Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Letter to Barack

I came across the above picture today in my web surfing. Supposedly, outgoing presidents leave notes or a short letter in the desk in the Oval Office of the White House to give little tidbits of private advice to the new incoming president.

Now, I don't really believe this is true - if only because outgoing presidents take their desks and other furniture with them when they leave - but it makes for a bit of humor. This is the letter that Bush supposedly left for Obama.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

This is what happens when you abandon journalism and become simply a mouthpiece for the lunitic fringe

EU further asserts its sovereignty over the UK

"EU to ban selling eggs by the dozen: Shopkeepers' fury as they are told all food must be weighed and sold by the kilo"

June 27, 2010 (Mail Online)
British shoppers are to be banned from buying eggs by the dozen under new regulations approved by the European Parliament.

Me: And you won't be able to buy them by the pound either. Metric system, you know.

God I love federalism. Especially your brand. By this time next year you will be singing a special European national anthem and using the Euro. Mark my words.

You are losing your country by degrees. Wake up. Get the hell out the EU now. And help us get out of NATO.


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