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Chatbots Aimed to Fool Humans
Posted by on Monday September 22, @09:41PM
from the circus-sideshows dept.
This BBC article, titled Chatbots Aimed to Fool Humans, talks about the only UK chatbot to be a finalist in this years Loebner Prize -- Rollo Carpenter's Jabberwacky. Carpenter hopes to win the $100,000 Grand Prize by passing the Turing Test, which means that his chatbot will have to fool judges into thinking it is human.

"Nothing is hard-coded, nothing is fixed, and it changes slightly, on its own, every day. Jabberwacky doesn't have just one personality, and to a reasonable degree, tends to reflect the users back to themselves."

Respected cognitive scientist Marvin Minsky has offered a $100.00 Minsky Prize to the first person of to talk Lobner out of his Turing Test contest. According to Luc Steels no serious researchers have ever worked on the Turing Test, "contrary to what many journalists, science fiction authors, and philosophers seem to think."

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Re: Chatbots Aimed to Fool Humans
by on Wednesday September 24, @08:58AM
"Nothing is hard-coded, nothing is fixed, and it changes slightly, on its own, every day. Jabberwacky doesn't have just one personality, and to a reasonable degree, tends to reflect the users back to themselves." I thought the site was just down. It's intentional! ;)
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