The hat hooks above the bed and the clips for hanging art kind of happened by accident.
I messed up when building the bunk bed so I had to order two replacement boards.
The two boards that I replaced were still in fine shape so I didn't want to throw them out.
Eventually the idea came to me to use them for hanging things.
I found the hooks and clips at Fred Meyer and we just screwed them on.
My Dad was a great help with this project over Thanksgiving!
I found all of the hats, except for the football helmet at thrift stores.
The Melissa & Doug calendar and chore chart are still beyond his age, but I think he will enjoy them someday:)
I made the "A" & "Z" for his nursery before he was born with supplies from Michael's.
I found the white shelf at a thrift store in Chicago.
I purchased the guitar at a thrift store here in WA.
I love accessible front facing bookshelves in kid's rooms.
My kids have proven to love them too!
I purchased these white shelves at Ikea and the clock is from Target.
(The red thing on the left side of the middle shelf is a wined up flashlight from Ikea.
They are awesome for kids because there are no batteries for them to waste!)
The road rug was a gift from Grandma and Grandpa S. (Ikea)
I found the little table at a thrift store in Chicago and my Mom bought the little red chair for E from another thrift store in Chicago.
I found the firetruck picture at a thrift store in Grand Rapids, MI.
The green curtains and dinosaur bedding are Pottery Barn Kids and were handed down to us by some sweet friends in CA when I was pregnant with E.
(I know the curtains are way too long and I should probably fix that.)
I found this map at a thrift store in Grand Rapids, MI.
I put a few coats of chalkboard paint on it & now it's ready to be drawn on.
(It just looks so perfect I haven't dared to get out the chalk yet.:)
I think I will mark on it where our different family members live around the U.S.
I love the way this room turned out.
I think it is a prefect mix of everything that E loves.
The best part is that the kids enjoy being in there!
Here's a peek in E's closet.
I got the days of the week clothes hanger on sale at Joann's last summer.
I found the red, yellow and blue, stacking crates at a thrift store here in WA.
I love the tall plastic bins for toy storage on the top left. I found them at Kmart.
I found the other bins on the right at Big Lots.