Way back in October of last year I asked for a bit of advice from my more tech savvy friends and family about what kind of computer I should upgrade too, a Mac or a PC. The opinions that resulted were incredibly fun, and luckily did not open the predicted can of worms. Since then I have done lots of researching, and debating, and agonizing, and wishing.... but no deciding.
By not deciding, I realize that I have been cruel to you all, and kept you all worried about my eternal soul... for this I sincerely apologize and beg forgiveness.
Now, to satisfy your burning curiosity, I present my decision :)
I want an iMac. I have learned the basics of navigating a Mac, and while I have a ways to go before becoming proficient, I like it enough to want to give it a shot. I like the look and feel of it, I can live with the price, I love the huge memory and the part where the hardware and the software are all made by the same people, but I think thing that sold me at the end was the iPhoto software.
With all the scanning I do, and the thousands of old family photos that I store, I love what I will be able to do using iPhoto, and the MANY different ways that I can organize my photos. Organizing with faces is what got me really excited, especially after spending three hours going through my entire collection trying to find every last picture of my Grandma for someone. What a mind numbing process. Imagine being able to find every picture of your favorite cousin with the touch of a button. Happy sigh...
Right now though, I am facing reality. I will have to save for a while before I can make this purchase. Sadness. Till then, I will just have to live with the frustration of the 'thermal events,' dwindling memory, and crashes that plague my computer. But the fact that my car didn't need expensive repairs, and that I will be getting my track paycheck in a few months puts me a few steps closer to computer nirvana. (And yes Ben, I would LOVE to take advantage of your student discount once I get my money saved!)
(Those of you who now believe I am going to computer hell are welcome to present additional arguments to try and save me.)