Where has the time gone! Tessa is 4 weeks today. Her first 2 weeks were calm and life was slow, but now it's back to swimming lessons, trying to rent 2 apts, making my own meals, school, and daily life. Here are a few of the highlights.
My Mess Maker
It never fails . . . you lock up one drawer and they become interested in another. Dominic is the royal mess maker. Some of his lastest messes are making "toilet soup" with kitchen utensils, squirting toothpaste all over the table, and licking the middles out of oreo cookies.
Catching Mice!
So it's been a month long saga of mice catching in our apt. I could go on and on about how horrifying it is to see a mouse run past your feet and then poke it's head out by your fridge and tell you how frustrated I am that I'm living with mice, but will spare you. We caught a total of 4 in traps . . .I insisted on covered traps so I wouldn't have to see them . . . seeing the tail was enough to make me put on gloves and quickly throw the trap in a garbage bag. After Cole would get home he'd let the kids see them and they'd take them to the garbage. Macie thought they were cute and Dominic was absolutly fasinated by them. This picture is of him crying by the dumpster because they got thrown away. He stood there for 5 minutes in the rain . . . the holes have been filled and hopefully we won't have any more creatures in our home!!!!