Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone. I can't believe Tessa is a week old. She is a good baby and only wakes up once during the night (around 3am). I'm very grateful for that:) She doesn't seem to be too fond of the car seat and car rides. The kids are great with her. Dominic loves to stroke her hair, give kisses, and get me her diapers, wipes, blankets, and clothes, and he's great at throwing the dirty diapers away. Macie loves her to death and couldn't be happier with her sister!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tessa Rae Johnson

Tessa Rae Johnson

So here's the condensed version of the story! I had an apt at 1:30 Tues and was in my hospital bed by 3pm to start antibiotics and oxytocin. The contractions weren't bad and Cole came about 5:30. We watched some tv and got my epidural around 7:30pm and was still only at a 3-4 dialated. At 8pm they broke my water and then I shot up to 7 cm. The epidural was great because this would be the point where I started screaming. I was at a 10 by 9:30 and ready to push by 9:35. Tessa was born at 9:44pm. It was such a calm and peaceful enviornment having an epidural, I loved it! I looked up at Cole in between pushing and said, "This is so weird not to be screaming!" Usually I'd be a sweaty worked up mess and would have Cole in a head lock etc. . . It was a great experience and we are so happy to have her in our family! Macie loves to hold her and Dominic likes to pet her head and face! We're a happy family!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Special Delivery!

Tessa Rae Johnson arrived last night (Tues) at 9:44pm. She is a light, but healthy 6lbs 14oz, 19 3/4inches. She reminds us so much of Dominic and has a full head of dark hair. We're doing great and go home tomorrow. Pictures will be posted Thursday so stay tuned!

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Great Deals and Coupons!

I love a bargain and rarely purchase anything unless it is on sale or on clearance. Check out (I found this link on someones else's blog) for great deals and coupons. I printed a "$5 off Tylenol" product coupon from that website - look at Oct 12 to find it. . . basically you can get some meds for free.

Happy Bargain Shopping!!

Our Costumes . . . 2007

Napolean Dynamite & Deb
(he does have the black moon boots on, I'll post a full shot later)

Football Player & Witch

Happy Halloween

Here are pictures of some of the fun things we've done this month.

Carving Pumpkins

Making Sugar Cookies . . .YUM!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A little about me . . .

So I've been tagged and am supposed to write 6 facts about myself. To join in the fun write 6 facts about yourself and ask 6 others to do the same. So I'm tagging the following people and anyone else who would like to do it: Tanya, Natalie, Nicole, Steff, Jessica & Sarah.

1. I love ice cream. I can eat a whole carton by myself before Cole even realizes I've bought any. My favorite is to curl up on the couch with the carton and a fork and enjoy it while the kids are asleep.

2. I'm an apartment manager. Yeah, you probably think I'm nuts for doing it, but it's really not that bad. We only have 18 units and I hardly do anything. I now understand what people say about how it feels like you're babysitting adults.

3. I love to organize. Give me a messy closet and I'm a happy girl!

4. In the 5 years since I've been married I've been called to serve in the nursery 3 times. 2 of those times I was big and pregnant, but i guess it wasn't too bad.

5. I'm a huge chicken and am for other people also. I never take risks, but am trying to be more brave. I remember on our honeymoon when we went to this neat cave and when Cole got off the path to walk on the rocks I totally flipped out. Sorry sweetie!

6. I met Cole, my husband, when I was just 14 and instantly fell in love. Once I got to highschool I basically stalked him. I would make sure I walked by his locker each time I went to class even if it was totally out of the way. It must have paid off because we've been married five years and are about to welcome our 3rd child any day.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Why do I . . . ?

. . . let the kids go outside to jump in the puddles even though they have colds? Because it's fun, if we didn't they wouldn't be able to go outside until next June, remember we live in Oregon, and they love it!

. . . let the kids make a mess in the kitchen sink? It gives them something to do while I rest for a few or finally get some work done!

Friday, October 5, 2007

False Alarm

Yesturday I woke up at 2 am with contractions. As in the the past they started out regular and by 4 am I got out of bed (obviously I wasn't sleeping) and kept track of how far apart they really were. Well they were 5-6 minutes apart. So I woke Cole at 5 am and called my mom to come over. We got to the hospital before 6 and they put the monitors on me. The contractions were getting more uncomfortable. About 7:30 they moved me to an actual room and then checked me about 8am. I was only at a 2 and 75% effaced. Cole had already canceled his patients so we headed to the stairs and went up and down about 8 stories hoping to get things going, I did this twice. However I noticed the contractions tapering off. AHHHHHHH! They checked me again at 10 am and I was still at a 2. How frustrating and sad. We headed home quite disappointed! So after having those regular contractions for 7 hrs they started to stop and faded completly by noon. Needless to say I'm still pregnant, not having contractions, and have sore legs:) Oh well, she'll come soon right?!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Trip to the Pumpkin Patch

Macie's preschool already took their trip to the pumpkin patch. A great way to start October!

There was a petting zoo.

Macie's teacher Senora Imma and friend Gabrielle.