There are three layers the first is the retina the second I'm not sure what that is and the third is the blood supply. the second picture is of a person with a retinal tear, mines actually worse, I'll draw on top of it to show you kinda where my tear starts, you'll notice the center of vision in this picture is actually still attached to blood supply, mine is not so this is very important surgery. Well I have to go LOVE YOU ALL!! wish me luck
Normal eye

What my eye is kinda like
Friday, January 2, 2009
Oh the Holidays
It's been a while since I last posted but the holidays were so CRAZY that I just haven't had the time.
Chris and I had a wonderful holiday and hope you all did the same. For the Christmas holiday we were in Colorado and boy were we busy. We actually stayed with my grandparents, on my mom's side. They were fantastic hosts and we enjoyed staying there. While we were in Colorado though we did see many of our friends and family. Chris' mom lives in Greeley and we spent an evening with her and his dad was in town and we spent a day with him as well. We also caught up with many of our friends, including one of my old friends from High School who i haven't seen since not too long after we graduated. Good seeing your family Jennie ;)
Christmas Eve we spent with my grandparents, my great grandma Head, and my Aunt, Uncle, and cousins. We did the traditional Soups and appetizers for dinner, and played Bingo for white elephant gifts that night. That was fun as always. Then Chris and I opened a gift early PJS!! Grandma Head stayed for the night and spent Christmas morning with us. She sure cracks us up. We love her so much!! Unfortunately I was a dork and didn't take many pictures; where my brain was this trip i'll never know. We enjoyed the day with Nan and Papa and ate dinner there too. When enveryone had gone home we took a little trip to the Denver Zoo to see the Zoo Lights. We did take pictures here. They were really cool.
While we were in Colorado we helped my nanny put together her Department 56 town. She does it every year and this year Chris and I helped, I was a little reluctant at first, no one wants to work on vacation, but it ended up being lots of fun. Nan says this was the prettiest it's been. :)



We left Colorado on Saturday and had a good trip home and then enjoyed Sunday alone :). That sometimes is my favorite part, coming home and enjoying not doing anything and each other.
New Years was fun as well, pretty uneventful but fun non the less. I worked at Red Robin, then we went to a friends house and spent the evening with her and her husband. It was fun. :) well I thought I would bring you all up to date. Love you ALL !! Happy 2009
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