We had a great Christmas Eve lunch with my parents and Bryan and Shayla. We also opened our presents. As always everyone is always so kind and generous to us, when we had nothing to give to them (except our 5 darling kids).
We spent time playing and visiting with them for a few hours.
Then we went to Crystal's house and had more good food and a little Nativity program. Cole and I sang The First Noel and we also acted out Cole's story of "The Littlest Jingle Bell". Man our kids were sure so stinkin cute. They love that story and we always have fun acting it out at home and got to share that with everyone. The 3 little girls were the jingle bells with Alice being the "littlest" one of course. I would hold her up and shake her on her cues and everyone said she would just grin from ear to ear. Macie was the shop keeper and Dominic Santa. They even had their part memorized!
In the evening we went back to our home and had Bry/Shay and my parents over to watch a movie and eat popcorn. After the kids were snug in their beds the adults played the Wi. We did a lot of the games on the balance board. It was so fun and funny!!