Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Life at the Allen house!!

I know long time no post!! Things have been crazy and time just keeps flying by!! In the past 5 months we have had all 4 of our birthdays, Clay being super busy with work, I have been doing tons of hair and the girls they have been growing up too fast. Ryley turned 4 in June and is so ready to go to Kindergarten. She is doing gymnastics once a week and is loving it. She is such a good big sister and loves to play with Reagan. Reagan turned 2 a few weeks ago and is just talking up a storm. She is speaking in full on sentences. She doesn't let her opinion or what she wants go unknown!! They are both such a joy and continue to surprise me!! I have had to learn alot of patience in the last few months and I think it is Heavenly Father testing me to see if I am really up for the challenge of being a mother! It is such a special blessing and I am grateful that I am able to be home with them each day. Clay is such an amazing man and hard worker. I don't know what I would do without him. I really am going to work harder at keeping up with life on my blog. Mostly for myself so I don't forget little things.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

It's almost Summertime!!

Things at the Allen household have been super busy!! I'm still doing hair almost everyday and trying to keep up with the girls!! They are so stinkin cute!!! I am so lucky to be their mom!! I have been bugging Clay for I don't know how long to let us get a swing set for the kids in the backyard and I finally WON!!! Yes I did!! It has been a long time coming and now it is done. One thing I love about Clay is that he never lets a project go unfinished!! He worked so hard to make our play yard a nice one for our kids to enjoy!! Thanks babe you did awesome!! The kids are love, love, loving it!! Reagan doesn't want to be inside at all!! And I think by the end of summer I am going to have some killer arm muscles from pushing Ryley on the swing!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I don't even know where to begin!! What a fun trip we had with Clay's parents to the Mexican Riviera!!! And can I just say I will definitely cruise again!! We boarded our HUGE Cruise Ship in L.A. and we set sail that night which was Sunday!! So we had heard that when you go on a cruise you eat like kings and queens, well I didn't realize what that truly meant until the first nights dinner!!! WOW!! It was so good and the rest of the meals to follow were just as good!! It is truly a full 3 course meal every time you sit down!! By the end of the cruise we were ready to not see food for awhile!! So the first day on board we just hung out and played miniature golf and tried to figure the ship out!! The next day we arrived in Cabo San Lucas!! We took a glass bottom boat tour and were able to see some bright fish and some of the landmarks Cabo is known for!! Then Clay and I were able to swim with the dolphins!! It was probably the highlight of the trip for me!! It was so cool!! The next day we went to Mazatlan and took a tour of the city then ended up at the beach and played in the ocean for awhile!! It was so fun to see the world and how they try to make livings and just live in general. It really makes me appreciate my freedom and good life that I live. The next day we went to Puerto Viarta. There we went whale watching with high hopes we would see some whales. We all were starting to get a little concerned that we weren't going to see any and then we happened to run into a momma, baby and escort whale and we caught them at the best time. The baby just kept jumping and jumping out of the water and rolling and playing!! It was so neat to see them in person and in their element!! The next two days we enjoyed relaxing, the wonderful shows the ship had, a towel folding class, and just being with my hubby!! It has been a REALLY long time since Clay and I had some time alone!! It was so fun to be with him and have fun together!! It was also really fun to spend some one on one time with Clay's mom and dad!! We had so much fun with them and are truly grateful for them in our lives. Thank you so much Tony and Cindy!! We had so much fun!! Thanks for a trip we will never forget!! We love you!! It was so fun to go and be away but it was so much fun to come home to our sweet girls and just squeeze them!! I missed them so much!! In the end all I have to say is Mexico you probably will see me again!! I just don't know when!! Hopefully someday soon!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My date with Shaun T & Insanity!!


So the name TOTALLY fits the workout!!! That is about all I have to say!! But I am totally loving it even though it kicks my trash everyday!! I have wanted to do something for awhile to get back into shape and feel good about myself after having 2 babies but I just thought I would wait till the weather got nice enough I could just load the girls up in the stroller and walk every morning. Well my girlfriend Brooke some how talked me into doing this workout with her and I am so glad she did!! I have been doing it for about 2 1/2 weeks now and I am feeling so good!! It is amazing what 40 minutes a day will do to boost you up and really make you feel good!! And I am actually toning up which is my main goal!! I actually have some muscle definition in my arms and I love it!!! See you in the morning Shaun T !!!! YEAH!!!!!!!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Idaho and Back

Clay and I at Bubba Gumps in Florida!!! Such a fun place!!!
Reagan helping me pack my suitcase to go to Florida!! She didn't want me to leave her!!!
Ryley and her AMAZING decorating skills!! I was so proud of her!! She did them all by herself!

WOW!!! What a crazy past couple of months it has been!! I am still wondering where the time has gone! So just to recap since my last post we were super busy in December getting ready for Christmas and getting ready to go to Idaho for 5 weeks!!! Christmas was a blast and it was so fun to watch the girls get excited about it!! Ryley really understands it now and was so fun to watch her waiting for Santa and then Christmas morning!! Reagan just wanted to climb up her presents!! Such a silly girl!! We were able to spend some quality time with both of our families and even got to see the newest member of the Allen family Kiley Jo!! She is such a doll!! Clay and I got to go to Florida and leave our babies for the first time ever!! It was so sad to leave but it was so nice at the same time!! We had such a good time minus the fact that when we were there Florida was having record setting LOWS!! Let's just say that I bought a scarf in Florida!!! Oh ya and the next week after we left was back in the 70's!! Now it's funny!! Clay had his big potato show in Idaho and then we came back to Washington so he could have his show here!! The girls are so sweet and I love being home with them every day!! We are just ready for some warm weather so we can go outside!! That about sums it up!!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

My Baby is One!!


Well I can't believe that you have been here for one whole year already!! It just seems like yesterday your dad and I were on our way to the hospital to have you!! Life has been so wonderful having you as part of our family! You came into this world with a big bang!! I couldn't believe you were 9 lbs 5 oz! You had us all shocked!! I can still remember calling Grandma Lloyd after you were born and she was in total disbelief that you were that big. We just had to laugh!! You gave us a little scare because you had fluid in your lungs so they took you away right away to get you on oxygen. I was so sad that I couldn't hold you!! I had waited so long and then I couldn't. It was the best feeling though when I finally got to hold you and look at how beautiful you were!! This last year has been so fun to see you grow and learn. You are one smart little cookie!! You got your first tooth at 7 1/2 months and then got 5 more really fast after that. You never really rolled completely over, you would roll from your back to stomach and then just get mad and then you figured out how to crawl and so rolling was never in it for you. It wasn't long after you started crawling you were pulling up to the couch and cruising all over the place. Then finally at 11 1/2 Months you decided that it was ok and you started walking!! Now your trying to run!!!! You love your sissy!! You follow her around and want to be right by here and play whatever it is she is playing. Ryley loves you so much and has been such a good helper with you!! She makes sure I know when you are crying or sad or do something funny or getting into trouble!!! Reagan you are such a special part of me! I wish I knew how to tell you how much I love you but words don't even begin to express what a mom's love for her child is like. I am so proud of you and I am so grateful I get to be your mommy! I want you to know that your Heavenly Father and Jesus love you so much too and they want you to be happy and do what is right so that together as a family we can one day live with Him again. I love you!!!

Love- Mommy

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Family Pics

I just totally love our family pics!!! My best friend Tiff does an amazing job and I always have such a hard time choosing which ones I want!!!! They are all so cute!!! These are just a few of my favorites!!! I hope you enjoy them!!!!