Monday, October 12, 2009

Pictures - and lots of them

It has snowed ALL DAY today and it is only October! I guess it is about time I got some of our summer pictures posted.

We had a great summer with family. It was especially nice for Paul to spend time with his grandparents, great grandparents, cousins, and aunts and uncles. We are so grateful for all the wonderful support we have from family and the time we can spend with them.

Here are just some of the pictures of Paul with family from the summer...

Thanks to my family for watching Paul, and Chris's Dad for taking us sailing, Chris and I were able to enjoy a day with friends in San Diego this summer.

And if summer wasn't enough, Paul and I got to visit family again last month while Chris was traveling for work. Thanks to my parents who watched Paul over the weekend, I got to meet up with Chris in New York! Paul had a great time with family and hardly noticed I was gone. Thanks Mom and Dad!

(poor Paul, with a cast he can't ride a trike or swim)

Now that summer is over we've been settling into our new place. We've gone to the state fair, an apple orchard, and pretty much spent a lot of time outside. Here are more pictures...

(note the "Deep Fried Candy Bar" stand in the background
we got a kick out of that)

Unfortunately, this is the new reality:

Let's hope the weather warms up at least one more time before the real winter begins.