Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day!

Wow, has it really been more than a month since my last post? Ouch. Sorry about that. [Insert lame but true excuses about the holidays and university workload here.]

If you have been missing my unique blend of... whatever-it-is, please head on over to Holy Heroes!! for a long post I did recently about Crucifixion in the Work of Grant Morrison. It caused Eve Tushnet to say "faboo!!!"

Oh, and there was also this little one about The Beast's God.

My next blog project (blogject?) is to post my "ten favourite books read in 2008" and "ten favourite graphic novels read in 2008." I have the lists worked out, but the trouble is coming up with something more thoughtful to say about each one, other than "Great book!" Sadly, most of the books were non-fiction - the only science fiction-with-spiritual-themes that made the list was (drum roll...) Philip K. Dick's UBIK! Ubik is the miracle product! It gets those stains out! It eliminates the heartbreak of psoriasis! Repairs your car! It walks your dog, and doubles on sax! If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you must read... UBIK!

And Happy Inauguration Day to all my American readers and, well, everyone, really. Hello to the new guy and good riddance to the other fellow!

Oh, and here's an interesting oddity. CBC radio evidently decided that President Obama wouldn't have enough to do already, so they asked their audience for help in compiling a mix of great Canadian music for him to listen to. I doubt he'll get around to it, but there are a lot of good tunes on it. Check it out!